The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Exception;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Lang;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse */
class TestArsse extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
public function setUp(): void {
5 years ago
public function testLoadExistingData(): void {
$lang = $this->mock(Lang::class);
$db = $this->mock(Database::class);
$user = $this->mock(User::class);
$conf1 = $this->mock(Conf::class);
Arsse::$lang = $lang->get();
Arsse::$db = $db->get();
Arsse::$user = $user->get();
Arsse::$conf = $conf1->get();
$conf2 = (new Conf)->import(['lang' => "test"]);
$this->assertSame($conf2, Arsse::$conf);
$this->assertSame($lang->get(), Arsse::$lang);
$this->assertSame($db->get(), Arsse::$db);
$this->assertSame($user->get(), Arsse::$user);
5 years ago
public function testLoadNewData(): void {
if (!\JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\SQLite3\Driver::requirementsMet() && !\JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\SQLite3\PDODriver::requirementsMet()) {
$this->markTestSkipped("A functional SQLite interface is required for this test");
$conf = (new Conf)->import(['dbSQLite3File' => ":memory:"]);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Conf::class, Arsse::$conf);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Lang::class, Arsse::$lang);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Database::class, Arsse::$db);
$this->assertInstanceOf(User::class, Arsse::$user);
/** @dataProvider provideExtensionChecks */
public function testCheckForExtensions(array $ext, $exp): void {
if ($exp instanceof \Exception) {
} else {
public function provideExtensionChecks(): iterable {
return [
[["pcre"], null],
[["foo", "bar", "baz"], new Exception("extMissing", ['first' => "foo", 'total' => 3])],
[["bar", "baz"], new Exception("extMissing", ['first' => "bar", 'total' => 2])],
[["baz"], new Exception("extMissing", ['first' => "baz", 'total' => 1])],