The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

539 lines
22 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Database;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception as FeedException;
trait SeriesSubscription {
5 years ago
public function setUpSeriesSubscription(): void {
$this->data = [
'arsse_users' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => 'str',
'password' => 'str',
'num' => 'int',
'rows' => [
["", "", 1],
["", "", 2],
4 years ago
["", "", 3],
["", "", 4],
'arsse_folders' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'owner' => "str",
'parent' => "int",
'name' => "str",
'rows' => [
[1, "", null, "Technology"],
[2, "", 1, "Software"],
[3, "", 1, "Rocketry"],
[4, "", null, "Politics"],
[5, "", null, "Politics"],
[6, "", 2, "Politics"],
5 years ago
'arsse_icons' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'url' => "str",
'rows' => [
'arsse_feeds' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'url' => "str",
'title' => "str",
'username' => "str",
'password' => "str",
'updated' => "datetime",
'next_fetch' => "datetime",
'icon' => "int",
'rows' => [
[1,"", "Ook", "", "",strtotime("now"),strtotime("now"),null],
[2,"", "eek", "", "",strtotime("now - 1 hour"),strtotime("now - 1 hour"),1],
[3,"", "Ack", "", "",strtotime("now + 1 hour"),strtotime("now + 1 hour"),null],
'arsse_subscriptions' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'owner' => "str",
'feed' => "int",
'title' => "str",
'folder' => "int",
'pinned' => "bool",
'order_type' => "int",
'keep_rule' => "str",
'block_rule' => "str",
'scrape' => "bool",
'rows' => [
5 years ago
'arsse_tags' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'owner' => "str",
'name' => "str",
'rows' => [
'arsse_tag_members' => [
'columns' => [
5 years ago
'tag' => "int",
'subscription' => "int",
5 years ago
'assigned' => "bool",
'rows' => [
'arsse_articles' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'feed' => "int",
'url_title_hash' => "str",
'url_content_hash' => "str",
'title_content_hash' => "str",
'title' => "str",
'rows' => [
[1,2,"","","","Title 1"],
[2,2,"","","","Title 2"],
[3,2,"","","","Title 3"],
[4,2,"","","","Title 4"],
[5,2,"","","","Title 5"],
[6,3,"","","","Title 6"],
[7,3,"","","","Title 7"],
[8,3,"","","","Title 8"],
'arsse_editions' => [
'columns' => [
'id' => "int",
'article' => "int",
'rows' => [
'arsse_categories' => [
'columns' => [
'article' => "int",
'name' => "str",
'rows' => [
5 years ago
'arsse_marks' => [
'columns' => [
'article' => "int",
'subscription' => "int",
'read' => "bool",
'starred' => "bool",
'hidden' => "bool",
'rows' => [
5 years ago
// initialize a partial mock of the Database object to later manipulate the feedUpdate method
Arsse::$db = \Phake::partialMock(Database::class, static::$drv);
$this->user = "";
5 years ago
protected function tearDownSeriesSubscription(): void {
unset($this->data, $this->user);
5 years ago
public function testAddASubscriptionToAnExistingFeed(): void {
$url = "";
$subID = $this->nextID("arsse_subscriptions");
$this->assertSame($subID, Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url));
\Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::times(0))->feedUpdate(1, true);
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed'],
$state['arsse_subscriptions']['rows'][] = [$subID,$this->user,1];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testAddASubscriptionToANewFeed(): void {
$url = "";
$feedID = $this->nextID("arsse_feeds");
$subID = $this->nextID("arsse_subscriptions");
7 years ago
$this->assertSame($subID, Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url, "", "", false));
\Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate($feedID, true, false);
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed'],
$state['arsse_feeds']['rows'][] = [$feedID,$url,"",""];
$state['arsse_subscriptions']['rows'][] = [$subID,$this->user,$feedID];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testAddASubscriptionToANewFeedViaDiscovery(): void {
7 years ago
$url = "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Valid";
$discovered = "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Feed";
$feedID = $this->nextID("arsse_feeds");
$subID = $this->nextID("arsse_subscriptions");
7 years ago
$this->assertSame($subID, Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url, "", "", true));
\Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate($feedID, true, false);
7 years ago
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed'],
$state['arsse_feeds']['rows'][] = [$feedID,$discovered,"",""];
$state['arsse_subscriptions']['rows'][] = [$subID,$this->user,$feedID];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
7 years ago
5 years ago
public function testAddASubscriptionToAnInvalidFeed(): void {
$url = "";
$feedID = $this->nextID("arsse_feeds");
\Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate->thenThrow(new FeedException("", ['url' => $url], $this->mockGuzzleException(ClientException::class, "", 404)));
$this->assertException("invalidUrl", "Feed");
try {
7 years ago
Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url, "", "", false);
} finally {
\Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate($feedID, true, false);
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed'],
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testAddADuplicateSubscription(): void {
$url = "";
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url);
5 years ago
public function testAddADuplicateSubscriptionWithEquivalentUrl(): void {
$url = "http://EXAMPLE.COM/feed2";
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url);
5 years ago
public function testAddADuplicateSubscriptionViaRedirection(): void {
$url = "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Parsing/Valid";
Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url);
$subID = $this->nextID("arsse_subscriptions");
$url = "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Fetching/RedirectionDuplicate";
$this->assertSame($subID, Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($this->user, $url));
5 years ago
public function testRemoveASubscription(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove($this->user, 1));
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed'],
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove($this->user, 2112);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveAnInvalidSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove($this->user, -1);
5 years ago
public function testRemoveASubscriptionForTheWrongOwner(): void {
$this->user = "";
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove($this->user, 1);
5 years ago
public function testListSubscriptions(): void {
$exp = [
'url' => "",
'title' => "eek",
'folder' => null,
'top_folder' => null,
'folder_name' => null,
'top_folder_name' => null,
'unread' => 4,
'pinned' => 1,
'order_type' => 2,
'url' => "",
'title' => "Ook",
'folder' => 2,
'top_folder' => 1,
'folder_name' => "Software",
'top_folder_name' => "Technology",
'unread' => 2,
'pinned' => 0,
'order_type' => 1,
7 years ago
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($this->user));
$this->assertArraySubset($exp[0], Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet($this->user, 1));
$this->assertArraySubset($exp[1], Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet($this->user, 3));
// test that an absence of marks does not corrupt unread count
$exp = [
'url' => "",
'title' => "eek",
'folder' => null,
'top_folder' => null,
'unread' => 5,
'pinned' => 0,
'order_type' => 0,
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(""));
5 years ago
public function testListSubscriptionsInAFolder(): void {
$exp = [
'url' => "",
'title' => "eek",
'folder' => null,
'top_folder' => null,
'unread' => 4,
'pinned' => 1,
'order_type' => 2,
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($this->user, null, false));
5 years ago
public function testListSubscriptionsWithoutRecursion(): void {
$exp = [
'url' => "",
'title' => "Ook",
'folder' => 2,
'top_folder' => 1,
'unread' => 2,
'pinned' => 0,
'order_type' => 1,
$this->assertResult($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($this->user, 2));
5 years ago
public function testListSubscriptionsInAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($this->user, 4);
5 years ago
public function testCountSubscriptions(): void {
$this->assertSame(2, Arsse::$db->subscriptionCount($this->user));
$this->assertSame(1, Arsse::$db->subscriptionCount($this->user, 2));
5 years ago
public function testCountSubscriptionsInAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionCount($this->user, 4);
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet($this->user, 2112);
5 years ago
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAnInvalidSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet($this->user, -1);
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfASubscription(): void {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, [
5 years ago
'title' => "Ook Ook",
'folder' => 3,
'pinned' => false,
'scrape' => true,
'order_type' => 0,
'keep_rule' => "ook",
'block_rule' => "eek",
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, [
'arsse_feeds' => ['id','url','username','password','title'],
'arsse_subscriptions' => ['id','owner','feed','title','folder','pinned','order_type','keep_rule','block_rule','scrape'],
$state['arsse_subscriptions']['rows'][0] = [1,"",2,"Ook Ook",3,0,0,"ook","eek",1];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, [
'title' => null,
'keep_rule' => null,
'block_rule' => null,
$state['arsse_subscriptions']['rows'][0] = [1,"",2,null,3,0,0,null,null,1];
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
// making no changes is a valid result
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, ['unhinged' => true]);
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);
5 years ago
public function testMoveASubscriptionToAMissingFolder(): void {
$this->assertException("idMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, ['folder' => 4]);
5 years ago
public function testMoveASubscriptionToTheRootFolder(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 3, ['folder' => null]));
/** @dataProvider provideInvalidSubscriptionProperties */
public function testSetThePropertiesOfASubscriptionToInvalidValues(array $data, string $exp): void {
$this->assertException($exp, "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, $data);
public function provideInvalidSubscriptionProperties(): iterable {
return [
'Empty title' => [['title' => ""], "missing"],
'Whitespace title' => [['title' => " "], "whitespace"],
'Non-string title' => [['title' => []], "typeViolation"],
'Non-string keep rule' => [['keep_rule' => 0], "typeViolation"],
'Invalid keep rule' => [['keep_rule' => "*"], "invalidValue"],
'Non-string block rule' => [['block_rule' => 0], "typeViolation"],
'Invalid block rule' => [['block_rule' => "*"], "invalidValue"],
5 years ago
public function testRenameASubscriptionToZero(): void {
$this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 1, ['title' => 0]));
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, 2112, ['folder' => null]);
5 years ago
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAnInvalidSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($this->user, -1, ['folder' => null]);
5 years ago
public function testRetrieveTheFaviconOfASubscription(): void {
$exp = "";
$this->assertSame($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon(null, 1)['url']);
$this->assertSame($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon(null, 2)['url']);
$this->assertSame(null, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon(null, 3));
public function testRetrieveTheFaviconOfAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon(null, -2112);
5 years ago
public function testRetrieveTheFaviconOfASubscriptionWithUser(): void {
$exp = "";
$user = "";
$this->assertSame($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon($user, 1)['url']);
$this->assertSame(null, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon($user, 3));
$user = "";
$this->assertSame($exp, Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon($user, 2)['url']);
public function testRetrieveTheFaviconOfASubscriptionOfTheWrongUser(): void {
$user = "";
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon($user, 2);
5 years ago
public function testListTheTagsOfASubscription(): void {
$this->assertEquals([1,2], Arsse::$db->subscriptionTagsGet("", 1));
$this->assertEquals([2], Arsse::$db->subscriptionTagsGet("", 3));
$this->assertEquals(["Fascinating","Interesting"], Arsse::$db->subscriptionTagsGet("", 1, true));
$this->assertEquals(["Fascinating"], Arsse::$db->subscriptionTagsGet("", 3, true));
5 years ago
public function testListTheTagsOfAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
Arsse::$db->subscriptionTagsGet($this->user, 101);
5 years ago
public function testGetRefreshTimeOfASubscription(): void {
$user = "";
$this->assertTime(strtotime("now + 1 hour"), Arsse::$db->subscriptionRefreshed($user));
$this->assertTime(strtotime("now - 1 hour"), Arsse::$db->subscriptionRefreshed($user, 1));
5 years ago
public function testGetRefreshTimeOfAMissingSubscription(): void {
$this->assertException("subjectMissing", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
$this->assertTime(strtotime("now - 1 hour"), Arsse::$db->subscriptionRefreshed("", 2));
public function testSetTheFilterRulesOfASubscriptionCheckingMarks(): void {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet("", 5, ['keep_rule' => "1|B|3|D", 'block_rule' => "4"]);
$state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_marks' => ['article', 'subscription', 'hidden']]);
$state['arsse_marks']['rows'][9][2] = 0;
$state['arsse_marks']['rows'][10][2] = 1;
$this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state);