The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
3 years ago
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\ImportExport;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport\AbstractImportExport;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport\Exception;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport\AbstractImportExport */
class TestFile extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
protected $vfs;
protected $path;
protected $proc;
public function setUp(): void {
// create a mock Import/Export processor with stubbed underlying import/export routines
$this->proc = $this->partialMock(AbstractImportExport::class);
$this->vfs = vfsStream::setup("root", null, [
'exportGoodFile' => "",
'exportGoodDir' => [],
'exportBadFile' => "",
'exportBadDir' => [],
'importGoodFile' => "GOOD_FILE",
'importBadFile' => "",
$this->path = $this->vfs->url()."/";
// make the "bad" entries inaccessible
chmod($this->path."exportBadFile", 0000);
chmod($this->path."exportBadDir", 0000);
chmod($this->path."importBadFile", 0000);
public function tearDown(): void {
$this->path = null;
$this->vfs = null;
$this->proc = null;
/** @dataProvider provideFileExports */
4 years ago
public function testExportToAFile(string $file, string $user, bool $flat, $exp): void {
$path = $this->path.$file;
try {
if ($exp instanceof \JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException) {
$this->proc->get()->exportFile($path, $user, $flat);
} else {
$this->assertSame($exp, $this->proc->get()->exportFile($path, $user, $flat));
$this->assertSame("EXPORT_FILE", $this->vfs->getChild($file)->getContent());
} finally {
$this->proc->export->calledWith($user, $flat);
public function provideFileExports(): iterable {
$createException = new Exception("fileUncreatable");
$writeException = new Exception("fileUnwritable");
return [
["exportGoodFile", "", true, true],
["exportGoodFile", "", false, true],
["exportGoodFile", "", true, true],
["exportGoodFile", "", false, true],
["exportGoodDir/file", "", true, true],
["exportGoodDir/file", "", false, true],
["exportGoodDir/file", "", true, true],
["exportGoodDir/file", "", false, true],
["exportBadFile", "", true, $writeException],
["exportBadFile", "", false, $writeException],
["exportBadFile", "", true, $writeException],
["exportBadFile", "", false, $writeException],
["exportBadDir/file", "", true, $createException],
["exportBadDir/file", "", false, $createException],
["exportBadDir/file", "", true, $createException],
["exportBadDir/file", "", false, $createException],
/** @dataProvider provideFileImports */
4 years ago
public function testImportFromAFile(string $file, string $user, bool $flat, bool $replace, $exp): void {
$path = $this->path.$file;
try {
if ($exp instanceof \JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException) {
$this->proc->get()->importFile($path, $user, $flat, $replace);
} else {
$this->assertSame($exp, $this->proc->get()->importFile($path, $user, $flat, $replace));
} finally {
$this->proc->import->times((int) ($exp === true))->calledWith($user, "GOOD_FILE", $flat, $replace);
public function provideFileImports(): iterable {
$missingException = new Exception("fileMissing");
$permissionException = new Exception("fileUnreadable");
return [
["importGoodFile", "", true, true, true],
["importBadFile", "", true, true, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", true, true, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", true, false, true],
["importBadFile", "", true, false, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", true, false, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", false, true, true],
["importBadFile", "", false, true, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", false, true, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", false, false, true],
["importBadFile", "", false, false, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", false, false, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", true, true, true],
["importBadFile", "", true, true, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", true, true, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", true, false, true],
["importBadFile", "", true, false, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", true, false, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", false, true, true],
["importBadFile", "", false, true, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", false, true, $missingException],
["importGoodFile", "", false, false, true],
["importBadFile", "", false, false, $permissionException],
["importNonFile", "", false, false, $missingException],