% ARSSE(1) arsse 0.9.2 % J. King % 2021-05-28 # NAME arsse - manage an instance of The Advanced RSS Environment (The Arsse) # SYNOPSIS **arsse** <*command*> [<*args*>]\ **arsse** --version\ **arsse** -h|--help # DESCRIPTION **arsse** allows a sufficiently privileged user to perform various administrative operations related to The Arsse, including: - Adding and removing users - Managing passwords and authentication tokens - Importing and exporting OPML newsfeed-lists These are documented in the next section **PRIMARY COMMANDS**. Further, seldom-used commands are documented in the following section **ADDITIONAL COMMANDS**. # PRIMARY COMMANDS ## Managing users **arsse user [list]** : Displays a simple list of user names with one entry per line **arsse user add** <*username*> [<*password*>] [--admin] : Adds a new user to the database with the specified username and password. If <*password*> is omitted a random password will be generated and printed. : The **--admin** flag may be used to mark the user as an administrator. This has no meaning within the context of The Arsse as a whole, but it is used for access control in the Miniflux and Nextcloud News protocols.