markTestSkipped(static::$implementation." database driver not available"); } parent::setUp(); self::setConf(); // construct a fresh driver for each test $this->drv = new static::$dbDriverClass; $schemaId = (get_class($this->drv))::schemaID(); // set up a virtual filesystem for schema files $this->vfs = vfsStream::setup("schemata", null, [$schemaId => []]); $this->base = $this->vfs->url(); $this->path = $this->base."/$schemaId/"; // completely clear the database static::dbRaze(static::$interface); } public function tearDown(): void { // deconstruct the driver unset($this->drv); unset($this->path, $this->base, $this->vfs); parent::tearDown(); } public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void { if (static::$interface) { // completely clear the database static::dbRaze(static::$interface); } static::$interface = null; self::clearData(true); } public function testLoadMissingFile(): void { $this->assertException("updateFileMissing", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); } public function testLoadUnreadableFile(): void { touch($this->path."0.sql"); chmod($this->path."0.sql", 0000); $this->assertException("updateFileUnreadable", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); } public function testLoadCorruptFile(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", "This is a corrupt file"); $this->assertException("updateFileError", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); } public function testLoadIncompleteFile(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", "create table arsse_meta(\"key\" varchar(255) primary key not null, value text);"); $this->assertException("updateFileIncomplete", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); } public function testLoadEmptyFile(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", ""); $this->assertException("updateFileIncomplete", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); } public function testLoadCorrectFile(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", static::$minimal1); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(1, $this->base); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->drv->schemaVersion()); } public function testPerformPartialUpdate(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", static::$minimal1); file_put_contents($this->path."1.sql", "UPDATE arsse_meta set value = '1' where \"key\" = 'schema_version'"); $this->assertException("updateFileIncomplete", "Db"); try { $this->drv->schemaUpdate(2, $this->base); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals(1, $this->drv->schemaVersion()); throw $e; } } public function testPerformSequentialUpdate(): void { file_put_contents($this->path."0.sql", static::$minimal1); file_put_contents($this->path."1.sql", static::$minimal2); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(2, $this->base); $this->assertEquals(2, $this->drv->schemaVersion()); } public function testPerformActualUpdate(): void { $this->drv->schemaUpdate(Database::SCHEMA_VERSION); $this->assertEquals(Database::SCHEMA_VERSION, $this->drv->schemaVersion()); } public function testDeclineManualUpdate(): void { // turn auto-updating off Arsse::$conf->dbAutoUpdate = false; $this->assertException("updateManual", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(Database::SCHEMA_VERSION); } public function testDeclineDowngrade(): void { $this->assertException("updateTooNew", "Db"); $this->drv->schemaUpdate(-1, $this->base); } /** @depends testPerformActualUpdate */ public function testPerformMaintenance(): void { $this->drv->schemaUpdate(Database::SCHEMA_VERSION); $this->assertTrue($this->drv->maintenance()); } public function testUpdateTo7(): void { $this->drv->schemaUpdate(6); $this->drv->exec( <<drv->schemaUpdate(7); $exp = [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "password", "num"], 'rows' => [ ["a", "xyz", 1], ["b", "abc", 2], ] ], 'arsse_folders' => [ 'columns' => ["owner", "name"], 'rows' => [ ["a", "1"], ["b", "2"], ] ], 'arsse_icons' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "url"], 'rows' => [ [1, ""], [2, ""], ] ], 'arsse_feeds' => [ 'columns' => ["url", "icon"], 'rows' => [ ["", 1], ["", 2], ["", 1], ["", null], ] ], 'arsse_subscriptions' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "scrape"], 'rows' => [ [1,1], [2,1], [3,0], [4,0], ] ] ]; $this->compareExpectations($this->drv, $exp); } public function testUpdateTo8(): void { $this->drv->schemaUpdate(7); $this->drv->exec( <<drv->schemaUpdate(8); $exp = [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "password", "num", "admin"], 'rows' => [ ["a", "xyz", 1, 0], ["b", "abc", 2, 0], ["c", "gfy", 5, 1], ] ], 'arsse_subscriptions' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "owner", "url", "feed_title", "title", "folder", "last_mod", "etag", "next_fetch", "added", "source", "updated", "err_count", "err_msg", "size", "icon", "modified", "order_type", "pinned", "scrape", "keep_rule", "block_rule", "deleted"], 'rows' => [ [1, "a", "", "Title 1", "User Title", null, "2001-06-13 06:56:23", '"ook"', "2001-06-13 06:57:23", "2002-02-02 00:02:03", "", "2001-06-13 06:55:23", 42, "Some error", 47, null, "2002-02-02 00:05:03", 2, 1, 0, "keep", "block", 0], [4, "a", "", "Title 3", "Rosy Title", 1337, "2001-06-15 06:56:23", '"ack"', "2001-06-15 06:57:23", "2002-02-03 00:02:03", "", "2001-06-15 06:55:23", 44, "This error", 3, 12, "2002-02-03 00:05:03", 1, 0, 0, "meep", "bloop", 0], [6, "c", "", "Title 3", null, 4400, "2001-06-15 06:56:23", '"ack"', "2001-06-15 06:57:23", "2002-02-04 00:02:03", "", "2001-06-15 06:55:23", 44, "This error", 3, 12, "2002-02-04 00:05:03", 2, 0, 1, null, null, 0], ] ], 'arsse_articles' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "subscription", "read", "starred", "hidden", "touched", "published", "edited", "modified", "marked", "url", "title", "author", "guid", "url_title_hash", "url_content_hash", "title_content_hash", "note"], 'rows' => [ [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "2001-11-08 22:07:55", "2002-11-08 07:51:12", "2001-11-08 23:44:56", "2002-11-08 00:37:22", "", "Article 1", "John Doe", "GUID1", "UTHASH1", "UCHASH1", "TCHASH1", "Note 1"], [2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "2001-11-09 22:07:55", "2002-11-09 07:51:12", "2001-11-09 23:44:56", null, "", "Article 2", "Jane Doe", "GUID2", "UTHASH2", "UCHASH2", "TCHASH2", ""], [7, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, "2001-11-12 22:07:55", "2002-11-12 07:51:12", "2001-11-12 23:44:56", "2002-11-12 00:37:22", "", "Article 5", "Adam Doe", "GUID5", "UTHASH5", "UCHASH5", "TCHASH5", "Note 5"], [8, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, "2001-11-12 22:07:55", "2002-11-12 07:51:12", "2001-11-12 23:44:56", "2002-12-12 00:37:22", "", "Article 5", "Adam Doe", "GUID5", "UTHASH5", "UCHASH5", "TCHASH5", ""], [9, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, "2001-11-13 22:07:55", "2002-11-13 07:51:12", "2001-11-13 23:44:56", null, "", "Article 6", "Evie Doe", "GUID6", "UTHASH6", "UCHASH6", "TCHASH6", ""], [10, 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, "2001-11-13 22:07:55", "2002-11-13 07:51:12", "2001-11-13 23:44:56", "2002-12-13 00:37:22", "", "Article 6", "Evie Doe", "GUID6", "UTHASH6", "UCHASH6", "TCHASH6", "Note 6"], ] ], 'arsse_article_contents' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "content"], 'rows' => [ [1, "Content 1"], [2, "Content 2"], [7, "Content 5"], [8, "Content 5"], [9, "Content 6"], [10, "Scraped 6"], ] ], 'arsse_editions' => [ 'columns' => ["id", "article", "modified"], 'rows' => [ [1, 1, "2000-01-01 00:00:00"], [2, 1, "2000-02-01 00:00:00"], [3, 2, "2000-01-02 00:00:00"], [4, 2, "2000-02-02 00:00:00"], [13, 7, "2000-01-05 00:00:00"], [14, 7, "2000-02-05 00:00:00"], [15, 8, "2000-01-05 00:00:00"], [16, 8, "2000-02-05 00:00:00"], [17, 9, "2000-01-06 00:00:00"], [18, 9, "2000-02-06 00:00:00"], [19, 10, "2000-01-06 00:00:00"], [20, 10, "2000-02-06 00:00:00"], ] ], 'arsse_enclosures' => [ 'columns' => ["article", "url", "type"], 'rows' => [ [2, "", "image/png"], [7, "", "application/octet-stream"], [8, "", "application/octet-stream"], ] ], 'arsse_categories' => [ 'columns' => ["article", "name"], 'rows' => [ [1, "Sport"], [2, "Opinion"], [2, "Gourds"], [9, "Medicine"], [9, "Drugs"], [9, "Technology"], [10, "Medicine"], [10, "Drugs"], [10, "Technology"], ] ], 'arsse_label_members' => [ 'columns' => ["label", "article", "assigned", "modified"], 'rows' => [ [2, 2, 1, '2023-09-01 11:22:33'], [1, 2, 0, '2023-09-02 11:22:33'], [1, 7, 1, '2023-09-03 11:22:33'], [4, 8, 0, '2023-09-04 11:22:33'], ] ] ]; $this->compareExpectations($this->drv, $exp); } }