* @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Context\ExclusionContext */ class TestContext extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest { protected $ranges = ['modifiedRange', 'markedRange', 'articleRange', 'editionRange']; public function testVerifyInitialState(): void { $c = new Context; foreach ((new \ReflectionObject($c))->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $m) { if ($m->isStatic() || strpos($m->name, "__") === 0) { continue; } $method = $m->name; $this->assertFalse($c->$method(), "Context method $method did not initially return false"); if (in_array($method, $this->ranges)) { $this->assertEquals([null, null], $c->$method, "Context property $method is not initially a two-member falsy array"); } else { $this->assertEquals(null, $c->$method, "Context property $method is not initially falsy"); } } } public function testSetContextOptions(): void { $v = [ 'reverse' => true, 'limit' => 10, 'offset' => 5, 'folder' => 42, 'folders' => [12,22], 'folderShallow' => 42, 'foldersShallow' => [0,1], 'tag' => 44, 'tags' => [44, 2112], 'tagName' => "XLIV", 'tagNames' => ["XLIV", "MMCXII"], 'subscription' => 2112, 'subscriptions' => [44, 2112], 'article' => 255, 'edition' => 65535, 'unread' => true, 'starred' => true, 'hidden' => true, 'editions' => [1,2], 'articles' => [1,2], 'label' => 2112, 'labels' => [2112, 1984], 'labelName' => "Rush", 'labelNames' => ["Rush", "Orwell"], 'labelled' => true, 'annotated' => true, 'searchTerms' => ["foo", "bar"], 'annotationTerms' => ["foo", "bar"], 'titleTerms' => ["foo", "bar"], 'authorTerms' => ["foo", "bar"], 'not' => (new Context)->subscription(5), ]; $c = new Context; foreach ((new \ReflectionObject($c))->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $m) { if ($m->isStatic() || strpos($m->name, "__") === 0 || in_array($m->name, $this->ranges)) { continue; } $method = $m->name; $this->assertArrayHasKey($method, $v, "Context method $method not included in test"); $this->assertInstanceOf(Context::class, $c->$method($v[$method])); $this->assertTrue($c->$method()); $this->assertSame($c->$method, $v[$method], "Context method $method did not return the expected results"); // clear the context option $c->$method(null); $this->assertFalse($c->$method()); } } public function provideContextOptions(): iterable { return [ 'reverse' => [[true], true], 'limit' => [[10], 10], 'offset' => [[5], 5], 'folder' => [[42], 42], 'folders' => [[[12,22]], [12,22]], 'folderShallow' => [[42], 42], 'foldersShallow' => [[[0,1]], [0,1]], 'tag' => [[44], 44], 'tags' => [[[44, 2112]], [44, 2112]], 'tagName' => [["XLIV"], "XLIV"], 'tagNames' => [[["XLIV", "MMCXII"]], ["XLIV", "MMCXII"]], 'subscription' => [[2112], 2112], 'subscriptions' => [[[44, 2112]], [44, 2112]], 'article' => [[255], 255], 'edition' => [[65535], 65535], 'unread' => [[true], true], 'starred' => [[true], true], 'hidden' => [[true], true], 'editions' => [[[1,2]], [1,2]], 'articles' => [[[1,2]], [1,2]], 'label' => [[2112], 2112], 'labels' => [[[2112, 1984]], [2112, 1984]], 'labelName' => [["Rush"], "Rush"], 'labelNames' => [[["Rush", "Orwell"]], ["Rush", "Orwell"]], 'labelled' => [[true], true], 'annotated' => [[true], true], 'searchTerms' => [[["foo", "bar"]], ["foo", "bar"]], 'annotationTerms' => [[["foo", "bar"]], ["foo", "bar"]], 'titleTerms' => [[["foo", "bar"]], ["foo", "bar"]], 'authorTerms' => [[["foo", "bar"]], ["foo", "bar"]], 'modifiedRange' => [["2020-03-06T22:08:03Z", "2022-12-31T06:33:12Z"], ["2020-03-06T22:08:03Z", "2022-12-31T06:33:12Z"]], 'markedRange' => [["2020-03-06T22:08:03Z", "2022-12-31T06:33:12Z"], ["2020-03-06T22:08:03Z", "2022-12-31T06:33:12Z"]], 'articleRange' => [[1, 100], [1, 100]], 'editionRange' => [[1, 100], [1, 100]], ]; } public function testCleanIdArrayValues(): void { $methods = ["articles", "editions", "tags", "labels", "subscriptions"]; $in = [1, "2", 3.5, 4.0, 4, "ook", 0, -20, true, false, null, new \DateTime(), -1.0]; $out = [1, 2, 4]; $c = new Context; foreach ($methods as $method) { $this->assertSame($out, $c->$method($in)->$method, "Context method $method did not return the expected results"); } } public function testCleanFolderIdArrayValues(): void { $methods = ["folders", "foldersShallow"]; $in = [1, "2", 3.5, 4.0, 4, "ook", 0, -20, true, false, null, new \DateTime(), -1.0]; $out = [1, 2, 4, 0]; $c = new Context; foreach ($methods as $method) { $this->assertSame($out, $c->$method($in)->$method, "Context method $method did not return the expected results"); } } public function testCleanStringArrayValues(): void { $methods = ["searchTerms", "annotationTerms", "titleTerms", "authorTerms", "tagNames", "labelNames"]; $now = new \DateTime; $in = [1, 3.0, "ook", 0, true, false, null, $now, ""]; $out = ["1", "3", "ook", "0", valueInfo::normalize($now, ValueInfo::T_STRING)]; $c = new Context; foreach ($methods as $method) { $this->assertSame($out, $c->$method($in)->$method, "Context method $method did not return the expected results"); } } public function testCloneAContext(): void { $c1 = new Context; $c2 = clone $c1; $this->assertEquals($c1, $c2); $this->assertEquals($c1->not, $c2->not); $this->assertNotSame($c1, $c2); $this->assertNotSame($c1->not, $c2->not); $this->assertSame($c1, $c1->not->article(null)); $this->assertSame($c2, $c2->not->article(null)); } }