The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
640 B

# Nextcloud News protocol
<Location "/index.php/apps/news/api">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Tiny Tiny RSS protocol
<Location "/tt-rss/api">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Tiny Tiny RSS feed icons
<Location "/tt-rss/feed-icons">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Fever protocol
<Location "/fever">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Miniflux protocol
<Location "/v1">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Miniflux version number
<Location "/version">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}
# Miniflux "health check"
<Location "/healthcheck">
ProxyPass ${ARSSE_PROXY}