The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
19 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\REST;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Handler;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception501;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\NextcloudNews\V1_2 as NCN;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API as TTRSS;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Request;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response;
use Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\TextResponse;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST */
class TestREST extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
/** @dataProvider provideApiMatchData */
5 years ago
public function testMatchAUrlToAnApi($apiList, string $input, array $exp): void {
$r = new REST($apiList);
try {
$out = $r->apiMatch($input);
} catch (Exception501 $e) {
$out = [];
$this->assertEquals($exp, $out);
public function provideApiMatchData(): iterable {
$real = null;
$fake = [
'unstripped' => ['match' => "/full/url", 'strip' => "", 'class' => "UnstrippedProtocol"],
return [
[$real, "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2/feeds", ["ncn_v1-2", "/feeds", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\NextcloudNews\V1_2::class]],
[$real, "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2", ["ncn", "/v1-2", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\NextcloudNews\Versions::class]],
[$real, "/index.php/apps/news/api/", ["ncn", "/", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\NextcloudNews\Versions::class]],
[$real, "/index%2Ephp/apps/news/api/", ["ncn", "/", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\NextcloudNews\Versions::class]],
[$real, "/index.php/apps/news/", []],
[$real, "/index!php/apps/news/api/", []],
[$real, "/tt-rss/api/index.php", ["ttrss_api", "/index.php", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::class]],
[$real, "/tt-rss/api", ["ttrss_api", "", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::class]],
[$real, "/tt-rss/API", []],
[$real, "/tt-rss/api-bogus", []],
[$real, "/tt-rss/api bogus", []],
[$real, "/tt-rss/feed-icons/", ["ttrss_icon", "", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\Icon::class]],
[$real, "/tt-rss/feed-icons/", ["ttrss_icon", "", \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\Icon::class]],
[$real, "/tt-rss/feed-icons", []],
[$fake, "/full/url/", ["unstripped", "/full/url/", "UnstrippedProtocol"]],
[$fake, "/full/url-not", []],
/** @dataProvider provideAuthenticableRequests */
5 years ago
public function testAuthenticateRequests(array $serverParams, array $expAttr): void {
$r = new REST();
// create a mock user manager
Arsse::$user = \Phake::mock(User::class);
\Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth("", "secret")->thenReturn(true);
\Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth("", "")->thenReturn(true);
\Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth("", "")->thenReturn(true);
// create an input server request
$req = new ServerRequest($serverParams);
// create the expected output
$exp = $req;
foreach ($expAttr as $key => $value) {
$exp = $exp->withAttribute($key, $value);
$act = $r->authenticateRequest($req);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $act);
public function provideAuthenticableRequests(): iterable {
return [
[['PHP_AUTH_USER' => "", 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => "secret"], ['authenticated' => true, 'authenticatedUser' => ""]],
[['PHP_AUTH_USER' => "", 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => "secret", 'REMOTE_USER' => ""], ['authenticated' => true, 'authenticatedUser' => ""]],
[['PHP_AUTH_USER' => "", 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => "secret"], ['authenticationFailed' => true]],
[['PHP_AUTH_USER' => "", 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => "superman"], ['authenticationFailed' => true]],
[['REMOTE_USER' => ""], ['authenticated' => true, 'authenticatedUser' => ""]],
[['REMOTE_USER' => ""], ['authenticated' => true, 'authenticatedUser' => ""]],
[['REMOTE_USER' => ""], ['authenticationFailed' => true]],
[[], []],
5 years ago
public function testSendAuthenticationChallenges(): void {
$r = new REST();
$in = new EmptyResponse(401);
$exp = $in->withHeader("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="OOK", charset="UTF-8"');
$act = $r->challenge($in, "OOK");
$this->assertMessage($exp, $act);
$exp = $in->withHeader("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="'.Arsse::$conf->httpRealm.'", charset="UTF-8"');
$act = $r->challenge($in);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $act);
/** @dataProvider provideUnnormalizedOrigins */
5 years ago
public function testNormalizeOrigins(string $origin, string $exp, array $ports = null): void {
$r = new REST();
$act = $r->corsNormalizeOrigin($origin, $ports);
$this->assertSame($exp, $act);
public function provideUnnormalizedOrigins(): iterable {
return [
["null", "null"],
["", ""],
["", ""],
["", ""],
["", ""],
["http://[2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:2:1]", "http://[2001:db8::2:1]"],
["http://example", "http://example"],
["http://ex%41mple", "http://example"],
["", ""],
["", ""],
["http://example/", ""],
["http://example?", ""],
["http://example#", ""],
["http://user@example", ""],
["http://user:pass@example", ""],
["http://[example", ""],
["http://[2bef]", ""],
["http://example%2F", "http://example%2F"],
["HTTP://example", "http://example"],
["HTTP://EXAMPLE", "http://example"],
["%48%54%54%50://example", "http://example"],
["http:%2F%2Fexample", ""],
["https://example", "https://example"],
["https://example:443", "https://example"],
["https://example:80", "https://example:80"],
["ssh://example", "ssh://example"],
["ssh://example:22", "ssh://example:22"],
["ssh://example:22", "ssh://example", ['ssh' => 22]],
["SSH://example:22", "ssh://example", ['ssh' => 22]],
["ssh://example:22", "ssh://example", ['ssh' => "22"]],
["ssh://example:22", "ssh://example:22", ['SSH' => "22"]],
/** @dataProvider provideCorsNegotiations */
5 years ago
public function testNegotiateCors($origin, bool $exp, string $allowed = null, string $denied = null): void {
$r = \Phake::partialMock(REST::class);
\Phake::when($r)->corsNormalizeOrigin->thenReturnCallback(function($origin) {
return $origin;
$headers = isset($origin) ? ['Origin' => $origin] : [];
$req = new Request("", "GET", "php://memory", $headers);
$act = $r->corsNegotiate($req, $allowed, $denied);
$this->assertSame($exp, $act);
public function provideCorsNegotiations(): iterable {
return [
["http://example", true ],
["http://example", true, "http://example", "*" ],
["http://example", false, "http://example", "http://example"],
["http://example", false, "https://example", "*" ],
["http://example", false, "*", "*" ],
["http://example", true, "*", "" ],
["http://example", false, "", "" ],
["null", false ],
["null", true, "null", "*" ],
["null", false, "null", "null" ],
["null", false, "*", "*" ],
["null", false, "*", "" ],
["null", false, "", "" ],
["", false ],
["", false, "", "*" ],
["", false, "", "" ],
["", false, "*", "*" ],
["", false, "*", "" ],
[["null", "http://example"], false, "*", "" ],
[null, false, "*", "" ],
/** @dataProvider provideCorsHeaders */
5 years ago
public function testAddCorsHeaders(string $reqMethod, array $reqHeaders, array $resHeaders, array $expHeaders): void {
$r = new REST();
$req = new Request("", $reqMethod, "php://memory", $reqHeaders);
$res = new EmptyResponse(204, $resHeaders);
$exp = new EmptyResponse(204, $expHeaders);
$act = $r->corsApply($res, $req);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $act);
public function provideCorsHeaders(): iterable {
return [
["GET", ['Origin' => "null"], [], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "null",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Vary' => "Origin",
["GET", ['Origin' => "http://example"], [], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Vary' => "Origin",
["GET", ['Origin' => "http://example"], ['Content-Type' => "text/plain; charset=utf-8"], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Vary' => "Origin",
'Content-Type' => "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
["GET", ['Origin' => "http://example"], ['Vary' => "Content-Type"], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Vary' => ["Content-Type", "Origin"],
["OPTIONS", ['Origin' => "http://example"], [], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => (string) (60 * 60 * 24),
'Vary' => "Origin",
["OPTIONS", ['Origin' => "http://example"], ['Allow' => "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS"], [
5 years ago
'Allow' => "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS",
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS",
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => (string) (60 * 60 * 24),
'Vary' => "Origin",
["OPTIONS", ['Origin' => "http://example", 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' => "Content-Type, If-None-Match"], [], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => "Content-Type, If-None-Match",
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => (string) (60 * 60 * 24),
'Vary' => "Origin",
["OPTIONS", ['Origin' => "http://example", 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' => ["Content-Type", "If-None-Match"]], [], [
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => "http://example",
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => "true",
5 years ago
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => "Content-Type,If-None-Match",
'Access-Control-Max-Age' => (string) (60 * 60 * 24),
'Vary' => "Origin",
/** @dataProvider provideUnnormalizedResponses */
5 years ago
public function testNormalizeHttpResponses(ResponseInterface $res, ResponseInterface $exp, RequestInterface $req = null): void {
$r = \Phake::partialMock(REST::class);
\Phake::when($r)->challenge->thenReturnCallback(function($res) {
return $res->withHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Fake Value");
\Phake::when($r)->corsApply->thenReturnCallback(function($res) {
return $res;
$act = $r->normalizeResponse($res, $req);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $act);
public function provideUnnormalizedResponses(): iterable {
$stream = fopen("php://memory", "w+b");
fwrite($stream, "ook");
return [
[new EmptyResponse(204), new EmptyResponse(204)],
[new EmptyResponse(401), new EmptyResponse(401, ['WWW-Authenticate' => "Fake Value"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT"]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, OPTIONS"]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT,OPTIONS"]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => ["PUT", "OPTIONS"]]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => ["PUT, DELETE", "OPTIONS"]]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "HEAD,GET"]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "HEAD, GET, OPTIONS"])],
[new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "GET"]), new EmptyResponse(204, ['Allow' => "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS"])],
[new TextResponse("ook", 200), new TextResponse("ook", 200, ['Content-Length' => "3"])],
[new TextResponse("", 200), new TextResponse("", 200, ['Content-Length' => "0"])],
[new TextResponse("ook", 404), new TextResponse("ook", 404, ['Content-Length' => "3"])],
[new TextResponse("", 404), new TextResponse("", 404)],
[new Response($stream, 200), new Response($stream, 200, ['Content-Length' => "3"]), new Request("", "GET")],
[new Response($stream, 200), new EmptyResponse(200, ['Content-Length' => "3"]), new Request("", "HEAD")],
5 years ago
public function testCreateHandlers(): void {
$r = new REST();
foreach (REST::API_LIST as $api) {
$class = $api['class'];
$this->assertInstanceOf(Handler::class, $r->getHandler($class));
/** @dataProvider provideMockRequests */
5 years ago
public function testDispatchRequests(ServerRequest $req, string $method, bool $called, string $class = "", string $target = ""): void {
$r = \Phake::partialMock(REST::class);
\Phake::when($r)->normalizeResponse->thenReturnCallback(function($res) {
return $res;
\Phake::when($r)->authenticateRequest->thenReturnCallback(function($req) {
return $req;
if ($called) {
$h = \Phake::mock($class);
\Phake::when($h)->dispatch->thenReturn(new EmptyResponse(204));
$out = $r->dispatch($req);
$this->assertInstanceOf(ResponseInterface::class, $out);
if ($called) {
$this->assertSame($method, $in->getMethod());
$this->assertSame($target, $in->getRequestTarget());
} else {
$this->assertSame(501, $out->getStatusCode());
public function provideMockRequests(): iterable {
return [
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2/feeds", "GET"), "GET", true, NCN::class, "/feeds"],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2/feeds", "HEAD"), "GET", true, NCN::class, "/feeds"],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2/feeds", "get"), "GET", true, NCN::class, "/feeds"],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/index.php/apps/news/api/v1-2/feeds", "head"), "GET", true, NCN::class, "/feeds"],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/tt-rss/api/", "POST"), "POST", true, TTRSS::class, "/"],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/no/such/api/", "HEAD"), "GET", false],
[new ServerRequest([], [], "/no/such/api/", "GET"), "GET", false],