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# About
<dt>Supported since</dt>
<dt>dbDriver identifier</dt>
<dt>Minimum version</dt>
<dd><a href="/en/Getting_Started/Configuration#page_Database-settings">General</a>, <a href="/en/Getting_Started/Configuration#page_Database-settings-specific-to-PostgreSQL">Specific</a></dd>
If for whatever reason an SQLite database does not suit your configuration, PostgreSQL is the best alternative. It is functionally equivalent to SQLite in every way.
# Set-up
In order to use a PostgreSQL database for The Arsse, the database must already exist. The procedure for creating a database can differ between systems, but a typical Linux procedure is as follows:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER arsseuser WITH PASSWORD 'super secret password'"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE arssedb WITH OWNER arsseuser"
Tha Arsse must then be configured to use the created database. A suitable [configuration file](/en/Getting_Started/Configuration) might look like this:
return [
'dbDriver' => "postgresql",
'dbPostgreSQLUser' => "arsseuser",
'dbPostgreSQLPass' => "super secret password",
'dbPostgreSQLDb' => "arssedb",
Numerous alternate configurations are possible; the above is merely the simplest.