Rewrite various queries to work in PostgreSQL
This involved changes to the driver interface as well as the database schemata. The most significantly altered queries were for article selection and marking, which relied upon unusual features of SQLite. Overall query efficiency should not be adversely affected (it may have even imprved) in the common case, while very rare cases (not presently triggered by any REST handlers) require more queries. One notable benefit of these changes is that functions which query articles can now have complete control over which columns are returned. This has not, however, been implemented yet: symbolic column groups are still used for now. Note that PostgreSQL still fails many tests, but the test suite runs to completion. Note also that one line of the Database class is not covered; later changes will eventually make it easier to cover the line in question.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 334 additions and 167 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Date;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo;
class Database {
const LIMIT_ARTICLES = 50;
// articleList verbosity levels
const LIST_MINIMAL = 0; // only that metadata which is required for context matching
@ -809,77 +809,101 @@ class Database {
)->run($feedID, $ids, $hashesUT, $hashesUC, $hashesTC);
protected function articleQuery(string $user, Context $context, array $extraColumns = []): Query {
$extraColumns = implode(",", $extraColumns);
if (strlen($extraColumns)) {
$extraColumns .= ",";
protected function articleQuery(string $user, Context $context, array $cols = ["id"]): Query {
$greatest = $this->db->sqlToken("greatest");
// prepare the output column list
$colDefs = [
'id' => "",
'edition' => "latest_editions.edition",
'url' => "arsse_articles.url",
'title' => "arsse_articles.title",
'author' => "",
'content' => "arsse_articles.content",
'guid' => "arsse_articles.guid",
'fingerprint' => "arsse_articles.url_title_hash || ':' || arsse_articles.url_content_hash || ':' || arsse_articles.title_content_hash",
'subscription' => "",
'feed' => "arsse_subscriptions.feed",
'starred' => "coalesce(arsse_marks.starred,0)",
'unread' => "abs(coalesce(,0) - 1)",
'note' => "coalesce(arsse_marks.note,'')",
'published_date' => "arsse_articles.published",
'edited_date' => "arsse_articles.edited",
'modified_date' => "arsse_articles.modified",
'marked_date' => "$greatest(arsse_articles.modified, coalesce(arsse_marks.modified, '0001-01-01 00:00:00'), coalesce(arsse_label_members.modified, '0001-01-01 00:00:00'))",
'subscription_title' => "coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.title, arsse_feeds.title)",
'media_url' => "arsse_enclosures.url",
'media_type' => "arsse_enclosures.type",
if (!$cols) {
// if no columns are specified return a count
$columns = "count(distinct as count";
} else {
$columns = [];
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$col = trim(strtolower($col));
if (!isset($colDefs[$col])) {
$columns[] = $colDefs[$col]." as ".$col;
$columns = implode(",", $columns);
// define the basic query, to which we add lots of stuff where necessary
$q = new Query(
|||| as id,
arsse_articles.feed as feed,
arsse_articles.modified as modified_date,
arsse_articles.modified as term
union select
coalesce((select modified from arsse_marks where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),'0001-01-01 00:00:00') as term
union select
coalesce((select modified from arsse_label_members where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),'0001-01-01 00:00:00') as term
order by term desc limit 1
) as marked_date,
NOT (select count(*) from arsse_marks where article = and read = 1 and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as unread,
(select count(*) from arsse_marks where article = and starred = 1 and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as starred,
(select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = as edition,
subscribed_feeds.sub as subscription
FROM arsse_articles"
from arsse_articles
join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed = arsse_articles.feed and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?
join arsse_feeds on arsse_subscriptions.feed =
left join arsse_marks on arsse_marks.subscription = and arsse_marks.article =
left join arsse_enclosures on arsse_enclosures.article =
left join arsse_label_members on arsse_label_members.subscription = and arsse_label_members.article = and arsse_label_members.assigned = 1
left join arsse_labels on arsse_labels.owner = arsse_subscriptions.owner and arsse_label_members.label =",
["str"], [$user]
$q->setCTE("latest_editions(article,edition)", "SELECT article,max(id) from arsse_editions group by article", [], [], "join latest_editions on = latest_editions.article");
if ($cols) {
// if there are no output columns requested we're getting a count and should not group, but otherwise we should
$q->setGroup("", "arsse_marks.note", "arsse_enclosures.url", "arsse_enclosures.type", "arsse_subscriptions.title", "arsse_feeds.title", "", "arsse_marks.modified", "arsse_label_members.modified", "", "arsse_marks.starred", "latest_editions.edition");
$q->setLimit($context->limit, $context->offset);
$q->setCTE("userdata(userid)", "SELECT ?", "str", $user);
if ($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
// add a basic CTE that will join in only the requested subscription
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT ?,?", ["int","int"], [$id,$context->subscription], "join subscribed_feeds on feed =");
$this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription);
// filter for the subscription
$q->setWhere(" = ?", "int", $context->subscription);
} elseif ($context->folder()) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder)", "SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent = folder", "int", $context->folder);
// add another CTE for the subscriptions within the folder
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner join folders on arsse_subscriptions.folder = folders.folder", [], [], "join subscribed_feeds on feed =");
// limit subscriptions to the listed folders
$q->setWhere("arsse_subscriptions.folder in (select folder from folders)");
} elseif ($context->folderShallow()) {
// if a shallow folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folderShallow);
// if it does exist, add a CTE with only its subscriptions (and not those of its descendents)
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner and coalesce(folder,0) = ?", "strict int", $context->folderShallow, "join subscribed_feeds on feed =");
} else {
// otherwise add a CTE for all the user's subscriptions
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner", [], [], "join subscribed_feeds on feed =");
// if it does exist, filter for that folder only
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.folder,0) = ?", "int", $context->folderShallow);
if ($context->edition()) {
// if an edition is specified, filter for its previously identified article
$q->setWhere(" = (select article from arsse_editions where id = ?)", "int", $context->edition);
// if an edition is specified, first validate it, then filter for it
$this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition = ?", "int", $context->edition);
} elseif ($context->article()) {
// if an article is specified, filter for it (it has already been validated above)
// if an article is specified, first validate it, then filter for it
$this->articleValidateId($user, $context->article);
$q->setWhere(" = ?", "int", $context->article);
if ($context->editions()) {
// if multiple specific editions have been requested, prepare a CTE to list them and their articles
// if multiple specific editions have been requested, filter against the list
if (!$context->editions) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooShort", ['field' => "editions", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'min' => 1]); // must have at least one array element
} elseif (sizeof($context->editions) > self::LIMIT_ARTICLES) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooLong", ['field' => "editions", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'max' => self::LIMIT_ARTICLES]); // @codeCoverageIgnore
list($inParams, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->editions, "int");
"SELECT article,id as edition from arsse_editions where edition in ($inParams)",
$q->setWhere(" in (select id from requested_articles)");
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition in ($inParams)", $inTypes, $context->editions);
} elseif ($context->articles()) {
// if multiple specific articles have been requested, prepare a CTE to list them and their articles
if (!$context->articles) {
@ -888,21 +912,13 @@ class Database {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooLong", ['field' => "articles", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'max' => self::LIMIT_ARTICLES]); // @codeCoverageIgnore
list($inParams, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->articles, "int");
"SELECT id,(select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = as edition from arsse_articles where in ($inParams)",
$q->setWhere(" in (select id from requested_articles)");
} else {
// if neither list is specified, mock an empty table
$q->setCTE("requested_articles(id,edition)", "SELECT 'empty','table' where 1 = 0");
$q->setWhere(" in ($inParams)", $inTypes, $context->articles);
// filter based on label by ID or name
if ($context->labelled()) {
// any label (true) or no label (false)
$q->setWhere((!$context->labelled ? "not " : "")."exists(select article from arsse_label_members where assigned = 1 and article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))");
$isOrIsNot = (!$context->labelled ? "is" : "is not");
$q->setWhere(" $isOrIsNot null");
} elseif ($context->label() || $context->labelName()) {
// specific label ID or name
if ($context->label()) {
@ -910,7 +926,7 @@ class Database {
} else {
$id = $this->labelValidateId($user, $context->labelName, true)['id'];
$q->setWhere("exists(select article from arsse_label_members where assigned = 1 and article = and label = ?)", "int", $id);
$q->setWhere(" = ?", "int", $id);
// filter based on article or edition offset
if ($context->oldestArticle()) {
@ -920,40 +936,41 @@ class Database {
$q->setWhere(" <= ?", "int", $context->latestArticle);
if ($context->oldestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("edition >= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition >= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
if ($context->latestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("edition <= ?", "int", $context->latestEdition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition <= ?", "int", $context->latestEdition);
// filter based on time at which an article was changed by feed updates (modified), or by user action (marked)
if ($context->modifiedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("modified_date >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.modified >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
if ($context->notModifiedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("modified_date <= ?", "datetime", $context->notModifiedSince);
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.modified <= ?", "datetime", $context->notModifiedSince);
if ($context->markedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("marked_date >= ?", "datetime", $context->markedSince);
$q->setWhere($colDefs['marked_date']." >= ?", "datetime", $context->markedSince);
if ($context->notMarkedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("marked_date <= ?", "datetime", $context->notMarkedSince);
$q->setWhere($colDefs['marked_date']." <= ?", "datetime", $context->notMarkedSince);
// filter for un/read and un/starred status if specified
if ($context->unread()) {
$q->setWhere("unread = ?", "bool", $context->unread);
$q->setWhere("coalesce(,0) = ?", "bool", !$context->unread);
if ($context->starred()) {
$q->setWhere("starred = ?", "bool", $context->starred);
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_marks.starred,0) = ?", "bool", $context->starred);
// filter based on whether the article has a note
if ($context->annotated()) {
$q->setWhere((!$context->annotated ? "not " : "")."exists(select modified from arsse_marks where article = and note <> '' and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))");
$comp = ($context->annotated) ? "<>" : "=";
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_marks.note,'') $comp ''");
// return the query
return $q;
protected function articleChunk(Context $context): array {
protected function contextChunk(Context $context): array {
$exception = "";
if ($context->editions()) {
// editions take precedence over articles
@ -983,7 +1000,7 @@ class Database {
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = [];
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -997,32 +1014,39 @@ class Database {
// NOTE: the cases all cascade into each other: a given verbosity level is always a superset of the previous one
case self::LIST_FULL: // everything
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"(select note from arsse_marks where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as note",
// no break
case self::LIST_TYPICAL: // conservative, plus content
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"arsse_enclosures.url as media_url", // enclosures are potentially large due to data: URLs
"arsse_enclosures.type as media_type", // FIXME: enclosures should eventually have their own fetch method
"media_url", // enclosures are potentially large due to data: URLs
"media_type", // FIXME: enclosures should eventually have their own fetch method
// no break
case self::LIST_CONSERVATIVE: // base metadata, plus anything that is not likely to be large text
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"arsse_articles.url as url",
"arsse_articles.title as title",
"(select coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.title,arsse_feeds.title) from arsse_feeds join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed = where = arsse_articles.feed) as subscription_title",
"published as published_date",
"edited as edited_date",
"url_title_hash||':'||url_content_hash||':'||title_content_hash as fingerprint",
// no break
case self::LIST_MINIMAL: // base metadata (always included: required for context matching)
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
// id, subscription, feed, modified_date, marked_date, unread, starred, edition
"edited as edited_date",
@ -1031,7 +1055,6 @@ class Database {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, $columns);
$q->setOrder("edited_date".($context->reverse ? " desc" : ""));
$q->setOrder("edition".($context->reverse ? " desc" : ""));
$q->setJoin("left join arsse_enclosures on arsse_enclosures.article =");
// perform the query and return results
return $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
@ -1043,7 +1066,7 @@ class Database {
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = 0;
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -1052,9 +1075,7 @@ class Database {
return $out;
} else {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context);
$q->setBody("SELECT count(*) from selected_articles");
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, []);
return (int) $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->getValue();
@ -1063,9 +1084,17 @@ class Database {
if (!Arsse::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$data = [
'read' => $data['read'] ?? null,
'starred' => $data['starred'] ?? null,
'note' => $data['note'] ?? null,
if (!isset($data['read']) && !isset($data['starred']) && !isset($data['note'])) {
return 0;
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = 0;
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -1074,63 +1103,69 @@ class Database {
return $out;
} else {
// sanitize input
$values = [
isset($data['read']) ? $data['read'] : null,
isset($data['starred']) ? $data['starred'] : null,
isset($data['note']) ? $data['note'] : null,
// the two queries we want to execute to make the requested changes
$queries = [
"UPDATE arsse_marks
read = case when (select honour_read from target_articles where = article) = 1 then (select read from target_values) else read end,
starred = coalesce((select starred from target_values),starred),
note = coalesce((select note from target_values),note),
subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)
and article in (select id from target_articles where to_insert = 0 and (honour_read = 1 or honour_star = 1 or (select note from target_values) is not null))",
"INSERT INTO arsse_marks(subscription,article,read,starred,note)
(select id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner where arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed),
coalesce((select read from target_values) * honour_read,0),
coalesce((select starred from target_values),0),
coalesce((select note from target_values),'')
from target_articles where to_insert = 1 and (honour_read = 1 or honour_star = 1 or coalesce((select note from target_values),'') <> '')"
$out = 0;
// wrap this UPDATE and INSERT together into a transaction
$tr = $this->begin();
// if an edition context is specified, make sure it's valid
if ($context->edition()) {
// make sure the edition exists
$edition = $this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition);
// if the edition is not the latest, do not mark the read flag
if (!$edition['current']) {
$values[0] = null;
$out = 0;
if ($data['read'] || $data['starred'] || strlen($data['note'] ?? "")) {
// first prepare a query to insert any missing marks rows for the articles we want to mark
// but only insert new mark records if we're setting at least one "positive" mark
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("arsse_marks.starred is null"); // null means there is no marks row for the article
$q->setBody("INSERT INTO arsse_marks(article,subscription) SELECT article,subscription from missing_marks");
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
if (isset($data['read']) && (isset($data['starred']) || isset($data['note'])) && ($context->edition() || $context->editions())) {
// if marking by edition both read and something else, do separate marks for starred and note than for read
// marking as read is ignored if the edition is not the latest, but the same is not true of the other two marks
$this->db->query("UPDATE arsse_marks set touched = 0 where touched <> 0");
// set read marks
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere(" <> coalesce(?,", "bool", $data['read']);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set read = ?, touched = 1 where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", "bool", $data['read']);
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
// get the articles associated with the requested editions
if ($context->edition()) {
$context->article($this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition)['article'])->edition(null);
} else {
} elseif ($context->article()) {
// otherwise if an article context is specified, make sure it's valid
$this->articleValidateId($user, $context->article);
// set starred and/or note marks (unless all requested editions actually do not exist)
if ($context->article || $context->articles) {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("(arsse_marks.note <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.note) or arsse_marks.starred <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.starred))", ["str", "bool"], [$data['note'], $data['starred']]);
$data = array_filter($data, function($v) {
return isset($v);
list($set, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, ['starred' => "bool", 'note' => "str"]);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set touched = 1, $set where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", $setTypes, $setValues);
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
// finally set the modification date for all touched marks and return the number of affected marks
$out = $this->db->query("UPDATE arsse_marks set modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, touched = 0 where touched = 1")->changes();
} else {
if (!isset($data['read']) && ($context->edition() || $context->editions())) {
// get the articles associated with the requested editions
if ($context->edition()) {
$context->article($this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition)['article'])->edition(null);
} else {
if (!$context->article && !$context->articles) {
return 0;
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("(arsse_marks.note <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.note) or arsse_marks.starred <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.starred) or <> coalesce(?,", ["str", "bool", "bool"], [$data['note'], $data['starred'], $data['read']]);
$data = array_filter($data, function($v) {
return isset($v);
list($set, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, ['read' => "bool", 'starred' => "bool", 'note' => "str"]);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set $set, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", $setTypes, $setValues);
$out = $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// execute each query in sequence
foreach ($queries as $query) {
// first build the query which will select the target articles; we will later turn this into a CTE for the actual query that manipulates the articles
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, [
"(not exists(select article from arsse_marks where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))) as to_insert",
"((select read from target_values) is not null and (select read from target_values) <> (coalesce((select read from arsse_marks where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),0)) and (not exists(select * from requested_articles) or (select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = in (select edition from requested_articles))) as honour_read",
"((select starred from target_values) is not null and (select starred from target_values) <> (coalesce((select starred from arsse_marks where article = and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),0))) as honour_star",
// common table expression with the values to set
$q->setCTE("target_values(read,starred,note)", "SELECT ?,?,?", ["bool","bool","str"], $values);
// push the current query onto the CTE stack and execute the query we're actually interested in
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// commit the transaction
return $out;
@ -1143,11 +1178,11 @@ class Database {
return $this->db->prepare(
count(*) as total,
coalesce(sum(not read),0) as unread,
coalesce(sum(abs(read - 1)),0) as unread,
coalesce(sum(read),0) as read
select read from arsse_marks where starred = 1 and subscription in (select id from arsse_subscriptions where owner = ?)
) as starred_data",
@ -1258,14 +1293,14 @@ class Database {
join arsse_feeds on = arsse_articles.feed
join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed =
edition = ? and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?",
|||| = ? and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?",
)->run($id, $user)->getRow();
if (!$out) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "edition", 'id' => $id]);
return $out;
return array_map("intval", $out);
public function editionLatest(string $user, Context $context = null): int {
@ -1273,19 +1308,35 @@ class Database {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$context = $context ?? new Context;
$q = new Query("SELECT max( from arsse_editions left join arsse_articles on article = left join arsse_feeds on arsse_articles.feed =");
$q = new Query("SELECT max( from arsse_editions left join arsse_articles on article = join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_articles.feed = arsse_subscriptions.feed and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?", "str", $user);
if ($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
$this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription);
// a simple WHERE clause is required here
$q->setWhere(" = ?", "int", $id);
} else {
$q->setCTE("userdata(userid)", "SELECT ?", "str", $user);
$q->setCTE("feeds(feed)", "SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner", [], [], "join feeds on arsse_articles.feed = feeds.feed");
$q->setWhere(" = ?", "int", $context->subscription);
return (int) $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->getValue();
public function editionArticle(int ...$edition): array {
$out = [];
$context = (new Context)->editions($edition);
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$articles = $editions = [];
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
$out = $this->editionArticle(...$context->editions);
$editions = array_merge($editions, array_map("intval", array_keys($out)));
$articles = array_merge($articles, array_map("intval", array_values($out)));
return array_combine($editions, $articles);
} else {
list($in, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->editions, "int");
$out = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id as edition, article from arsse_editions where id in($in)", $inTypes)->run($context->editions)->getAll();
return $out ? array_combine(array_column($out, "edition"), array_column($out, "article")) : [];
public function labelAdd(string $user, array $data): int {
// if the user isn't authorized to perform this action then throw an exception.
if (!Arsse::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
@ -1304,14 +1355,16 @@ class Database {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
return $this->db->prepare(
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members where label = id and assigned = 1) as articles,
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members
join arsse_marks on arsse_label_members.article = arsse_marks.article and arsse_label_members.subscription = arsse_marks.subscription
where label = id and assigned = 1 and read = 1
) as read
FROM arsse_labels where owner = ? and articles >= ? order by name
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members where label = id and assigned = 1) as articles,
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members
join arsse_marks on arsse_label_members.article = arsse_marks.article and arsse_label_members.subscription = arsse_marks.subscription
where label = id and assigned = 1 and read = 1
) as read
FROM arsse_labels where owner = ?) as label_data
where articles >= ? order by name
@ -1418,14 +1471,14 @@ class Database {
$q->setWhere("exists(select article from arsse_label_members where label = ? and article =", "int", $id);
"UPDATE arsse_label_members set assigned = ?, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where label = ? and assigned = not ? and article in (select id from target_articles)",
"UPDATE arsse_label_members set assigned = ?, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where label = ? and assigned <> ? and article in (select id from target_articles)",
[!$remove, $id, !$remove]
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// next, if we're not removing, add any new entries that need to be added
if (!$remove) {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context);
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "feed"]);
$q->setWhere("not exists(select article from arsse_label_members where label = ? and article =", "int", $id);
@ -1433,10 +1486,10 @@ class Database {
(select id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner where arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed)
(select id from arsse_subscriptions where owner = ? and arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed)
FROM target_articles",
["int", "str"],
[$id, $user]
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
@ -39,4 +39,6 @@ interface Driver {
public function prepareArray(string $query, array $paramTypes): Statement;
// report whether the database character set is correct/acceptable
public function charsetAcceptable(): bool;
// return an implementation-dependent form of a reference SQL function or operator
public function sqlToken(string $token): string;
@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ class Driver extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\AbstractDriver {
public function sqlToken(string $token): string {
return $token;
public function savepointCreate(bool $lock = false): int {
if (!$this->transStart) {
$this->exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
@ -103,6 +103,15 @@ class Driver extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\AbstractDriver {
return (int) $this->query("PRAGMA user_version")->getValue();
public function sqlToken(string $token): string {
switch(strtolower($token)) {
case "greatest":
return "max";
return $token;
public function schemaUpdate(int $to, string $basePath = null): bool {
// turn off foreign keys
$this->exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = no");
@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ class Context {
protected function act(string $prop, int $set, $value) {
if ($set) {
$this->props[$prop] = true;
$this->$prop = $value;
if (is_null($value)) {
$this->$prop = (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getDefaultProperties()[$prop];
} else {
$this->props[$prop] = true;
$this->$prop = $value;
return $this;
} else {
return isset($this->props[$prop]);
@ -136,14 +141,14 @@ class Context {
public function editions(array $spec = null) {
if ($spec) {
if (isset($spec)) {
$spec = $this->cleanArray($spec);
return $this->act(__FUNCTION__, func_num_args(), $spec);
public function articles(array $spec = null) {
if ($spec) {
if (isset($spec)) {
$spec = $this->cleanArray($spec);
return $this->act(__FUNCTION__, func_num_args(), $spec);
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class Query {
protected $qWhere = []; // WHERE clause components
protected $tWhere = []; // WHERE clause type bindings
protected $vWhere = []; // WHERE clause binding values
protected $group = []; // GROUP BY clause components
protected $order = []; // ORDER BY clause components
protected $limit = 0;
protected $offset = 0;
@ -68,6 +69,13 @@ class Query {
return true;
public function setGroup(string ...$column): bool {
foreach ($column as $col) {
$this->group[] = $col;
return true;
public function setOrder(string $order, bool $prepend = false): bool {
if ($prepend) {
array_unshift($this->order, $order);
@ -97,6 +105,7 @@ class Query {
$this->tJoin = [];
$this->vJoin = [];
$this->order = [];
$this->group = [];
$this->setLimit(0, 0);
if (strlen($join)) {
$this->jCTE[] = $join;
@ -167,6 +176,10 @@ class Query {
if (sizeof($this->qWhere)) {
$out .= " WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $this->qWhere);
// add any GROUP BY terms
if (sizeof($this->group)) {
$out .= " GROUP BY ".implode(", ", $this->group);
// add any ORDER BY terms
if (sizeof($this->order)) {
$out .= " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $this->order);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
-- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
-- Please consult the SQLite 3 schemata for commented version
alter table arsse_marks alter column modified drop default;
alter table arsse_marks alter column modified drop not null;
alter table arsse_marks add column touched smallint not null default 0;
update arsse_meta set value = '4' where key = 'schema_version';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
-- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
-- allow marks to initially have a null date due to changes in how marks are first created
-- and also add a "touched" column to aid in tracking changes during the course of some transactions
alter table arsse_marks rename to arsse_marks_old;
create table arsse_marks(
-- users' actions on newsfeed entries
article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- article associated with the marks
subscription integer not null references arsse_subscriptions(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- subscription associated with the marks; the subscription in turn belongs to a user
read boolean not null default 0, -- whether the article has been read
starred boolean not null default 0, -- whether the article is starred
modified text, -- time at which an article was last modified by a given user
note text not null default '', -- Tiny Tiny RSS freeform user note
touched boolean not null default 0, -- used to indicate a record has been modified during the course of some transactions
primary key(article,subscription) -- no more than one mark-set per article per user
insert into arsse_marks select article,subscription,read,starred,modified,note,0 from arsse_marks_old;
drop table arsse_marks_old;
-- set version marker
pragma user_version = 4;
update arsse_meta set value = '4' where key = 'schema_version';
@ -391,6 +391,43 @@ trait SeriesArticle {
unset($this->data, $this->matches, $this->fields, $this->checkTables, $this->user);
public function testRetrieveArticleIdsForEditions() {
$exp = [
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 4,
5 => 5,
6 => 6,
7 => 7,
8 => 8,
9 => 9,
10 => 10,
11 => 11,
12 => 12,
13 => 13,
14 => 14,
15 => 15,
16 => 16,
17 => 17,
18 => 18,
19 => 19,
20 => 20,
101 => 101,
102 => 102,
103 => 103,
104 => 104,
105 => 105,
202 => 102,
203 => 103,
204 => 104,
205 => 105,
305 => 105,
1001 => 20,
$this->assertEquals($exp, Arsse::$db->editionArticle(...range(1,1001)));
public function testListArticlesCheckingContext() {
$compareIds = function(array $exp, Context $c) {
$ids = array_column($ids = Arsse::$db->articleList("", $c)->getAll(), "id");
@ -504,6 +541,10 @@ trait SeriesArticle {
public function testMarkNothing() {
$this->assertSame(0, Arsse::$db->articleMark($this->user, []));
public function testMarkAllArticlesUnread() {
Arsse::$db->articleMark($this->user, ['read'=>false]);
$now = Date::transform(time(), "sql");
@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ abstract class BaseDriver extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
public function testTranslateAToken() {
$this->assertRegExp("/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/i", $this->drv->sqlToken("greatest"));
$this->assertSame("distinct", $this->drv->sqlToken("distinct"));
public function testExecAValidStatement() {
Add table
Reference in a new issue