[TOC] # Downloading The Arse The latest version of The Arsse can be downloaded [from our releases page](https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/arsse/releases). The attachments named _arsse-x.x.x.tar.gz_ should be used rather than those marked "Source Code". Installation from source code is also possible, but the release packages are recommended. # Installation At present installing The Arsse is largely a manual process. We hope to some day make this easier by integrating the software into commonly used package managers, but for now the below instructions should serve as a useful guide. In order for The Arsse to function correctly, [its requirements](Requirements) must first be satisfied. The process of installing the required PHP extensions differs from one system to the next, but on Debian the following series of commands should do: ```sh # Install PHP; this assumes the FastCGI process manager will be used sudo apt install php-cli php-fpm # Install the needed PHP extensions; php-curl is optional sudo apt install php-intl php-json php-xml php-curl # Install any one of the required database extensions sudo apt install php-sqlite3 php-pgsql php-mysql ``` Then, it's a simple matter of unpacking the archive someplace (`/usr/share/arsse` is the recommended location on Linux systems, but it can be anywhere) and setting permissions: ```sh # Unpack the archive sudo tar -xzf arsse-x.x.x.tar.gz -C "/usr/share" # Make the user running the Web server the owner of the files sudo chown -R www-data:www-data "/usr/share/arsse" # Ensure the owner can create files such as the SQLite database sudo chmod o+rwX "/usr/share/arsse" ``` Finally, The Arsse's newsfeed refreshing service needs to be installed in order for news to actually be fetched from the Internet: ```sh # Copy the service unit sudo cp "/usr/share/arsse/dist/arsse.service" "/etc/systemd/system" # Modify the unit file if needed sudoedit "/etc/systemd/system/arsse.service" # Enable and start the service sudo systemctl enable --now arsse.service ``` If using a database other than SQLite, you will likely want to [set it up](Database_Setup) before setting up the service. It's also possible to instead use a cron job to schedule newsfeed checks, but using the systemd service when possible is recommended. # Next Steps In order for the various synchronization protocols to work, a Web server [must be configured](Web_Server_Configuration), and in order for The Arsse to serve users, those users [must be created](Managing_Users). The following manual pages provide details on how to get this set up. You may also want to review the `config.defaults.php` file included in the download package and create [a configuration file](/en/Configuring_The_Arsse), though The Arsse can function even without using a configuration file.