The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Downloading The Arse

The latest version of The Arsse can be downloaded from our releases page. The attachments named arsse-x.x.x.tar.gz should be used rather than those marked "Source Code".

Installation from source code is also possible, but the release packages are recommended.


At present installing The Arsse is largely a manual process. We hope to some day make this easier by integrating the software into commonly used package managers, but for now the below instructions should serve as a useful guide.

In order for The Arsse to function correctly, its requirements must be satisfied. The process of installing the required PHP extensions differs from one system to the next, but on Debian the following series of commands should do:

# Install PHP; this assumes the FastCGI process manager will be used
sudo apt install php-cli php-fpm
# Install the needed PHP extensions; curl is optional
sudo apt install php-intl php-json php-xml php-curl
# Install one of the required database extensions
sudo apt install php-sqlite3 php-pgsql php-mysql

Then, it's a simple matter of unpacking the archive someplace (/usr/share/arsse is the recommended location on Linux systems, but it can be anywhere) and setting permissions:

# Unpack the archive
sudo tar -xzf arsse-x.x.x.tar.gz -C "/usr/share"
# Make the user running the Web server the owner of the files
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data "/usr/share/arsse"
# Ensure the owner can create files such as the SQLite database
sudo chmod o+rwX "/usr/share/arsse"

Finally, The Arsse's newsfeed refreshing service needs to be installed in order for news to actually be fetched from the Internet:

# Copy the service unit
sudo cp "/usr/share/arsse/dist/arsse.service" "/etc/systemd/system"
# Modify the unit file if needed
sudoedit "/etc/systemd/system/arsse.service"
# Enable and start the service
sudo systemctl enable --now arsse.service

If using a database other than SQLite, you will likely want to set it up before setting up the service.

Next Steps

In order for The Arsse to serve users, those users must be created, and in order for the various synchronization protocols to work, a Web server must be configured. The following manual pages provide details on how to get this set up.