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48 lines
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<project default="build">
<target name="build">
<mkdir dir="./build/arsse"/>
<copy todir="./build/arsse">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="lib/**"/>
<include name="sql/**"/>
<include name="locale/**"/>
<include name="dist/**"/>
<include name="www/**"/>
<include name="composer.*"/>
<include name="arsse.php"/>
7 years ago
<include name="CHANGELOG"/>
<include name="LICENSE"/>
<include name=""/>
<echo>Installing dependencies via Composer</echo>
<exec command="composer install -o --no-dev" dir="./build/arsse"/>
<fileset dir="./build/arsse">
<include name="composer.*"/>
7 years ago
<echo>Generating example configuration file</echo>
<exec command="php arsse.php conf save-defaults config.defaults.php" dir="./build/arsse"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="./build"/>
<target name="package">
<propertyprompt propertyName="arsse.version" defaultValue="head" promptText="Git tag to package"/> <!-- This needs to be used to actually check out a tag, etc -->
<delete> <!-- Delete code, but keep dependencies, which Composer will prune -->
<fileset dir="./build/arsse">
<exclude name="vendor/**"/>
<phingcall target="build"/>
<tar destfile="./build/arsse-${arsse.version}.tar.gz" basedir="./build" compression="gzip">
<fileset dir="./build" includes="arsse"/>