Completely revamped NCNv1 REST handler

- URLs are now matched centrally against a whitelist
- %-encoded URLs are still handled correctly
- Dispatched methods now only handle one specific task
- Filler methods (e.g. versionPOST) are no longer required
- Unhandled URLs now return 501 Not Implemented rather than 404 Not Found; this removes some ambiguity in the semantics of 404
This commit is contained in:
J. King 2017-05-19 23:52:26 -04:00
parent 4a816f827b
commit 0972cff660
8 changed files with 182 additions and 170 deletions

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ abstract class AbstractHandler implements Handler {
return $data;
protected function validateId($id):bool {
protected function validateId($id): bool {
try {
$ch1 = strval(intval($id));
$ch2 = strval($id);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\REST;
class Exception405 extends \Exception {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\REST;
class Exception501 extends \Exception {

View file

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ use JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionInput;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception as FeedException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Response;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception501;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception405;
class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
function __construct() {
@ -32,49 +34,91 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// FIXME: Do query parameters take precedence in NextCloud? Is there a conflict error when values differ?
$data = array_merge($data, $req->query);
// match the path
if(preg_match("<^/(items|folders|feeds|cleanup|version|status|user)(?:/([^/]+))?(?:/([^/]+))?(?:/([^/]+))?/?$>", $req->path, $url)) {
// clean up the path
$scope = $url[1];
$url = array_filter($url);
$url = array_values($url);
// decode any % sequences in the URL
$url = array_map(function($v){return rawurldecode($v);}, $url);
// check to make sure the requested function is implemented
$func = $scope.$req->method;
if(!method_exists($this, $func)) return new Response(501);
// dispatch
try {
return $this->$func($url, $data);
} catch(Exception $e) {
// if there was a REST exception return 400
return new Response(400);
} catch(AbstractException $e) {
// if there was any other Arsse exception return 500
return new Response(500);
} else {
return new Response(404);
// check to make sure the requested function is implemented
try {
$func = $this->chooseCall($req->paths, $req->method);
} catch(Exception501 $e) {
return new Response(501);
} catch(Exception405 $e) {
return new Response(405, "", "", ["Allow: ".$e->getMessage()]);
if(!method_exists($this, $func)) return new Response(501);
// dispatch
try {
return $this->$func($req->paths, $data);
} catch(Exception $e) {
// if there was a REST exception return 400
return new Response(400);
} catch(AbstractException $e) {
// if there was any other Arsse exception return 500
return new Response(500);
protected function chooseCall(array $url, string $method): string {
$choices = [
'items' => [],
'folders' => [
'' => ['GET' => "folderList", 'POST' => "folderAdd"],
'#' => ['PUT' => "folderRename", 'DELETE' => "folderRemove"],
'#/read' => ['PUT' => "folderMarkRead"],
'feeds' => [
'' => ['GET' => "subscriptionList", 'POST' => "subscriptionAdd"],
'#' => ['DELETE' => "subscriptionRemove"],
'#/move' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionMove"],
'#/rename' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionRename"],
'#/read' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionMarkRead"],
'all' => ['GET' => "feedListStale"],
'update' => ['GET' => "feedUpdate"],
'cleanup' => [],
'version' => [
'' => ['GET' => "versionReport"],
'status' => [],
'user' => [],
// the first path element is the overall scope of the request
$scope = $url[0];
// any URL components which are only digits should be replaced with "#", for easier comparison
for($a = 0; $a < sizeof($url); $a++) {
if($this->validateId($url[$a])) $url[$a] = "#";
// normalize the HTTP method to uppercase
$method = strtoupper($method);
// if the scope is not supported, return 501
if(!array_key_exists($scope, $choices)) throw new Exception501();
// we now evaluate the supplied URL against every supported path for the selected scope
// the URL is evaluated as an array so as to avoid decoded escapes turning invalid URLs into valid ones
foreach($choices[$scope] as $path => $funcs) {
// add the scope to the path to match against and split it
$path = (strlen($path)) ? "$scope/$path" : $scope;
$path = explode("/", $path);
if($path===$url) {
// if the path matches, make sure the method is allowed
if(array_key_exists($method,$funcs)) {
// if it is allowed, return the object method to run
return $funcs[$method];
} else {
// otherwise return 405
throw new Exception405(implode(", ", array_keys($funcs)));
// if the path was not found, return 501
throw new Exception501();
// list folders
protected function foldersGET(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/folders' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)==1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT, DELETE']);
if(sizeof($url) > 1) return new Response(404);
protected function folderList(array $url, array $data): Response {
$folders = Data::$db->folderList(Data::$user->id, null, false)->getAll();
return new Response(200, ['folders' => $folders]);
// create a folder
protected function foldersPOST(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/folders' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)==1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT, DELETE']);
if(sizeof($url) > 1) return new Response(404);
protected function folderAdd(array $url, array $data): Response {
try {
$folder = Data::$db->folderAdd(Data::$user->id, $data);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
@ -93,15 +137,10 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// delete a folder
protected function foldersDELETE(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more or less than '/folders/$id' this is an error
if(sizeof($url) < 1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET, POST']);
if(sizeof($url) > 1) return new Response(404);
// folder ID must be integer
if(!$this->validateId($url[0])) return new Response(404);
protected function folderRemove(array $url, array $data): Response {
// perform the deletion
try {
Data::$db->folderRemove(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[0]);
Data::$db->folderRemove(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[1]);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
// folder does not exist
return new Response(404);
@ -110,17 +149,12 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// rename a folder (also supports moving nesting folders, but this is not a feature of the API)
protected function foldersPUT(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more or less than '/folders/$id' this is an error
if(sizeof($url) < 1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET, POST']);
if(sizeof($url) > 1) return new Response(404);
// folder ID must be integer
if(!$this->validateId($url[0])) return new Response(404);
protected function folderRename(array $url, array $data): Response {
// there must be some change to be made
if(!sizeof($data)) return new Response(422);
// perform the edit
try {
Data::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[0], $data);
Data::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[1], $data);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
switch($e->getCode()) {
// folder does not exist
@ -138,33 +172,10 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// return the server version
protected function versionGET(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/version' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)) return new Response(404);
protected function versionReport(array $url, array $data): Response {
return new Response(200, ['version' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\VERSION]);
// invalid function
protected function versionPOST(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/version' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)) return new Response(404);
return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET']);
// invalid function
protected function versionPUT(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/version' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)) return new Response(404);
return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET']);
// invalid function
protected function versionDELETE(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/version' this is an error
if(sizeof($url)) return new Response(404);
return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET']);
protected function feedTranslate(array $feed, bool $overwrite = false): array {
// cast values
$feed = $this->mapFieldTypes($feed, [
@ -185,62 +196,51 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// return list of feeds for the logged-in user
protected function subscriptionList(array $url, array $data): Response {
$subs = Data::$db->subscriptionList(Data::$user->id);
$out = [];
foreach($subs as $sub) {
$sub = $this->feedTranslate($sub);
$out[] = $sub;
$out = ['feeds' => $out];
$out['starredCount'] = Data::$db->articleStarredCount(Data::$user->id);
$newest = Data::$db->editionLatest(Data::$user->id, ['subscription' => $id]);
if($newest) $out['newestItemId'] = $newest;
return new Response(200, $out);
// return list of feeds which should be refreshed
// refresh a feed
protected function feedsGET(array $url, array $data): Response {
// URL may be /feeds/[all|update] only
$args = sizeof($url);
if($args==2 && in_array($url[1], ["rename","move","read"])) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT, DELETE']);
if($args > 1) return new Response(404);
if($args==1 && !in_array($url[0], ["all","update"])) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT, DELETE']);
// valid action are listing owned subscriptions or (for admins) listing stale feeds or updating a feed
if($args==1) {
// listing stale feeds for updating and updating itself require admin rights per spec
if(Data::$user->rightsGet(Data::$user->id)==User::RIGHTS_NONE) return new Response(403);
if($url[0]=="all") {
// list stale feeds which should be checked for updates
$feeds = Data::$db->feedListStale();
$out = [];
foreach($feeds as $feed) {
// since in our implementation feeds don't belong the users, the 'userId' field will always be an empty string
$out[] = ['id' => $feed, 'userId' => ""];
return new Response(200, ['feeds' => $out]);
} elseif($url[0]=="update") {
// perform an update of a single feed
if(!array_key_exists("feedId", $data) || $data['feedId'] < 1) return new Response(422);
try {
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return new Response(404);
return new Response(200);
} else {
// list subscriptions for the logged-in user
$subs = Data::$db->subscriptionList(Data::$user->id);
$out = [];
foreach($subs as $sub) {
$sub = $this->feedTranslate($sub);
$out[] = $sub;
$out = ['feeds' => $out];
$out['starredCount'] = Data::$db->articleStarredCount(Data::$user->id);
$newest = Data::$db->editionLatest(Data::$user->id, ['subscription' => $id]);
if($newest) $out['newestItemId'] = $newest;
return new Response(200, $out);
protected function feedListStale(array $url, array $data): Response {
// function requires admin rights per spec
if(Data::$user->rightsGet(Data::$user->id)==User::RIGHTS_NONE) return new Response(403);
// list stale feeds which should be checked for updates
$feeds = Data::$db->feedListStale();
$out = [];
foreach($feeds as $feed) {
// since in our implementation feeds don't belong the users, the 'userId' field will always be an empty string
$out[] = ['id' => $feed, 'userId' => ""];
return new Response(200, ['feeds' => $out]);
// refresh a feed
protected function feedUpdate(array $url, array $data): Response {
// perform an update of a single feed
if(!array_key_exists("feedId", $data)) return new Response(422);
if(!$this->validateId($data['feedId'])) return new Response(404);
try {
Data::$db->feedUpdate((int) $data['feedId']);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return new Response(404);
return new Response(200);
// add a new feed
protected function feedsPOST(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more than '/feeds' this is an error
$args = sizeof($url);
if($args==1 && in_array($url[0], ["all","update"])) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET']);
if($args==1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT, DELETE']);
if($args==2 && in_array($url[1], ["rename","move","read"])) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: PUT']);
if($args) return new Response(404);
// normalize the URL
protected function subscriptionAdd(array $url, array $data): Response {
// normalize the feed URL
if(!array_key_exists("url", $data)) {
$url = "";
} else {
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
$folder = null;
} else {
$folder = $data['folderId'];
$folder = $folder ? null : $folder;
$folder = $folder ? $folder : null;
// try to add the feed
$tr = Data::$db->begin();
@ -281,15 +281,9 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// delete a feed
protected function feedsDELETE(array $url, array $data): Response {
// if URL is more or less than '/feeds/$id' this is an error
if(sizeof($url) < 1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET, POST']);
if(sizeof($url) > 1) return new Response(404);
// folder ID must be integer
if(!$this->validateId($url[0])) return new Response(404);
// perform the deletion
protected function subscriptionRemove(array $url, array $data): Response {
try {
Data::$db->subscriptionRemove(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[0]);
Data::$db->subscriptionRemove(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[1]);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
// feed does not exist
return new Response(404);
@ -298,44 +292,40 @@ class V1_2 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
// rename a feed
// move a feed to a folder
// mark items from a feed as read
protected function feedsPUT(array $url, array $data): Response {
// URL may be /feeds/<id>/[rename|move|read]
$args = sizeof($url);
if(!$args) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET, POST']);
if($args > 2) return new Response(404);
if(in_array($url[0], ["all", "update"])) {
if($args==1) return new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: GET']);
return new Response(404);
if($args==2 && !in_array($url[1], ["rename","move","read"])) return new Response(404);
// if the feed ID is not an integer, this is also an error
if(!$this->validateId($url[0])) return new Response(404);
// normalize input for move and rename
protected function subscriptionRename(array $url, array $data): Response {
// normalize input
$in = [];
if(array_key_exists("feedTitle", $data)) {
$in['title'] = $data['feedTitle'];
} else {
return new Response(422);
// perform the renaming
try {
Data::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[1], $in);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return new Response(404);
return new Response(204);
// move a feed to a folder
protected function subscriptionMove(array $url, array $data): Response {
// normalize input for move and rename
$in = [];
if(array_key_exists("folderId", $data)) {
$folder = $data['folderId'];
if(!$this->validateId($folder)) return new Response(422);
if(!$folder) $folder = null;
$in['folder'] = $folder;
} else {
return new Response(422);
// perform the move and/or rename
if($in) {
try {
Data::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[0], $in);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return new Response(404);
// mark items as read, if requested
if(array_key_exists("newestItemId", $data)) {
$newest = $data['newestItemId'];
if(!$this->validateId($newest)) return new Response(422);
// FIXME: do the marking as read
// perform the move
try {
Data::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Data::$user->id, (int) $url[1], $in);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return new Response(404);
return new Response(204);

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Versions extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
return new Response(200, $out);
} else {
// if the URL path was anything else, the client is probably trying a version we don't support
return new Response(404);
return new Response(501);

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class Request {
public $method = "GET";
public $url = "";
public $path ="";
public $paths = [];
public $query = "";
public $type ="";
public $body = "";
@ -31,13 +32,14 @@ class Request {
public function refreshURL() {
$url = $this->parseURL($this->url);
$this->path = $url['path'];
$this->paths = $url['paths'];
$this->query = $url['query'];
protected function parseURL(string $url): array {
// split the query string from the path
$parts = explode("?", $url);
$out = ['path' => $parts[0], 'query' => []];
$out = ['path' => $parts[0], 'paths' => [''], 'query' => []];
// if there is a query string, parse it
if(isset($parts[1])) {
// split along & to get key-value pairs
@ -56,6 +58,17 @@ class Request {
$out['query'][$key] = $value;
// also include the path as a set of decoded elements
// if the path is an empty string or just / nothing needs be done
if(!in_array($out['path'],["/",""])) {
$paths = explode("/", $out['path']);
// remove the first and last empty elements, if present (others should remain)
if(!strlen($paths[0])) array_shift($paths);
if(!strlen($paths[sizeof($paths)-1])) array_pop($paths);
// %-decode each path element
$paths = array_map(function($v){return rawurldecode($v);}, $paths);
$out['paths'] = $paths;
return $out;

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class TestNCNV1_2 extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
function testRespondToInvalidPaths() {
$errs = [
404 => [
501 => [
['GET', "/"],
['PUT', "/"],
['POST', "/"],
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ class TestNCNV1_2 extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
foreach($errs[404] as $req) {
$exp = new Response(404);
foreach($errs[501] as $req) {
$exp = new Response(501);
list($method, $path) = $req;
$this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request($method, $path)), "$method call to $path did not return 404.");
$this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request($method, $path)), "$method call to $path did not return 501.");
foreach($errs[405] as $allow => $cases) {
$exp = new Response(405, "", "", ['Allow: '.$allow]);
@ -130,9 +130,6 @@ class TestNCNV1_2 extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
$exp = new Response(404);
$this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("DELETE", "/folders/1")));
Phake::verify(Data::$db, Phake::times(2))->folderRemove(Data::$user->id, 1);
// use a non-integer folder ID
$exp = new Response(404);
$this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("DELETE", "/folders/invalid")));
function testRenameAFolder() {

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TestNCNVersionDiscovery extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
function testUseIncorrectPath() {
$exp = new Response(404);
$exp = new Response(501);
$h = new Rest\NextCloudNews\Versions();
$req = new Request("GET", "/ook");
$res = $h->dispatch($req);