* @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\Exception */ class TestTinyTinyAPI extends Test\AbstractTest { protected $h; protected $folders = [ ['id' => 5, 'parent' => 3, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Local"], ['id' => 6, 'parent' => 3, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 2, 'name' => "National"], ['id' => 4, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Photography"], ['id' => 3, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Politics"], ['id' => 2, 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Rocketry"], ['id' => 1, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Science"], ]; protected $topFolders = [ ['id' => 4, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Photography"], ['id' => 3, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Politics"], ['id' => 1, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Science"], ]; protected $subscriptions = [ ['id' => 6, 'folder' => null, 'top_folder' => null, 'unread' => 0, 'updated' => "2010-02-12 20:08:47", 'favicon' => 'http://example.com/6.png'], ['id' => 3, 'folder' => 1, 'top_folder' => 1, 'unread' => 2, 'updated' => "2016-05-23 06:40:02", 'favicon' => 'http://example.com/3.png'], ['id' => 1, 'folder' => 2, 'top_folder' => 1, 'unread' => 5, 'updated' => "2017-09-15 22:54:16", 'favicon' => null], ['id' => 2, 'folder' => 5, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 10, 'updated' => "2011-11-11 11:11:11", 'favicon' => 'http://example.com/2.png'], ['id' => 5, 'folder' => 6, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 12, 'updated' => "2017-07-07 17:07:17", 'favicon' => ''], ['id' => 4, 'folder' => 6, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 6, 'updated' => "2017-10-09 15:58:34", 'favicon' => 'http://example.com/4.png'], ]; protected $labels = [ ['id' => 5, 'articles' => 0, 'read' => 0, 'name' => "Interesting"], ['id' => 3, 'articles' => 100, 'read' => 94, 'name' => "Fascinating"], ['id' => 1, 'articles' => 2, 'read' => 0, 'name' => "Logical"], ]; protected $usedLabels = [ ['id' => 3, 'articles' => 100, 'read' => 94, 'name' => "Fascinating"], ['id' => 1, 'articles' => 2, 'read' => 0, 'name' => "Logical"], ]; protected function respGood($content = null, $seq = 0): Response { return new Response(200, [ 'seq' => $seq, 'status' => 0, 'content' => $content, ]); } protected function respErr(string $msg, $content = [], $seq = 0): Response { $err = ['error' => $msg]; return new Response(200, [ 'seq' => $seq, 'status' => 1, 'content' => array_merge($err, $content, $err), ]); } protected function assertResponse(Response $exp, Response $act, string $text = null) { if ($exp->payload['status']) { // if the expectation is an error response, do a straight object comparison $this->assertEquals($exp, $act, $text); } else { // otherwise just compare their content foreach ($act->payload['content'] as $record) { $this->assertContains($record, $exp->payload['content'], $text); } $this->assertCount(sizeof($exp->payload['content']), $act->payload['content'], $text); } } public function setUp() { $this->clearData(); Arsse::$conf = new Conf(); // create a mock user manager Arsse::$user = Phake::mock(User::class); Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->rightsGet->thenReturn(100); Arsse::$user->id = "john.doe@example.com"; // create a mock database interface Arsse::$db = Phake::mock(Database::class); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->begin->thenReturn(Phake::mock(Transaction::class)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionSession("invalid")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume("PriestsOfSyrinx")->thenReturn([ 'id' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'created' => "2000-01-01 00:00:00", 'expires' => "2112-12-21 21:12:00", 'user' => Arsse::$user->id, ]); $this->h = new REST\TinyTinyRSS\API(); } public function tearDown() { $this->clearData(); } public function testLogIn() { Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth(Arsse::$user->id, "superman")->thenReturn(false); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionCreate->thenReturn("PriestsOfSyrinx")->thenReturn("SolarFederation"); $data = [ 'op' => "login", 'user' => Arsse::$user->id, 'password' => "secret", ]; $exp = $this->respGood(['session_id' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'api_level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); $exp = $this->respGood(['session_id' => "SolarFederation", 'api_level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); // test a failed log-in $data['password'] = "superman"; $exp = $this->respErr("LOGIN_ERROR"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); // logging in should never try to resume a session Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(0))->sessionResume($this->anything()); } public function testLogOut() { Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionDestroy->thenReturn(true); $data = [ 'op' => "logout", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = $this->respGood(['status' => "OK"]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->sessionDestroy(Arsse::$user->id, "PriestsOfSyrinx"); } public function testValidateASession() { $data = [ 'op' => "isLoggedIn", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = $this->respGood(['status' => true]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); $data['sid'] = "SolarFederation"; $exp = $this->respErr("NOT_LOGGED_IN"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); } public function testRetrieveServerVersion() { $data = [ 'op' => "getVersion", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = $this->respGood([ 'version' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::VERSION, 'arsse_version' => Arsse::VERSION, ]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); } public function testRetrieveProtocolLevel() { $data = [ 'op' => "getApiLevel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = $this->respGood(['level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($data)))); } public function testAddACategory() { $in = [ ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Software"], ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Hardware", 'parent_id' => 1], ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Hardware", 'parent_id' => 2112], ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => ""], ['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => " "], ]; $db = [ ['name' => "Software", 'parent' => null], ['name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 1], ['name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 2112], ]; $out = [ ['id' => 2, 'name' => "Software", 'parent' => null], ['id' => 3, 'name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 1], ['id' => 1, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => null], ]; // set of various mocks for testing Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $db[0])->thenReturn(2)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // error on the second call Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $db[1])->thenReturn(3)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // error on the second call Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, null, false)->thenReturn(new Result([$out[0], $out[2]])); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, 1, false)->thenReturn(new Result([$out[1]])); // set up mocks that produce errors Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); // parent folder does not exist Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, [])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("missing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => "", 'parent' => null])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("missing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => " ", 'parent' => null])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("whitespace")); // correctly add two folders $exp = $this->respGood(2); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); $exp = $this->respGood(3); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // attempt to add the two folders again $exp = $this->respGood(2); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); $exp = $this->respGood(3); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, null, false); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, 1, false); // add a folder to a missing parent (silently fails) $exp = $this->respGood(false); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); // add some invalid folders $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); } public function testRemoveACategory() { $in = [ ['op' => "removeCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42], ['op' => "removeCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 2112], ['op' => "removeCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => -1], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, 42)->thenReturn(true)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); // succefully delete a folder $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // try deleting it again (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // delete a folder which does not exist (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // delete an invalid folder (causes an error) $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(3))->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything()); } public function testMoveACategory() { $in = [ ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 1], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 2112, 'parent_id' => 2], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 0], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 47], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => -1, 'parent_id' => 1], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => -1], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'parent_id' => -1], ['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['parent' => 1]], [Arsse::$user->id, 2112, ['parent' => 2]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['parent' => 0]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['parent' => 47]], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[0])->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[3])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); // succefully move a folder $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // move a folder which does not exist (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // move a folder causing a duplication (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); // all the rest should cause errors $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[6])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[7])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[8])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(4))->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything()); } public function testRenameACategory() { $in = [ ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'caption' => ""], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42, 'caption' => " "], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => 42], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['name' => "Ook"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 2112, ['name' => "Eek"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['name' => "Eek"]], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[0])->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // succefully rename a folder $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // rename a folder which does not exist (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // rename a folder causing a duplication (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); // all the rest should cause errors $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[6])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[7])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[8])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(3))->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything()); } public function testAddASubscription() { $in = [ ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/0"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/1", 'category_id' => 42], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/2", 'category_id' => 2112], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/3"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Valid"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/6"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/7"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/8", 'category_id' => 47], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/9", 'category_id' => 1], // these don't even query the database as the input is syntactically invalid ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'login' => []], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'login' => "", 'password' => []], ['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'category_id' => -1], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/0", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/1", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/2", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/3", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Valid", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/6", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/7", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/8", "", ""], [Arsse::$user->id, "http://example.com/9", "", ""], ]; $out = [ ['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 2], ['code' => 5, 'message' => (new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/1", new \PicoFeed\Client\UnauthorizedException()))->getMessage()], ['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 0], ['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 3], ['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 1], ['code' => 3, 'message' => (new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid", new \PicoFeed\Reader\SubscriptionNotFoundException()))->getMessage()], ['code' => 2, 'message' => (new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/6", new \PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException()))->getMessage()], ['code' => 6, 'message' => (new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/7", new \PicoFeed\Parser\MalformedXmlException()))->getMessage()], ['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 4], ['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 4], ]; $list = [ ['id' => 1, 'url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Feed"], ['id' => 2, 'url' => "http://example.com/0"], ['id' => 3, 'url' => "http://example.com/3"], ['id' => 4, 'url' => "http://example.com/9"], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[0])->thenReturn(2); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/1", new \PicoFeed\Client\UnauthorizedException())); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[2])->thenReturn(2); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[3])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[4])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[5])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[6])->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/6", new \PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException())); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[7])->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/7", new \PicoFeed\Parser\MalformedXmlException())); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[8])->thenReturn(4); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$db[9])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, 42)->thenReturn(['id' => 42]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, 47)->thenReturn(['id' => 47]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, 2112)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything())->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, 4, $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id)->thenReturn(new Result($list)); for ($a = 0; $a < (sizeof($in) - 4); $a++) { $exp = $this->respGood($out[$a]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[$a]))), "Failed test $a"); } $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); for ($a = (sizeof($in) - 4); $a < sizeof($in); $a++) { $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[$a]))), "Failed test $a"); } Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(0))->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, 4, ['folder' => 1]); } public function testRemoveASubscription() { $in = [ ['op' => "unsubscribeFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42], ['op' => "unsubscribeFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 2112], ['op' => "unsubscribeFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -1], ['op' => "unsubscribeFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, 42)->thenReturn(true)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); // succefully delete a folder $exp = $this->respGood(['status' => "OK"]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // try deleting it again (this should noisily fail, as should everything else) $exp = $this->respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(3))->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything()); } public function testMoveASubscription() { $in = [ ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 1], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 2112, 'category_id' => 2], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 0], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 47], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -1, 'category_id' => 1], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => -1], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'category_id' => -1], ['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['folder' => 1]], [Arsse::$user->id, 2112, ['folder' => 2]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['folder' => 0]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['folder' => 47]], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[0])->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[3])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // succefully move a subscription $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // move a subscription which does not exist (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // move a subscription causing a duplication (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); // all the rest should cause errors $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[6])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[7])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[8])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(4))->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything()); } public function testRenameASubscription() { $in = [ ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => ""], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => " "], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['name' => "Ook"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 2112, ['name' => "Eek"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 42, ['name' => "Eek"]], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[0])->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // succefully rename a subscription $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // rename a subscription which does not exist (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // rename a subscription causing a duplication (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); // all the rest should cause errors $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[6])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[7])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[8])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(3))->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything()); } public function testRetrieveTheGlobalUnreadCount() { $in = ['op' => "getUnread", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id)->thenReturn(new Result([ ['id' => 1, 'unread' => 2112], ['id' => 2, 'unread' => 42], ['id' => 3, 'unread' => 47], ])); $exp = $this->respGood(['unread' => 2112 + 42 + 47]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in)))); } public function testRetrieveTheServerConfiguration () { $in = ['op' => "getConfig", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; $interval = Service::interval(); $valid = (new \DateTimeImmutable("now", new \DateTimezone("UTC")))->sub($interval); $invalid = $valid->sub($interval)->sub($interval); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->metaGet("service_last_checkin")->thenReturn(Date::transform($valid, "sql"))->thenReturn(Date::transform($invalid, "sql")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionCount(Arsse::$user->id)->thenReturn(12)->thenReturn(2); $exp = [ ['icons_dir' => "feed-icons", 'icons_url' => "feed-icons", 'daemon_is_running' => true, 'num_feeds' => 12], ['icons_dir' => "feed-icons", 'icons_url' => "feed-icons", 'daemon_is_running' => false, 'num_feeds' => 2], ]; $this->assertEquals($this->respGood($exp[0]), $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in)))); $this->assertEquals($this->respGood($exp[1]), $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in)))); } public function testUpdateAFeed() { $in = [ ['op' => "updateFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 1], ['op' => "updateFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 2], ['op' => "updateFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -1], ['op' => "updateFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(11)->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, 1)->thenReturn(['id' => 1, 'feed' => 11]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, 2)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); $exp = $this->respGood(['status' => "OK"]); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(11); $exp = $this->respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); } public function testAddALabel() { $in = [ ['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Software"], ['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Hardware",], ['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => ""], ['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => " "], ]; $db = [ ['name' => "Software"], ['name' => "Hardware"], ]; $out = [ ['id' => 2, 'name' => "Software"], ['id' => 3, 'name' => "Hardware"], ['id' => 1, 'name' => "Politics"], ]; // set of various mocks for testing Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $db[0])->thenReturn(2)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // error on the second call Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $db[1])->thenReturn(3)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); // error on the second call Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, "Software", true)->thenReturn($out[0]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, "Hardware", true)->thenReturn($out[1]); // set up mocks that produce errors Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, [])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("missing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => ""])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("missing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => " "])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("whitespace")); // correctly add two labels $exp = $this->respGood((-1 * API::LABEL_OFFSET) - 2); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); $exp = $this->respGood((-1 * API::LABEL_OFFSET) - 3); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // attempt to add the two labels again $exp = $this->respGood((-1 * API::LABEL_OFFSET) - 2); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); $exp = $this->respGood((-1 * API::LABEL_OFFSET) - 3); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, "Software", true); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, "Hardware", true); // add some invalid labels $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); } public function testRemoveALabel() { $in = [ ['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042], ['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -2112], ['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => 1], ['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => 0], ['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -10], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelRemove(Arsse::$user->id, 18)->thenReturn(true)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); // succefully delete a label $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // try deleting it again (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // delete a label which does not exist (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // delete some invalid labels (causes an error) $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(2))->labelRemove(Arsse::$user->id, 18); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelRemove(Arsse::$user->id, 1088); } public function testRenameALabel() { $in = [ ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => "Eek"], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => ""], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => " "], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1042], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'label_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'caption' => "Ook"], ['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; $db = [ [Arsse::$user->id, 18, ['name' => "Ook"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 1088, ['name' => "Eek"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 18, ['name' => "Eek"]], [Arsse::$user->id, 18, ['name' => ""]], [Arsse::$user->id, 18, ['name' => " "]], [Arsse::$user->id, 18, ['name' => ""]], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[0])->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[1])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[2])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[3])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("typeViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[4])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("typeViolation")); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$db[5])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("typeViolation")); // succefully rename a label $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[0])))); // rename a label which does not exist (this should silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[1])))); // rename a label causing a duplication (this should also silently fail) $exp = $this->respGood(); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[2])))); // all the rest should cause errors $exp = $this->respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE"); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[3])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[4])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[5])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[6])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[7])))); $this->assertEquals($exp, $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[8])))); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, Phake::times(6))->labelPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $this->anything(), $this->anything()); } public function testRetrieveCategoryLists() { $in = [ ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'include_empty' => true], ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'unread_only' => true], ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'enable_nested' => true, 'include_empty' => true], ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'enable_nested' => true], ['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'enable_nested' => true, 'unread_only' => true], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, true)->thenReturn(new Result($this->folders)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, false)->thenReturn(new Result($this->topFolders)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result($this->subscriptions)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result($this->labels)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->anything())->thenReturn(7); // FIXME: this should check an unread+modifiedSince context Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred($this->anything())->thenReturn(['total' => 10, 'unread' => 4, 'read' => 6]); $exp = [ [ ['id' => 5, 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 6, 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 4, 'title' => "Photography", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 3, 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 2, 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], [ ['id' => 5, 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 6, 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 3, 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 2, 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], [ ['id' => 5, 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 6, 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 2, 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], [ ['id' => 4, 'title' => "Photography", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 3, 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], [ ['id' => 3, 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], [ ['id' => 3, 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 1, 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => 8], ], ]; for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($in); $a++) { $this->assertEquals($this->respGood($exp[$a]), $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[$a]))), "Test $a failed"); } } public function testRetrieveCounterList() { $in = ['op' => "getCounters", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result($this->folders)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result($this->subscriptions)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result($this->usedLabels)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->anything())->thenReturn(7); // FIXME: this should check an unread+modifiedSince context Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred($this->anything())->thenReturn(['total' => 10, 'unread' => 4, 'read' => 6]); $exp = [ ['id' => "global-unread", 'counter' => 35], ['id' => "subscribed-feeds", 'counter' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'counter' => 4, 'auxcounter' => 10], ['id' => -2, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -3, 'counter' => 7, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -4, 'counter' => 35, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -1027, 'counter' => 6, 'auxcounter' => 100], ['id' => -1025, 'counter' => 2, 'auxcounter' => 2], ['id' => 3, 'has_img' => 1, 'counter' => 2, 'updated' => "2016-05-23T06:40:02"], ['id' => 1, 'has_img' => 0, 'counter' => 5, 'updated' => "2017-09-15T22:54:16"], ['id' => 2, 'has_img' => 1, 'counter' => 10, 'updated' => "2011-11-11T11:11:11"], ['id' => 5, 'has_img' => 0, 'counter' => 12, 'updated' => "2017-07-07T17:07:17"], ['id' => 4, 'has_img' => 1, 'counter' => 6, 'updated' => "2017-10-09T15:58:34"], ['id' => 5, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 10], ['id' => 6, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 18], ['id' => 3, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 28], ['id' => 2, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 5], ['id' => 1, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 7], ['id' => -2, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 8], ]; $this->assertResponse($this->respGood($exp), $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in)))); } public function testRetrieveTheLabelList() { $in = [ ['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'article_id' => 1], ['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'article_id' => 2], ['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'article_id' => 3], ['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'article_id' => 4], ]; Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result($this->labels)); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 1)->thenReturn([1,3]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 2)->thenReturn([3]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 3)->thenReturn([]); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 4)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); $exp = [ [ ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], ]; for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($in); $a++) { $this->assertResponse($this->respGood($exp[$a]), $this->h->dispatch(new Request("POST", "", json_encode($in[$a]))), "Test $a failed"); } } }