@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Date;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo;
class Database {
const LIMIT_ARTICLES = 50;
// articleList verbosity levels
const LIST_MINIMAL = 0; // only that metadata which is required for context matching
@ -809,77 +809,101 @@ class Database {
)->run($feedID, $ids, $hashesUT, $hashesUC, $hashesTC);
protected function articleQuery(string $user, Context $context, array $extraColumns = []): Query {
$extraColumns = implode(",", $extraColumns);
if (strlen($extraColumns)) {
$extraColumns .= ",";
protected function articleQuery(string $user, Context $context, array $cols = ["id"]): Query {
$greatest = $this->db->sqlToken("greatest");
// prepare the output column list
$colDefs = [
'id' => "arsse_articles.id",
'edition' => "latest_editions.edition",
'url' => "arsse_articles.url",
'title' => "arsse_articles.title",
'author' => "arsse_articles.author",
'content' => "arsse_articles.content",
'guid' => "arsse_articles.guid",
'fingerprint' => "arsse_articles.url_title_hash || ':' || arsse_articles.url_content_hash || ':' || arsse_articles.title_content_hash",
'subscription' => "arsse_subscriptions.id",
'feed' => "arsse_subscriptions.feed",
'starred' => "coalesce(arsse_marks.starred,0)",
'unread' => "abs(coalesce(arsse_marks.read,0) - 1)",
'note' => "coalesce(arsse_marks.note,'')",
'published_date' => "arsse_articles.published",
'edited_date' => "arsse_articles.edited",
'modified_date' => "arsse_articles.modified",
'marked_date' => "$greatest(arsse_articles.modified, coalesce(arsse_marks.modified, '0001-01-01 00:00:00'), coalesce(arsse_label_members.modified, '0001-01-01 00:00:00'))",
'subscription_title' => "coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.title, arsse_feeds.title)",
'media_url' => "arsse_enclosures.url",
'media_type' => "arsse_enclosures.type",
if (!$cols) {
// if no columns are specified return a count
$columns = "count(distinct arsse_articles.id) as count";
} else {
$columns = [];
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$col = trim(strtolower($col));
if (!isset($colDefs[$col])) {
$columns[] = $colDefs[$col]." as ".$col;
$columns = implode(",", $columns);
// define the basic query, to which we add lots of stuff where necessary
$q = new Query(
arsse_articles.id as id,
arsse_articles.feed as feed,
arsse_articles.modified as modified_date,
arsse_articles.modified as term
union select
coalesce((select modified from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),'0001-01-01 00:00:00') as term
union select
coalesce((select modified from arsse_label_members where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),'0001-01-01 00:00:00') as term
order by term desc limit 1
) as marked_date,
NOT (select count(*) from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and read = 1 and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as unread,
(select count(*) from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and starred = 1 and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as starred,
(select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = arsse_articles.id) as edition,
subscribed_feeds.sub as subscription
FROM arsse_articles"
from arsse_articles
join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed = arsse_articles.feed and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?
join arsse_feeds on arsse_subscriptions.feed = arsse_feeds.id
left join arsse_marks on arsse_marks.subscription = arsse_subscriptions.id and arsse_marks.article = arsse_articles.id
left join arsse_enclosures on arsse_enclosures.article = arsse_articles.id
left join arsse_label_members on arsse_label_members.subscription = arsse_subscriptions.id and arsse_label_members.article = arsse_articles.id and arsse_label_members.assigned = 1
left join arsse_labels on arsse_labels.owner = arsse_subscriptions.owner and arsse_label_members.label = arsse_labels.id",
["str"], [$user]
$q->setCTE("latest_editions(article,edition)", "SELECT article,max(id) from arsse_editions group by article", [], [], "join latest_editions on arsse_articles.id = latest_editions.article");
if ($cols) {
// if there are no output columns requested we're getting a count and should not group, but otherwise we should
$q->setGroup("arsse_articles.id", "arsse_marks.note", "arsse_enclosures.url", "arsse_enclosures.type", "arsse_subscriptions.title", "arsse_feeds.title", "arsse_subscriptions.id", "arsse_marks.modified", "arsse_label_members.modified", "arsse_marks.read", "arsse_marks.starred", "latest_editions.edition");
$q->setLimit($context->limit, $context->offset);
$q->setCTE("userdata(userid)", "SELECT ?", "str", $user);
if ($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
// add a basic CTE that will join in only the requested subscription
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT ?,?", ["int","int"], [$id,$context->subscription], "join subscribed_feeds on feed = subscribed_feeds.id");
$this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription);
// filter for the subscription
$q->setWhere("arsse_subscriptions.id = ?", "int", $context->subscription);
} elseif ($context->folder()) {
// if a folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folder);
// if it does exist, add a common table expression to list it and its children so that we select from the entire subtree
$q->setCTE("folders(folder)", "SELECT ? union select id from arsse_folders join folders on parent = folder", "int", $context->folder);
// add another CTE for the subscriptions within the folder
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner join folders on arsse_subscriptions.folder = folders.folder", [], [], "join subscribed_feeds on feed = subscribed_feeds.id");
// limit subscriptions to the listed folders
$q->setWhere("arsse_subscriptions.folder in (select folder from folders)");
} elseif ($context->folderShallow()) {
// if a shallow folder is specified, make sure it exists
$this->folderValidateId($user, $context->folderShallow);
// if it does exist, add a CTE with only its subscriptions (and not those of its descendents)
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner and coalesce(folder,0) = ?", "strict int", $context->folderShallow, "join subscribed_feeds on feed = subscribed_feeds.id");
} else {
// otherwise add a CTE for all the user's subscriptions
$q->setCTE("subscribed_feeds(id,sub)", "SELECT feed,id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner", [], [], "join subscribed_feeds on feed = subscribed_feeds.id");
// if it does exist, filter for that folder only
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.folder,0) = ?", "int", $context->folderShallow);
if ($context->edition()) {
// if an edition is specified, filter for its previously identified article
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id = (select article from arsse_editions where id = ?)", "int", $context->edition);
// if an edition is specified, first validate it, then filter for it
$this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition = ?", "int", $context->edition);
} elseif ($context->article()) {
// if an article is specified, filter for it (it has already been validated above)
// if an article is specified, first validate it, then filter for it
$this->articleValidateId($user, $context->article);
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id = ?", "int", $context->article);
if ($context->editions()) {
// if multiple specific editions have been requested, prepare a CTE to list them and their articles
// if multiple specific editions have been requested, filter against the list
if (!$context->editions) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooShort", ['field' => "editions", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'min' => 1]); // must have at least one array element
} elseif (sizeof($context->editions) > self::LIMIT_ARTICLES) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooLong", ['field' => "editions", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'max' => self::LIMIT_ARTICLES]); // @codeCoverageIgnore
list($inParams, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->editions, "int");
"SELECT article,id as edition from arsse_editions where edition in ($inParams)",
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id in (select id from requested_articles)");
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition in ($inParams)", $inTypes, $context->editions);
} elseif ($context->articles()) {
// if multiple specific articles have been requested, prepare a CTE to list them and their articles
if (!$context->articles) {
@ -888,21 +912,13 @@ class Database {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("tooLong", ['field' => "articles", 'action' => __FUNCTION__, 'max' => self::LIMIT_ARTICLES]); // @codeCoverageIgnore
list($inParams, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->articles, "int");
"SELECT id,(select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = arsse_articles.id) as edition from arsse_articles where arsse_articles.id in ($inParams)",
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id in (select id from requested_articles)");
} else {
// if neither list is specified, mock an empty table
$q->setCTE("requested_articles(id,edition)", "SELECT 'empty','table' where 1 = 0");
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id in ($inParams)", $inTypes, $context->articles);
// filter based on label by ID or name
if ($context->labelled()) {
// any label (true) or no label (false)
$q->setWhere((!$context->labelled ? "not " : "")."exists(select article from arsse_label_members where assigned = 1 and article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))");
$isOrIsNot = (!$context->labelled ? "is" : "is not");
$q->setWhere("arsse_labels.id $isOrIsNot null");
} elseif ($context->label() || $context->labelName()) {
// specific label ID or name
if ($context->label()) {
@ -910,7 +926,7 @@ class Database {
} else {
$id = $this->labelValidateId($user, $context->labelName, true)['id'];
$q->setWhere("exists(select article from arsse_label_members where assigned = 1 and article = arsse_articles.id and label = ?)", "int", $id);
$q->setWhere("arsse_labels.id = ?", "int", $id);
// filter based on article or edition offset
if ($context->oldestArticle()) {
@ -920,40 +936,41 @@ class Database {
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.id <= ?", "int", $context->latestArticle);
if ($context->oldestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("edition >= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition >= ?", "int", $context->oldestEdition);
if ($context->latestEdition()) {
$q->setWhere("edition <= ?", "int", $context->latestEdition);
$q->setWhere("latest_editions.edition <= ?", "int", $context->latestEdition);
// filter based on time at which an article was changed by feed updates (modified), or by user action (marked)
if ($context->modifiedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("modified_date >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.modified >= ?", "datetime", $context->modifiedSince);
if ($context->notModifiedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("modified_date <= ?", "datetime", $context->notModifiedSince);
$q->setWhere("arsse_articles.modified <= ?", "datetime", $context->notModifiedSince);
if ($context->markedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("marked_date >= ?", "datetime", $context->markedSince);
$q->setWhere($colDefs['marked_date']." >= ?", "datetime", $context->markedSince);
if ($context->notMarkedSince()) {
$q->setWhere("marked_date <= ?", "datetime", $context->notMarkedSince);
$q->setWhere($colDefs['marked_date']." <= ?", "datetime", $context->notMarkedSince);
// filter for un/read and un/starred status if specified
if ($context->unread()) {
$q->setWhere("unread = ?", "bool", $context->unread);
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_marks.read,0) = ?", "bool", !$context->unread);
if ($context->starred()) {
$q->setWhere("starred = ?", "bool", $context->starred);
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_marks.starred,0) = ?", "bool", $context->starred);
// filter based on whether the article has a note
if ($context->annotated()) {
$q->setWhere((!$context->annotated ? "not " : "")."exists(select modified from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and note <> '' and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))");
$comp = ($context->annotated) ? "<>" : "=";
$q->setWhere("coalesce(arsse_marks.note,'') $comp ''");
// return the query
return $q;
protected function articleChunk(Context $context): array {
protected function contextChunk(Context $context): array {
$exception = "";
if ($context->editions()) {
// editions take precedence over articles
@ -983,7 +1000,7 @@ class Database {
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = [];
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -997,32 +1014,39 @@ class Database {
// NOTE: the cases all cascade into each other: a given verbosity level is always a superset of the previous one
case self::LIST_FULL: // everything
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"(select note from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)) as note",
// no break
case self::LIST_TYPICAL: // conservative, plus content
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"arsse_enclosures.url as media_url", // enclosures are potentially large due to data: URLs
"arsse_enclosures.type as media_type", // FIXME: enclosures should eventually have their own fetch method
"media_url", // enclosures are potentially large due to data: URLs
"media_type", // FIXME: enclosures should eventually have their own fetch method
// no break
case self::LIST_CONSERVATIVE: // base metadata, plus anything that is not likely to be large text
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
"arsse_articles.url as url",
"arsse_articles.title as title",
"(select coalesce(arsse_subscriptions.title,arsse_feeds.title) from arsse_feeds join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed = arsse_feeds.id where arsse_feeds.id = arsse_articles.feed) as subscription_title",
"published as published_date",
"edited as edited_date",
"url_title_hash||':'||url_content_hash||':'||title_content_hash as fingerprint",
// no break
case self::LIST_MINIMAL: // base metadata (always included: required for context matching)
$columns = array_merge($columns, [
// id, subscription, feed, modified_date, marked_date, unread, starred, edition
"edited as edited_date",
@ -1031,7 +1055,6 @@ class Database {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, $columns);
$q->setOrder("edited_date".($context->reverse ? " desc" : ""));
$q->setOrder("edition".($context->reverse ? " desc" : ""));
$q->setJoin("left join arsse_enclosures on arsse_enclosures.article = arsse_articles.id");
// perform the query and return results
return $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
@ -1043,7 +1066,7 @@ class Database {
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = 0;
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -1052,9 +1075,7 @@ class Database {
return $out;
} else {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context);
$q->setBody("SELECT count(*) from selected_articles");
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, []);
return (int) $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->getValue();
@ -1063,9 +1084,17 @@ class Database {
if (!Arsse::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$data = [
'read' => $data['read'] ?? null,
'starred' => $data['starred'] ?? null,
'note' => $data['note'] ?? null,
if (!isset($data['read']) && !isset($data['starred']) && !isset($data['note'])) {
return 0;
$context = $context ?? new Context;
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->articleChunk($context)) {
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$out = 0;
$tr = $this->begin();
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
@ -1074,63 +1103,69 @@ class Database {
return $out;
} else {
// sanitize input
$values = [
isset($data['read']) ? $data['read'] : null,
isset($data['starred']) ? $data['starred'] : null,
isset($data['note']) ? $data['note'] : null,
// the two queries we want to execute to make the requested changes
$queries = [
"UPDATE arsse_marks
read = case when (select honour_read from target_articles where target_articles.id = article) = 1 then (select read from target_values) else read end,
starred = coalesce((select starred from target_values),starred),
note = coalesce((select note from target_values),note),
subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)
and article in (select id from target_articles where to_insert = 0 and (honour_read = 1 or honour_star = 1 or (select note from target_values) is not null))",
"INSERT INTO arsse_marks(subscription,article,read,starred,note)
(select id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner where arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed),
coalesce((select read from target_values) * honour_read,0),
coalesce((select starred from target_values),0),
coalesce((select note from target_values),'')
from target_articles where to_insert = 1 and (honour_read = 1 or honour_star = 1 or coalesce((select note from target_values),'') <> '')"
$out = 0;
// wrap this UPDATE and INSERT together into a transaction
$tr = $this->begin();
// if an edition context is specified, make sure it's valid
if ($context->edition()) {
// make sure the edition exists
$edition = $this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition);
// if the edition is not the latest, do not mark the read flag
if (!$edition['current']) {
$values[0] = null;
$out = 0;
if ($data['read'] || $data['starred'] || strlen($data['note'] ?? "")) {
// first prepare a query to insert any missing marks rows for the articles we want to mark
// but only insert new mark records if we're setting at least one "positive" mark
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("arsse_marks.starred is null"); // null means there is no marks row for the article
$q->setBody("INSERT INTO arsse_marks(article,subscription) SELECT article,subscription from missing_marks");
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
if (isset($data['read']) && (isset($data['starred']) || isset($data['note'])) && ($context->edition() || $context->editions())) {
// if marking by edition both read and something else, do separate marks for starred and note than for read
// marking as read is ignored if the edition is not the latest, but the same is not true of the other two marks
$this->db->query("UPDATE arsse_marks set touched = 0 where touched <> 0");
// set read marks
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("arsse_marks.read <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.read)", "bool", $data['read']);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set read = ?, touched = 1 where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", "bool", $data['read']);
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
// get the articles associated with the requested editions
if ($context->edition()) {
$context->article($this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition)['article'])->edition(null);
} else {
} elseif ($context->article()) {
// otherwise if an article context is specified, make sure it's valid
$this->articleValidateId($user, $context->article);
// set starred and/or note marks (unless all requested editions actually do not exist)
if ($context->article || $context->articles) {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("(arsse_marks.note <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.note) or arsse_marks.starred <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.starred))", ["str", "bool"], [$data['note'], $data['starred']]);
$data = array_filter($data, function($v) {
return isset($v);
list($set, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, ['starred' => "bool", 'note' => "str"]);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set touched = 1, $set where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", $setTypes, $setValues);
$this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues());
// finally set the modification date for all touched marks and return the number of affected marks
$out = $this->db->query("UPDATE arsse_marks set modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, touched = 0 where touched = 1")->changes();
} else {
if (!isset($data['read']) && ($context->edition() || $context->editions())) {
// get the articles associated with the requested editions
if ($context->edition()) {
$context->article($this->articleValidateEdition($user, $context->edition)['article'])->edition(null);
} else {
if (!$context->article && !$context->articles) {
return 0;
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "subscription"]);
$q->setWhere("(arsse_marks.note <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.note) or arsse_marks.starred <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.starred) or arsse_marks.read <> coalesce(?,arsse_marks.read))", ["str", "bool", "bool"], [$data['note'], $data['starred'], $data['read']]);
$data = array_filter($data, function($v) {
return isset($v);
list($set, $setTypes, $setValues) = $this->generateSet($data, ['read' => "bool", 'starred' => "bool", 'note' => "str"]);
$q->setBody("UPDATE arsse_marks set $set, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where article in(select article from target_articles) and subscription in(select distinct subscription from target_articles)", $setTypes, $setValues);
$out = $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// execute each query in sequence
foreach ($queries as $query) {
// first build the query which will select the target articles; we will later turn this into a CTE for the actual query that manipulates the articles
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, [
"(not exists(select article from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds))) as to_insert",
"((select read from target_values) is not null and (select read from target_values) <> (coalesce((select read from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),0)) and (not exists(select * from requested_articles) or (select max(id) from arsse_editions where article = arsse_articles.id) in (select edition from requested_articles))) as honour_read",
"((select starred from target_values) is not null and (select starred from target_values) <> (coalesce((select starred from arsse_marks where article = arsse_articles.id and subscription in (select sub from subscribed_feeds)),0))) as honour_star",
// common table expression with the values to set
$q->setCTE("target_values(read,starred,note)", "SELECT ?,?,?", ["bool","bool","str"], $values);
// push the current query onto the CTE stack and execute the query we're actually interested in
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// commit the transaction
return $out;
@ -1143,11 +1178,11 @@ class Database {
return $this->db->prepare(
count(*) as total,
coalesce(sum(not read),0) as unread,
coalesce(sum(abs(read - 1)),0) as unread,
coalesce(sum(read),0) as read
select read from arsse_marks where starred = 1 and subscription in (select id from arsse_subscriptions where owner = ?)
) as starred_data",
@ -1258,14 +1293,14 @@ class Database {
join arsse_feeds on arsse_feeds.id = arsse_articles.feed
join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_subscriptions.feed = arsse_feeds.id
edition = ? and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?",
arsse_editions.id = ? and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?",
)->run($id, $user)->getRow();
if (!$out) {
throw new Db\ExceptionInput("subjectMissing", ["action" => $this->caller(), "field" => "edition", 'id' => $id]);
return $out;
return array_map("intval", $out);
public function editionLatest(string $user, Context $context = null): int {
@ -1273,19 +1308,35 @@ class Database {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
$context = $context ?? new Context;
$q = new Query("SELECT max(arsse_editions.id) from arsse_editions left join arsse_articles on article = arsse_articles.id left join arsse_feeds on arsse_articles.feed = arsse_feeds.id");
$q = new Query("SELECT max(arsse_editions.id) from arsse_editions left join arsse_articles on article = arsse_articles.id join arsse_subscriptions on arsse_articles.feed = arsse_subscriptions.feed and arsse_subscriptions.owner = ?", "str", $user);
if ($context->subscription()) {
// if a subscription is specified, make sure it exists
$id = $this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription)['feed'];
$this->subscriptionValidateId($user, $context->subscription);
// a simple WHERE clause is required here
$q->setWhere("arsse_feeds.id = ?", "int", $id);
} else {
$q->setCTE("userdata(userid)", "SELECT ?", "str", $user);
$q->setCTE("feeds(feed)", "SELECT feed from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner", [], [], "join feeds on arsse_articles.feed = feeds.feed");
$q->setWhere("arsse_subscriptions.id = ?", "int", $context->subscription);
return (int) $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->getValue();
public function editionArticle(int ...$edition): array {
$out = [];
$context = (new Context)->editions($edition);
// if the context has more articles or editions than we can process in one query, perform a series of queries and return an aggregate result
if ($contexts = $this->contextChunk($context)) {
$articles = $editions = [];
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
$out = $this->editionArticle(...$context->editions);
$editions = array_merge($editions, array_map("intval", array_keys($out)));
$articles = array_merge($articles, array_map("intval", array_values($out)));
return array_combine($editions, $articles);
} else {
list($in, $inTypes) = $this->generateIn($context->editions, "int");
$out = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id as edition, article from arsse_editions where id in($in)", $inTypes)->run($context->editions)->getAll();
return $out ? array_combine(array_column($out, "edition"), array_column($out, "article")) : [];
public function labelAdd(string $user, array $data): int {
// if the user isn't authorized to perform this action then throw an exception.
if (!Arsse::$user->authorize($user, __FUNCTION__)) {
@ -1304,14 +1355,16 @@ class Database {
throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
return $this->db->prepare(
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members where label = id and assigned = 1) as articles,
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members
join arsse_marks on arsse_label_members.article = arsse_marks.article and arsse_label_members.subscription = arsse_marks.subscription
where label = id and assigned = 1 and read = 1
) as read
FROM arsse_labels where owner = ? and articles >= ? order by name
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members where label = id and assigned = 1) as articles,
(select count(*) from arsse_label_members
join arsse_marks on arsse_label_members.article = arsse_marks.article and arsse_label_members.subscription = arsse_marks.subscription
where label = id and assigned = 1 and read = 1
) as read
FROM arsse_labels where owner = ?) as label_data
where articles >= ? order by name
@ -1418,14 +1471,14 @@ class Database {
$q->setWhere("exists(select article from arsse_label_members where label = ? and article = arsse_articles.id)", "int", $id);
"UPDATE arsse_label_members set assigned = ?, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where label = ? and assigned = not ? and article in (select id from target_articles)",
"UPDATE arsse_label_members set assigned = ?, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where label = ? and assigned <> ? and article in (select id from target_articles)",
[!$remove, $id, !$remove]
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();
// next, if we're not removing, add any new entries that need to be added
if (!$remove) {
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context);
$q = $this->articleQuery($user, $context, ["id", "feed"]);
$q->setWhere("not exists(select article from arsse_label_members where label = ? and article = arsse_articles.id)", "int", $id);
@ -1433,10 +1486,10 @@ class Database {
(select id from arsse_subscriptions join userdata on userid = owner where arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed)
(select id from arsse_subscriptions where owner = ? and arsse_subscriptions.feed = target_articles.feed)
FROM target_articles",
["int", "str"],
[$id, $user]
$out += $this->db->prepare($q->getQuery(), $q->getTypes())->run($q->getValues())->changes();