data = [ 'arsse_users' => [ 'columns' => [ 'id' => 'str', 'password' => 'str', 'num' => 'int', 'admin' => 'bool', ], 'rows' => [ ["", '$2y$10$PbcG2ZR3Z8TuPzM7aHTF8.v61dtCjzjK78gdZJcp4UePE8T9jEgBW', 1, 1], // password is hash of "secret" ["", "", 2, 0], ["", "", 3, 0], ], ], 'arsse_user_meta' => [ 'columns' => [ 'owner' => "str", 'key' => "str", 'value' => "str", ], 'rows' => [ ["", "lang", "en"], ["", "tz", "America/Toronto"], ["", "sort", "desc"], ["", "lang", "fr"], ["", "tz", "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"], ["", "sort", "asc"], ], ], ]; } protected function tearDownSeriesUser(): void { unset($this->data); } public function testCheckThatAUserExists(): void { $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userExists("")); $this->assertFalse(Arsse::$db->userExists("")); $this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $this->data); } public function testGetAPassword(): void { $hash = Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet(""); $this->assertSame('$2y$10$PbcG2ZR3Z8TuPzM7aHTF8.v61dtCjzjK78gdZJcp4UePE8T9jEgBW', $hash); $this->assertTrue(password_verify("secret", $hash)); } public function testGetThePasswordOfAMissingUser(): void { $this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet(""); } public function testAddANewUser(): void { $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userAdd("", "")); $state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_users' => ['id']]); $state['arsse_users']['rows'][] = [""]; $this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state); } public function testAddAnExistingUser(): void { $this->assertException("alreadyExists", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userAdd("", ""); } public function testRemoveAUser(): void { $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userRemove("")); $state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_users' => ['id']]); array_shift($state['arsse_users']['rows']); $this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state); } public function testRemoveAMissingUser(): void { $this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userRemove(""); } public function testListAllUsers(): void { $users = ["", "", ""]; $this->assertSame($users, Arsse::$db->userList()); } /** * @depends testGetAPassword */ public function testSetAPassword(): void { $user = ""; $pass = "secret"; $this->assertEquals("", Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet($user)); $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userPasswordSet($user, $pass)); $hash = Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet($user); $this->assertNotEquals("", $hash); $this->assertTrue(password_verify($pass, $hash), "Failed verifying password of $user '$pass' against hash '$hash'."); } public function testUnsetAPassword(): void { $user = ""; $this->assertEquals("", Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet($user)); $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userPasswordSet($user, null)); $this->assertNull(Arsse::$db->userPasswordGet($user)); } public function testSetThePasswordOfAMissingUser(): void { $this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userPasswordSet("", "secret"); } /** @dataProvider provideMetaData */ public function testGetMetadata(string $user, array $exp): void { $this->assertSame($exp, Arsse::$db->userPropertiesGet($user)); } public function provideMetadata(): iterable { return [ ["", ['num' => 1, 'admin' => true, 'lang' => "en", 'tz' => "America/Toronto", 'sort_asc' => false]], ["", ['num' => 2, 'admin' => false, 'lang' => "fr", 'tz' => "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", 'sort_asc' => true]], ["", ['num' => 3, 'admin' => false, 'lang' => null, 'tz' => "Etc/UTC", 'sort_asc' => false]], ]; } public function testGetTheMetadataOfAMissingUser(): void { $this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userPropertiesGet(""); } public function testSetMetadata(): void { $in = [ 'admin' => true, 'lang' => "en-ca", 'tz' => "Atlantic/Reykjavik", 'sort_asc' => true, ]; $this->assertTrue(Arsse::$db->userPropertiesSet("", $in)); $state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_users' => ['id', 'num', 'admin', 'lang', 'tz', 'sort_asc']]); $state['arsse_users']['rows'][2] = ["", 3, 1, "en-ca", "Atlantic/Reykjavik", 1]; $this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state); } public function testSetNoMetadata(): void { $in = [ 'num' => 2112, 'blah' => "bloo", ]; $this->assertFalse(Arsse::$db->userPropertiesSet("", $in)); $state = $this->primeExpectations($this->data, ['arsse_users' => ['id', 'num', 'admin', 'lang', 'tz', 'sort_asc']]); $this->compareExpectations(static::$drv, $state); } public function testSetTheMetadataOfAMissingUser(): void { $this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict"); Arsse::$db->userPropertiesSet("", ['admin' => true]); } }