Browse Source


J. King 5 years ago
  1. 6


@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ We use a tool called [Robo]( to simplify the execution of commo
## Running tests
The Arsse has an extensive [PHPUnit]( test suite; tests can be run by executing `./robo test`, which can be supplemented with any arguments understoof by PHPUnit. For example, to test only the Tiny Tiny RSS protocol, one could run `/robo test --testsuite TTRSS`.
The Arsse has an extensive [PHPUnit]( test suite; tests can be run by executing `./robo test`, which can be supplemented with any arguments understoof by PHPUnit. For example, to test only the Tiny Tiny RSS protocol, one could run `./robo test --testsuite TTRSS`.
There is also a `test:quick` Robo task which excludes slower tests, and a `test:full` task which includes redundant tests in addition to the standard test suite
### Test coverage
Computing the coverage of tests can be done by running `./robo coverage`. Either [phpdbg]( or [Xdebug]( is required for this. An HTML-format coverage report will be written to `./tests/coverage/`.
Computing the coverage of tests can be done by running `./robo coverage`. Either [phpdbg]( or [Xdebug]( is required for this. An HTML-format coverage report will be written to `/tests/coverage/`.
## Enforcing coding style
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ The [php-cs-fixer]( tool, executed via `./robo clean`, ca
## Building the manual
The Arsse's user manual, made using [Daux](, can be compiled by running `./robo manual`, which will output files to `./manual/`. It is also possible to serve the manual from a test HTTP server on port 8085 by running `./robo manual:live`.
The Arsse's user manual, made using [Daux](, can be compiled by running `./robo manual`, which will output files to `/manual/`. It is also possible to serve the manual from a test HTTP server on port 8085 by running `./robo manual:live`.
### Rebuilding the manual theme
