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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Misc;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo as I;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\Misc\StrClass;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\Result;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo */
class TestValueInfo extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
4 years ago
public function testGetIntegerInfo(): void {
$tests = [
[null, I::NULL],
["", I::NULL],
[1, I::VALID],
[1.0, I::VALID],
["1.0", I::VALID],
["001.0", I::VALID],
["1.0e2", I::VALID],
["1", I::VALID],
["001", I::VALID],
["1e2", I::VALID],
["+1.0", I::VALID],
["+001.0", I::VALID],
["+1.0e2", I::VALID],
["+1", I::VALID],
["+001", I::VALID],
["+1e2", I::VALID],
[0, I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
[0.0, I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["0.0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["000.000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["+0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["+000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["+0.0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["+000.000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
[-1, I::VALID | I::NEG],
[-1.0, I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-1.0", I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-001.0", I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-1.0e2", I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-1", I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-001", I::VALID | I::NEG],
["-1e2", I::VALID | I::NEG],
[-0, I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["-0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["-000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
[-0.0, I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["-0.0", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
["-000.000", I::VALID | I::ZERO],
[false, 0],
[true, 0],
["on", 0],
["off", 0],
["yes", 0],
["no", 0],
["true", 0],
["false", 0],
[-INF, I::FLOAT | I::NEG],
[[], 0],
["some string", 0],
[" ", 0],
[new \StdClass, 0],
[new StrClass(""), I::NULL],
[new StrClass("1"), I::VALID],
[new StrClass("0"), I::VALID | I::ZERO],
[new StrClass("-1"), I::VALID | I::NEG],
[new StrClass("Msg"), 0],
[new StrClass(" "), 0],
[2.5, I::FLOAT],
[0.5, I::FLOAT],
["2.5", I::FLOAT],
["0.5", I::FLOAT],
[" 1 ", I::VALID],
foreach ($tests as $test) {
4 years ago
[$value, $exp] = $test;
$this->assertSame($exp, I::int($value), "Test returned ".decbin(I::int($value))." for value: ".var_export($value, true));
4 years ago
public function testGetStringInfo(): void {
$tests = [
[null, I::NULL],
["", I::VALID | I::EMPTY],
[1, I::VALID],
[1.0, I::VALID],
["1.0", I::VALID],
["001.0", I::VALID],
["1.0e2", I::VALID],
["1", I::VALID],
["001", I::VALID],
["1e2", I::VALID],
["+1.0", I::VALID],
["+001.0", I::VALID],
["+1.0e2", I::VALID],
["+1", I::VALID],
["+001", I::VALID],
["+1e2", I::VALID],
[0, I::VALID],
["0", I::VALID],
["000", I::VALID],
[0.0, I::VALID],
["0.0", I::VALID],
["000.000", I::VALID],
["+0", I::VALID],
["+000", I::VALID],
["+0.0", I::VALID],
["+000.000", I::VALID],
[-1, I::VALID],
[-1.0, I::VALID],
["-1.0", I::VALID],
["-001.0", I::VALID],
["-1.0e2", I::VALID],
["-1", I::VALID],
["-001", I::VALID],
["-1e2", I::VALID],
[-0, I::VALID],
["-0", I::VALID],
["-000", I::VALID],
[-0.0, I::VALID],
["-0.0", I::VALID],
["-000.000", I::VALID],
[false, 0],
[true, 0],
["on", I::VALID],
["off", I::VALID],
["yes", I::VALID],
["no", I::VALID],
["true", I::VALID],
["false", I::VALID],
[INF, 0],
[-INF, 0],
[NAN, 0],
[[], 0],
["some string", I::VALID],
[" ", I::VALID | I::WHITE],
[new \StdClass, 0],
[new StrClass(""), I::VALID | I::EMPTY],
[new StrClass("1"), I::VALID],
[new StrClass("0"), I::VALID],
[new StrClass("-1"), I::VALID],
[new StrClass("Msg"), I::VALID],
[new StrClass(" "), I::VALID | I::WHITE],
foreach ($tests as $test) {
4 years ago
[$value, $exp] = $test;
$this->assertSame($exp, I::str($value), "Test returned ".decbin(I::str($value))." for value: ".var_export($value, true));
4 years ago
public function testValidateDatabaseIdentifier(): void {
$tests = [
[null, false, true],
["", false, true],
[1, true, true],
[PHP_INT_MAX, true, true],
[1.0, true, true],
["1.0", true, true],
["001.0", true, true],
["1.0e2", true, true],
["1", true, true],
["001", true, true],
["1e2", true, true],
["+1.0", true, true],
["+001.0", true, true],
["+1.0e2", true, true],
["+1", true, true],
["+001", true, true],
["+1e2", true, true],
[0, false, true],
["0", false, true],
["000", false, true],
[0.0, false, true],
["0.0", false, true],
["000.000", false, true],
["+0", false, true],
["+000", false, true],
["+0.0", false, true],
["+000.000", false, true],
[-1, false, false],
[-1.0, false, false],
["-1.0", false, false],
["-001.0", false, false],
["-1.0e2", false, false],
["-1", false, false],
["-001", false, false],
["-1e2", false, false],
[-0, false, true],
["-0", false, true],
["-000", false, true],
[-0.0, false, true],
["-0.0", false, true],
["-000.000", false, true],
[false, false, false],
[true, false, false],
["on", false, false],
["off", false, false],
["yes", false, false],
["no", false, false],
["true", false, false],
["false", false, false],
[INF, false, false],
[-INF, false, false],
[NAN, false, false],
[[], false, false],
["some string", false, false],
[" ", false, false],
[new \StdClass, false, false],
[new StrClass(""), false, true],
[new StrClass("1"), true, true],
[new StrClass("0"), false, true],
[new StrClass("-1"), false, false],
[new StrClass("Msg"), false, false],
[new StrClass(" "), false, false],
foreach ($tests as $test) {
4 years ago
[$value, $exp, $expNull] = $test;
$this->assertSame($exp, I::id($value), "Non-null test failed for value: ".var_export($value, true));
$this->assertSame($expNull, I::id($value, true), "Null test failed for value: ".var_export($value, true));
4 years ago
public function testValidateBoolean(): void {
$tests = [
[null, null],
["", false],
[1, true],
[PHP_INT_MAX, null],
[1.0, true],
["1.0", true],
["001.0", true],
["1.0e2", null],
["1", true],
["001", true],
["1e2", null],
["+1.0", true],
["+001.0", true],
["+1.0e2", null],
["+1", true],
["+001", true],
["+1e2", null],
[0, false],
["0", false],
["000", false],
[0.0, false],
["0.0", false],
["000.000", false],
["+0", false],
["+000", false],
["+0.0", false],
["+000.000", false],
[-1, null],
[-1.0, null],
["-1.0", null],
["-001.0", null],
["-1.0e2", null],
["-1", null],
["-001", null],
["-1e2", null],
[-0, false],
["-0", false],
["-000", false],
[-0.0, false],
["-0.0", false],
["-000.000", false],
[false, false],
[true, true],
["on", true],
["off", false],
["yes", true],
["no", false],
["true", true],
["false", false],
[INF, null],
[-INF, null],
[NAN, null],
[[], null],
["some string", null],
[" ", null],
[new \StdClass, null],
[new StrClass(""), false],
[new StrClass("1"), true],
[new StrClass("0"), false],
[new StrClass("-1"), null],
[new StrClass("Msg"), null],
[new StrClass(" "), null],
foreach ($tests as $test) {
4 years ago
[$value, $exp] = $test;
$this->assertSame($exp, I::bool($value), "Null Test failed for value: ".var_export($value, true));
if (is_null($exp)) {
$this->assertTrue(I::bool($value, true), "True Test failed for value: ".var_export($value, true));
$this->assertFalse(I::bool($value, false), "False Test failed for value: ".var_export($value, true));
/** @dataProvider provideSimpleNormalizationValues */
4 years ago
public function testNormalizeSimpleValues($input, string $typeName, $exp, bool $pass, bool $strict, bool $drop): void {
$assert = function($exp, $act, string $msg) {
if (is_null($exp)) {
$this->assertNull($act, $msg);
} elseif (is_float($exp) && is_nan($exp)) {
$this->assertNan($act, $msg);
} elseif (is_scalar($exp)) {
$this->assertSame($exp, $act, $msg);
} else {
$this->assertEquals($exp, $act, $msg);
$typeConst = [
'Mixed' => I::T_MIXED,
'Null' => I::T_NULL,
'Boolean' => I::T_BOOL,
'Integer' => I::T_INT,
'Floating point' => I::T_FLOAT,
'String' => I::T_STRING,
'Array' => I::T_ARRAY,
'Date interval' => I::T_INTERVAL,
if ($strict && $drop) {
$modeName = "strict drop";
$modeConst = I::M_STRICT | I::M_DROP;
} elseif ($strict) {
$modeName = "strict conversion";
$modeConst = I::M_STRICT;
} elseif ($drop) {
$modeName = "drop";
$modeConst = I::M_DROP;
} else {
$modeName = "loose conversion";
$modeConst = 0;
if (is_null($input)) {
// if the input value is null, perform a null passthrough test in addition to the test itself
$this->assertNull(I::normalize($input, $typeConst | $modeConst | I::M_NULL), "$typeName null passthrough test failed.");
if (!$drop && $strict && !$pass) {
// if we're performing a strict comparison and the value is supposed to fail, we should be getting an exception
$this->assertException("strictFailure", "", "ExceptionType");
I::normalize($input, $typeConst | $modeConst);
$this->assertTrue(false, "$typename $modeName test expected exception");
} elseif ($drop && !$pass) {
// if we're performing a drop comparison and the value is supposed to fail, change the expectation to null
$exp = null;
$assert($exp, I::normalize($input, $typeConst | $modeConst), "$typeName $modeName test failed.");
// check that the result is the same even in null mode
if (!is_null($input)) {
$assert($exp, I::normalize($input, $typeConst | $modeConst | I::M_NULL), "$typeName $modeName (null pass-through) test failed.");
/** @dataProvider provideDateNormalizationValues */
4 years ago
public function testNormalizeDateValues($input, $format, $exp, bool $strict, bool $drop): void {
if ($strict && $drop) {
$modeName = "strict drop";
$modeConst = I::M_STRICT | I::M_DROP;
} elseif ($strict) {
$modeName = "strict conversion";
$modeConst = I::M_STRICT;
} elseif ($drop) {
$modeName = "drop";
$modeConst = I::M_DROP;
} else {
$modeName = "loose conversion";
$modeConst = 0;
if (is_null($exp)) {
if (is_null($input)) {
// if the input value is null, perform a null passthrough test before the test itself
$this->assertNull(I::normalize($input, I::T_DATE | $modeConst | I::M_NULL, $format, $format), "Date input format ".var_export($input, true)." failed $modeName (null passthrough) test.");
if (!$drop && $strict && is_null($exp)) {
// if we're performing a strict comparison and the value is supposed to fail, we should be getting an exception
$this->assertException("strictFailure", "", "ExceptionType");
$this->assertNull(I::normalize($input, I::T_DATE | $modeConst, $format, $format), "Date input format ".var_export($input, true)." failed $modeName test.");
$this->assertNull(I::normalize($input, I::T_DATE | $modeConst | I::M_NULL, $format, $format), "Date input format ".var_export($input, true)." failed $modeName (null passthrough) test.");
} else {
$this->assertEquals($exp, I::normalize($input, I::T_DATE | $modeConst | I::M_NULL, $format, $format), "Date input format ".var_export($input, true)." failed $modeName (null passthrough) test.");
$this->assertEquals($exp, I::normalize($input, I::T_DATE | $modeConst, $format, $format), "Date input format ".var_export($input, true)." failed $modeName test.");
4 years ago
public function testNormalizeComplexValues(): void {
// Array-mode tests
$tests = [
[I::T_INT | I::M_DROP, [1, 2, 2.2, 3], [1,2,null,3] ],
[I::T_INT, [1, 2, 2.2, 3], [1,2,2,3] ],
[I::T_INT | I::M_DROP, new Result([1, 2, 2.2, 3]), [1,2,null,3] ],
[I::T_INT, new Result([1, 2, 2.2, 3]), [1,2,2,3] ],
[I::T_STRING | I::M_STRICT, "Bare string", ["Bare string"]],
foreach ($tests as $index => $test) {
4 years ago
[$type, $value, $exp] = $test;
$this->assertEquals($exp, I::normalize($value, $type | I::M_ARRAY, "iso8601"), "Failed test #$index");
// Date-to-string format tests
$dateFormats = (new \ReflectionClassConstant(I::class, "DATE_FORMATS"))->getValue();
$test = new \DateTimeImmutable("now", new \DateTimezone("UTC"));
$exp = $test->format($dateFormats['iso8601'][1]);
$this->assertSame($exp, I::normalize($test, I::T_STRING, null), "Failed test for null output date format");
foreach ($dateFormats as $name => $formats) {
$exp = $test->format($formats[1]);
$this->assertSame($exp, I::normalize($test, I::T_STRING, null, $name), "Failed test for output date format '$name'");
foreach (["U", "M j, Y (D)", "r", "c"] as $format) {
$exp = $test->format($format);
$this->assertSame($exp, I::normalize($test, I::T_STRING, null, $format), "Failed test for output date format '$format'");
public function provideSimpleNormalizationValues(): iterable {
$types = [
"Floating point",
"Date interval",
$dateDiff = (new \DateTime("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"))->diff((new \DateTime("2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"))); // 2016 was a leap year
$dateNorm = clone $dateDiff;
$dateNorm->f = 0.0;
$dateNorm->invert = 0;
foreach ([
/* The test data are very dense for this set. Each value is normalized to each of the following types:
- mixed (no normalization performed)
- null
- boolean
- integer
- float
- string
- array
- interval
7 years ago
For each of these types, there is an expected output value, as well as a boolean indicating whether
the value should pass or fail a strict normalization. Conversion to DateTime is covered below by a different data set
/* Input value null bool int float string array interval */
[null, [null,true], [false,false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[], false], [null, false]],
5 years ago
["", [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", true], [[""], false], [null, false]],
[1, [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["1", true], [[1], false], [$this->i("PT1S"), false]],
[PHP_INT_MAX, [null,true], [true, false], [PHP_INT_MAX, true], [(float) PHP_INT_MAX,true], [(string) PHP_INT_MAX, true], [[PHP_INT_MAX], false], [$this->i("P292471208677Y195DT15H30M7S"), false]],
[1.0, [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["1", true], [[1.0], false], [$this->i("PT1S"), false]],
["1.0", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["1.0", true], [["1.0"], false], [null, false]],
["001.0", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["001.0", true], [["001.0"], false], [null, false]],
["1.0e2", [null,true], [true, false], [100, true], [100.0, true], ["1.0e2", true], [["1.0e2"], false], [null, false]],
["1", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["1", true], [["1"], false], [null, false]],
["001", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["001", true], [["001"], false], [null, false]],
["1e2", [null,true], [true, false], [100, true], [100.0, true], ["1e2", true], [["1e2"], false], [null, false]],
["+1.0", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["+1.0", true], [["+1.0"], false], [null, false]],
["+001.0", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["+001.0", true], [["+001.0"], false], [null, false]],
["+1.0e2", [null,true], [true, false], [100, true], [100.0, true], ["+1.0e2", true], [["+1.0e2"], false], [null, false]],
["+1", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["+1", true], [["+1"], false], [null, false]],
["+001", [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["+001", true], [["+001"], false], [null, false]],
["+1e2", [null,true], [true, false], [100, true], [100.0, true], ["+1e2", true], [["+1e2"], false], [null, false]],
[0, [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0", true], [[0], false], [$this->i("PT0S"), false]],
["0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0", true], [["0"], false], [null, false]],
["000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["000", true], [["000"], false], [null, false]],
[0.0, [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0", true], [[0.0], false], [$this->i("PT0S"), false]],
["0.0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0.0", true], [["0.0"], false], [null, false]],
["000.000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["000.000", true], [["000.000"], false], [null, false]],
["+0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["+0", true], [["+0"], false], [null, false]],
["+000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["+000", true], [["+000"], false], [null, false]],
["+0.0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["+0.0", true], [["+0.0"], false], [null, false]],
["+000.000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["+000.000", true], [["+000.000"], false], [null, false]],
[-1, [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-1", true], [[-1], false], [$this->i("PT1S"), false]],
[-1.0, [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-1", true], [[-1.0], false], [$this->i("PT1S"), false]],
["-1.0", [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-1.0", true], [["-1.0"], false], [null, false]],
["-001.0", [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-001.0", true], [["-001.0"], false], [null, false]],
["-1.0e2", [null,true], [true, false], [-100, true], [-100.0, true], ["-1.0e2", true], [["-1.0e2"], false], [null, false]],
["-1", [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-1", true], [["-1"], false], [null, false]],
["-001", [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-001", true], [["-001"], false], [null, false]],
["-1e2", [null,true], [true, false], [-100, true], [-100.0, true], ["-1e2", true], [["-1e2"], false], [null, false]],
[-0, [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0", true], [[-0], false], [$this->i("PT0S"), false]],
["-0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [-0.0, true], ["-0", true], [["-0"], false], [null, false]],
["-000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [-0.0, true], ["-000", true], [["-000"], false], [null, false]],
[-0.0, [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [-0.0, true], ["-0", true], [[-0.0], false], [$this->i("PT0S"), false]],
["-0.0", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [-0.0, true], ["-0.0", true], [["-0.0"], false], [null, false]],
["-000.000", [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [-0.0, true], ["-000.000", true], [["-000.000"], false], [null, false]],
[false, [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[false], false], [null, false]],
[true, [null,true], [true, true], [1, false], [1.0, false], ["1", false], [[true], false], [null, false]],
["on", [null,true], [true, true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["on", true], [["on"], false], [null, false]],
["off", [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["off", true], [["off"], false], [null, false]],
["yes", [null,true], [true, true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["yes", true], [["yes"], false], [null, false]],
["no", [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["no", true], [["no"], false], [null, false]],
["true", [null,true], [true, true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["true", true], [["true"], false], [null, false]],
["false", [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["false", true], [["false"], false], [null, false]],
[INF, [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [INF, true], ["INF", false], [[INF], false], [null, false]],
[-INF, [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [-INF, true], ["-INF", false], [[-INF], false], [null, false]],
[NAN, [null,true], [false,false], [0, false], [NAN, true], ["NAN", false], [[], false], [null, false]],
[[], [null,true], [false,false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[], true], [null, false]],
["some string", [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["some string", true], [["some string"], false], [null, false]],
[" ", [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], [" ", true], [[" "], false], [null, false]],
[new \StdClass, [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[new \StdClass], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass(""), [null,true], [false,true], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", true], [[new StrClass("")], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass("1"), [null,true], [true, true], [1, true], [1.0, true], ["1", true], [[new StrClass("1")], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass("0"), [null,true], [false,true], [0, true], [0.0, true], ["0", true], [[new StrClass("0")], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass("-1"), [null,true], [true, false], [-1, true], [-1.0, true], ["-1", true], [[new StrClass("-1")], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass("Msg"), [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["Msg", true], [[new StrClass("Msg")], false], [null, false]],
[new StrClass(" "), [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], [" ", true], [[new StrClass(" ")], false], [null, false]],
[2.5, [null,true], [true, false], [2, false], [2.5, true], ["2.5", true], [[2.5], false], [$this->i("PT2S", 0.5), false]],
[0.5, [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.5, true], ["0.5", true], [[0.5], false], [$this->i("PT0S", 0.5), false]],
["2.5", [null,true], [true, false], [2, false], [2.5, true], ["2.5", true], [["2.5"], false], [null, false]],
["0.5", [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.5, true], ["0.5", true], [["0.5"], false], [null, false]],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 0), [null,true], [true, false], [1262304000, false], [1262304000.0, false], ["2010-01-01T00:00:00Z",true], [[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 0)],false], [null, false]],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 1), [null,true], [true, false], [1262304000, false], [1262304000.0, false], ["2010-01-01T00:00:00Z",true], [[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 1)],false], [null, false]],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 0), [null,true], [true, false], [1262322000, false], [1262322000.0, false], ["2010-01-01T05:00:00Z",true], [[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 0)],false], [null, false]],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 1), [null,true], [true, false], [1262322000, false], [1262322000.0, false], ["2010-01-01T05:00:00Z",true], [[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 1)],false], [null, false]],
4 years ago
[1e14, [null,true], [true, false], [10 ** 14, true], [1e14, true], ["100000000000000", true], [[1e14], false], [$this->i("P1157407407DT9H46M40S"), false]],
[1e-6, [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [1e-6, true], ["0.000001", true], [[1e-6], false], [$this->i("PT0S", 1e-6), false]],
[[1,2,3], [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[1,2,3], true], [null, false]],
4 years ago
[['a' => 1,'b' => 2], [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [['a' => 1,'b' => 2], true], [null, false]],
[new Result([['a' => 1,'b' => 2]]), [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["", false], [[['a' => 1,'b' => 2]], true], [null, false]],
[$this->i("PT1H"), [null,true], [true, false], [60 * 60, false], [60.0 * 60.0, false], ["PT1H", true], [[$this->i("PT1H")], false], [$this->i("PT1H"), true]],
[$this->i("P2DT1H"), [null,true], [true, false], [(48 + 1) * 60 * 60, false], [1.0 * (48 + 1) * 60 * 60, false], ["P2DT1H", true], [[$this->i("P2DT1H")], false], [$this->i("P2DT1H"), true]],
[$this->i("PT0H"), [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["PT0S", true], [[$this->i("PT0H")], false], [$this->i("PT0H"), true]],
4 years ago
[$dateDiff, [null,true], [true, false], [366 * 24 * 60 * 60, false], [1.0 * 366 * 24 * 60 * 60, false], ["P366D", true], [[$dateDiff], false], [$dateNorm, true]],
["1 year, 2 days", [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["1 year, 2 days", true], [["1 year, 2 days"], false], [$this->i("P1Y2D"), false]],
["P1Y2D", [null,true], [true, false], [0, false], [0.0, false], ["P1Y2D", true], [["P1Y2D"], false], [$this->i("P1Y2D"), true]],
] as $set) {
// shift the input value off the set
$input = array_shift($set);
// shift a mixed-type passthrough test onto the set
array_unshift($set, [$input, true]);
// generate a set of tests for each target data type
4 years ago
foreach ($set as $type => [$exp, $pass]) {
// emit one test each for loose mode, strict mode, drop mode, and strict+drop mode
foreach ([
[false, false],
[true, false],
[false, true],
[true, true],
4 years ago
] as [$strict, $drop]) {
yield [$input, $types[$type], $exp, $pass, $strict, $drop];
public function provideDateNormalizationValues(): iterable {
$formats = [
"!M j, Y (D)",
5 years ago
foreach ([
7 years ago
/* Input value microtime iso8601 iso8601m http sql date time unix float '!M j, Y (D)' *strtotime* (null) */
4 years ago
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
[INF, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
[NAN, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 0), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000)],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 0, 1), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000)],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 0), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000)],
[$this->d("2010-01-01T00:00:00", 1, 1), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000)],
[1262304000, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000)],
[1262304000.123456, $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456), $this->t(1262304000.123456)],
[1262304000.42, $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42), $this->t(1262304000.42)],
["0.12345600 1262304000", $this->t(1262304000.123456), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
["0.42 1262304000", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00", null, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00Z", null, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00+0000", null, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00-0000", null, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", null, $this->t(1262304000), $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00-05:00", null, $this->t(1262322000), $this->t(1262322000), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262322000)],
["2010-01-01T00:00:00.123456Z", null, null, $this->t(1262304000.123456), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000.123456)],
["Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT", null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01 00:00:00", null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["2010-01-01", null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
["12:34:56", null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(45296), null, null, null, $this->t(date_create("today", new \DateTimezone("UTC"))->getTimestamp() + 45296)],
["1262304000", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000), null, null, null],
["1262304000.123456", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000.123456), null, null],
["1262304000.42", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000.42), null, null],
["Jan 1, 2010 (Fri)", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000), null],
["First day of Jan 2010 12AM", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->t(1262304000)],
[[], null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
[$this->i("P1Y2D"), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
["P1Y2D", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
] as $set) {
// shift the input value off the set
$input = array_shift($set);
// generate a set of tests for each target date formats
foreach ($set as $format => $exp) {
// emit one test each for loose mode, strict mode, drop mode, and strict+drop mode
foreach ([
[false, false],
[true, false],
[false, true],
[true, true],
4 years ago
] as [$strict, $drop]) {
yield [$input, $formats[$format], $exp, $strict, $drop];
protected function d($spec, $local, $immutable): \DateTimeInterface {
$tz = $local ? new \DateTimeZone("America/Toronto") : new \DateTimeZone("UTC");
if ($immutable) {
return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("!Y-m-d\TH:i:s", $spec, $tz);
} else {
return \DateTime::createFromFormat("!Y-m-d\TH:i:s", $spec, $tz);
protected function t(float $spec): \DateTimeImmutable {
return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("U.u", sprintf("%F", $spec), new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
protected function i(string $spec, float $msec = 0.0): \DateInterval {
$out = new \DateInterval($spec);
$out->f = $msec;
return $out;
4 years ago
public function testFlattenArray(): void {
$arr = [1, [2, 3, [4, 5]], 6, [[7, 8], 9, 10]];
5 years ago
$exp = range(1, 10);
$this->assertSame($exp, I::flatten($arr));