#!/usr/bin/make -f DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ execute_before_dh_install: # Adapt the systemd service for Debian: this involves using only the "arsse-fetch" unit (renamed to "arsse"), removing the "PartOf" directive, and changing the user and group to "www-data" cp dist/systemd/arsse-fetch.service debian/arsse.service sed -i -se 's/^PartOf=.*//' debian/arsse.service sed -i -se 's/^\(User\|Group\)=.*/\1=www-data/' debian/arsse.service # Adapt the init script for Debian: this involves changing the user and group to "www-data" cp dist/init.sh debian/arsse.init sed -i -se 's/^\([ \t]*chown\) arsse:arsse /\1 www-data:www-data /' debian/arsse.init # Change the user and group references in tmpfiles cp dist/tmpfiles.conf debian/arsse.tmpfiles sed -i -se 's/ arsse / www-data /' debian/arsse.tmpfiles sed -i -se 's/ arsse / www-data /' debian/arsse.tmpfiles # Change the user reference in the executable file mkdir -p debian/bin cp dist/arsse debian/bin/arsse sed -i -se 's/posix_getpwnam("arsse"/posix_getpwnam("www-data"/' debian/bin/arsse