The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

339 lines
15 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
trait SeriesFolder {
5 years ago
protected function setUpSeriesFolder(): void {
$this->data = [
'arsse_users' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => 'str',
'password' => 'str',
'num' => 'int',
'rows' => [
["", "",1],
["", "",2],
'arsse_folders' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'owner' => "str",
'parent' => "int",
'name' => "str",
/* Layout translates to:
'rows' => [
[1, "", null, "Technology"],
[2, "", 1, "Software"],
[3, "", 1, "Rocketry"],
[4, "", null, "Politics"],
[5, "", null, "Politics"],
[6, "", 2, "Politics"],
5 years ago
'arsse_feeds' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'url' => "str",
'title' => "str",
'rows' => [
[1,"", "Feed 1"],
[2,"", "Feed 2"],
[3,"", "Feed 3"],
[4,"", "Feed 4"],
[5,"", "Feed 5"],
[6,"", "Feed 6"],
[7,"", "Feed 7"],
[8,"", "Feed 8"],
[9,"", "Feed 9"],
[10,"", "Feed 10"],
[11,"", "Feed 11"],
[12,"", "Feed 12"],
[13,"", "Feed 13"],
5 years ago
'arsse_subscriptions' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'owner' => "str",
'feed' => "int",
'folder' => "int",
'rows' => [
[1, "",1, null],
[2, "",2, null],
[3, "",3, 1],
[4, "",4, 6],
[5, "",5, 5],
[6, "",10, 5],
[7, "",1, null],
[8, "",10,null],
[9, "",2, 4],
[10,"",3, 4],
[11,"",4, 4],
5 years ago
5 years ago
protected function tearDownSeriesFolder(): void {
5 years ago
public function testAddARootFolder(): void {
$user = "";
$folderID = $this->nextID("arsse_folders");
$this->assertSame($folderID, Arsse::$db->folderAdd($user, ['name' => "Entertainment"]));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
$state['arsse_folders']['rows'][] = [$folderID, $user, null, "Entertainment"];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testAddADuplicateRootFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => "Politics"]);
5 years ago
public function testAddANestedFolder(): void {
$user = "";
$folderID = $this->nextID("arsse_folders");
$this->assertSame($folderID, Arsse::$db->folderAdd($user, ['name' => "GNOME", 'parent' => 2]));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
$state['arsse_folders']['rows'][] = [$folderID, $user, 2, "GNOME"];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testAddANestedFolderToAMissingParent(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => "Sociology", 'parent' => 2112]);
5 years ago
public function testAddANestedFolderToAnInvalidParent(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => "Sociology", 'parent' => "stringFolderId"]);
5 years ago
public function testAddANestedFolderForTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => "Sociology", 'parent' => 4]); // folder ID 4 belongs to Jane
5 years ago
public function testAddAFolderWithAMissingName(): void {
$this->assertException("missing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", []);
5 years ago
public function testAddAFolderWithABlankName(): void {
$this->assertException("missing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => ""]);
5 years ago
public function testAddAFolderWithAWhitespaceName(): void {
$this->assertException("whitespace", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderAdd("", ['name' => " "]);
5 years ago
public function testListRootFolders(): void {
$exp = [
['id' => 5, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 2],
['id' => 1, 'name' => "Technology", 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 1],
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", null, false));
$exp = [
['id' => 4, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0],
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", null, false));
$exp = [];
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", null, false));
5 years ago
public function testListFoldersRecursively(): void {
$exp = [
['id' => 5, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 2],
['id' => 6, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => 2, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1],
['id' => 3, 'name' => "Rocketry", 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0],
['id' => 2, 'name' => "Software", 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 0],
['id' => 1, 'name' => "Technology", 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 1],
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", null, true));
$exp = [
['id' => 6, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => 2, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1],
['id' => 3, 'name' => "Rocketry", 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0],
['id' => 2, 'name' => "Software", 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 0],
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", 1, true));
$exp = [];
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->folderList("", 4, true));
5 years ago
public function testListFoldersOfAMissingParent(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderList("", 2112);
5 years ago
public function testListFoldersOfTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderList("", 4); // folder ID 4 belongs to Jane
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAFolder(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderRemove("", 6));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAFolderTree(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderRemove("", 1));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
foreach ([0,1,2,5] as $index) {
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderRemove("", 2112);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAnInvalidFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderRemove("", -1);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAFolderOfTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderRemove("", 4); // folder ID 4 belongs to Jane
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAFolder(): void {
$exp = [
'id' => 6,
'name' => "Politics",
'parent' => 2,
$this->assertArraySubset($exp, Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet("", 6));
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet("", 2112);
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAnInvalidFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet("", -1);
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAFolderOfTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet("", 4); // folder ID 4 belongs to Jane
5 years ago
public function testMakeNoChangesToAFolder(): void {
$this->assertFalse(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, []));
5 years ago
public function testRenameAFolder(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['name' => "Opinion"]));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
$state['arsse_folders']['rows'][5][3] = "Opinion";
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testRenameTheRootFolder(): void {
$this->assertFalse(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", null, ['name' => "Opinion"]));
5 years ago
public function testRenameAFolderToTheEmptyString(): void {
$this->assertException("missing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['name' => ""]));
5 years ago
public function testRenameAFolderToWhitespaceOnly(): void {
$this->assertException("whitespace", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['name' => " "]));
5 years ago
public function testRenameAFolderToAnInvalidValue(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['name' => []]));
5 years ago
public function testMoveAFolder(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['parent' => 5]));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_folders' => ['id','owner', 'parent', 'name']]);
$state['arsse_folders']['rows'][5][2] = 5; // parent should have changed
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testMoveTheRootFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("circularDependence", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 0, ['parent' => 1]);
5 years ago
public function testMoveAFolderToItsDescendant(): void {
$this->assertException("circularDependence", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 1, ['parent' => 3]);
5 years ago
public function testMoveAFolderToItself(): void {
$this->assertException("circularDependence", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 1, ['parent' => 1]);
5 years ago
public function testMoveAFolderToAMissingParent(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 1, ['parent' => 2112]);
5 years ago
public function testMoveAFolderToAnInvalidParent(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 1, ['parent' => "ThisFolderDoesNotExist"]);
5 years ago
public function testCauseAFolderCollision(): void {
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 6, ['parent' => null]);
5 years ago
public function testCauseACompoundFolderCollision(): void {
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 3, ['parent' => null, 'name' => "Technology"]);
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 2112, ['parent' => null]);
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAnInvalidFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", -1, ['parent' => null]);
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAFolderForTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet("", 4, ['parent' => null]); // folder ID 4 belongs to Jane