- Each parameter is checked for type and normalized - Interval strings are converted to DateInterval objects - Timeouts can be specified as interval strings - Most intervals can be null to signify infinity - Driver classes are checked that they implement the correct interface - Short driver names may be used, and are used by default - Helpful errors messages are printed in case of erroneous configuration Exporting is currently broken; this will be fixed in an upcoming commit
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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse;
abstract class AbstractException extends \Exception {
const CODES = [
"Exception.uncoded" => -1,
"Exception.unknown" => 10000,
"Exception.constantUnknown" => 10001,
"ExceptionType.strictFailure" => 10011,
"ExceptionType.typeUnknown" => 10012,
"Lang/Exception.defaultFileMissing" => 10101,
"Lang/Exception.fileMissing" => 10102,
"Lang/Exception.fileUnreadable" => 10103,
"Lang/Exception.fileCorrupt" => 10104,
"Lang/Exception.stringMissing" => 10105,
"Lang/Exception.stringInvalid" => 10106,
"Lang/Exception.dataInvalid" => 10107,
"Db/Exception.extMissing" => 10201,
"Db/Exception.fileMissing" => 10202,
"Db/Exception.fileUnusable" => 10203,
"Db/Exception.fileUnreadable" => 10204,
"Db/Exception.fileUnwritable" => 10205,
"Db/Exception.fileUncreatable" => 10206,
"Db/Exception.fileCorrupt" => 10207,
"Db/Exception.connectionFailure" => 10208,
"Db/Exception.updateTooNew" => 10211,
"Db/Exception.updateManual" => 10212,
"Db/Exception.updateManualOnly" => 10213,
"Db/Exception.updateFileMissing" => 10214,
"Db/Exception.updateFileUnusable" => 10215,
"Db/Exception.updateFileUnreadable" => 10216,
"Db/Exception.updateFileError" => 10217,
"Db/Exception.updateFileIncomplete" => 10218,
"Db/Exception.paramTypeInvalid" => 10221,
"Db/Exception.paramTypeUnknown" => 10222,
"Db/Exception.paramTypeMissing" => 10223,
"Db/Exception.engineErrorGeneral" => 10224, // this symbol may have engine-specific duplicates to accomodate engine-specific error string construction
"Db/Exception.savepointStatusUnknown" => 10225,
"Db/Exception.savepointInvalid" => 10226,
"Db/Exception.savepointStale" => 10227,
"Db/Exception.resultReused" => 10228,
"Db/ExceptionInput.missing" => 10231,
"Db/ExceptionInput.whitespace" => 10232,
"Db/ExceptionInput.tooLong" => 10233,
"Db/ExceptionInput.tooShort" => 10234,
"Db/ExceptionInput.idMissing" => 10235,
"Db/ExceptionInput.constraintViolation" => 10236,
"Db/ExceptionInput.engineConstraintViolation" => 10236,
"Db/ExceptionInput.typeViolation" => 10237,
"Db/ExceptionInput.engineTypeViolation" => 10237,
"Db/ExceptionInput.circularDependence" => 10238,
"Db/ExceptionInput.subjectMissing" => 10239,
"Db/ExceptionTimeout.general" => 10241,
"Db/ExceptionTimeout.logicalLock" => 10241,
"Conf/Exception.fileMissing" => 10301,
"Conf/Exception.fileUnusable" => 10302,
"Conf/Exception.fileUnreadable" => 10303,
"Conf/Exception.fileUnwritable" => 10304,
"Conf/Exception.fileUncreatable" => 10305,
"Conf/Exception.fileCorrupt" => 10306,
"Conf/Exception.typeMismatch" => 10311,
"Conf/Exception.semanticMismatch" => 10312,
"User/Exception.functionNotImplemented" => 10401,
"User/Exception.doesNotExist" => 10402,
"User/Exception.alreadyExists" => 10403,
"User/Exception.authMissing" => 10411,
"User/Exception.authFailed" => 10412,
"User/ExceptionAuthz.notAuthorized" => 10421,
"User/ExceptionSession.invalid" => 10431,
"Feed/Exception.invalidCertificate" => 10501,
"Feed/Exception.invalidUrl" => 10502,
"Feed/Exception.maxRedirect" => 10503,
"Feed/Exception.maxSize" => 10504,
"Feed/Exception.timeout" => 10505,
"Feed/Exception.forbidden" => 10506,
"Feed/Exception.unauthorized" => 10507,
"Feed/Exception.malformedXml" => 10511,
"Feed/Exception.xmlEntity" => 10512,
"Feed/Exception.subscriptionNotFound" => 10521,
"Feed/Exception.unsupportedFeedFormat" => 10522,
public function __construct(string $msgID = "", $vars = null, \Throwable $e = null) {
if ($msgID === "") {
$msg = "Exception.unknown";
$code = 10000;
} else {
$class = get_called_class();
$codeID = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace(NS_BASE, "", $class)).".$msgID";
if (!array_key_exists($codeID, self::CODES)) {
throw new Exception("uncoded", $codeID);
} else {
$code = self::CODES[$codeID];
$msg = "Exception.".str_replace("\\", "/", $class).".$msgID";
$msg = (Arsse::$lang ?? new Lang)->msg($msg, $vars);
parent::__construct($msg, $code, $e);