The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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use Robo\Result;
* This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.
* @see
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
/** Runs the full test suite */
public function test(array $args): Result {
// start the built-in PHP server, which is required for some of the tests
// run tests
$execpath = realpath(self::BASE."vendor-bin/phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit");
$confpath = realpath(self::BASE_TEST."phpunit.xml");
return $this->taskExec("php")->arg($execpath)->option("-c", $confpath)->args($args)->run();
/** Runs a quick subset of the test suite */
public function testQuick(array $args): Result {
return $this->test(array_merge(["--exclude-group","slow"], $args));
public function coverage(array $args): Result {
// start the built-in PHP server, which is required for some of the tests
// run tests with code coverage reporting enabled
$exec = $this->findCoverageEngine();
$execpath = realpath(self::BASE."vendor-bin/phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit");
$confpath = realpath(self::BASE_TEST."phpunit.xml");
return $this->taskExec($exec)->arg($execpath)->option("-c", $confpath)->option("--coverage-html", self::BASE_TEST."coverage")->args($args)->run();
// run the test suite with code coverage reporting enabled
return $this->test(array_merge(["--coverage-html",self::BASE_TEST."coverage"], $args));
protected function findCoverageEngine(): string {
$null = null;
$code = 0;
exec("phpdbg --version", $null, $code);
if (!$code) {
return "phpdbg -qrr";
} else {
return "php";
public function package(array $args): Result {
// establish which commit to package
$version = $args ? $args[0] : $this->askDefault("Commit to package:", "head");
$archive = self::BASE."arsse-$version.tar.gz";
// start a collection
$t = $this->collectionBuilder();
// create a temporary directory
$dir = $t->tmpDir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// create a Git worktree for the selected commit in the temp location
$t->taskExec("git worktree add ".escapeshellarg($dir)." ".escapeshellarg($version));
// perform Composer installation in the temp location
// delete unwanted files
// generate a sample configuration file
$t->taskExec("php arsse.php conf save-defaults config.defaults.php")->dir($dir);
// package it all up
$t->taskPack($archive)->addDir("arsse", $dir);
// execute the collection
$out = $t->run();
// clean the Git worktree list
$this->_exec("git worktree prune");
return $out;