The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\Db;
use JKingWeb\DrUUID\UUID as UUID;
abstract class AbstractDriver implements Driver {
protected $transDepth = 0;
public function schemaVersion(): int {
try {
return (int) $this->query("SELECT value from arsse_settings where key is schema_version")->getValue();
} catch(Exception $e) {
return 0;
public function begin(): bool {
$this->exec("SAVEPOINT arsse_".(++$this->transDepth));
return true;
public function commit(bool $all = false): bool {
if($this->transDepth==0) return false;
if(!$all) {
$this->exec("RELEASE SAVEPOINT arsse_".($this->transDepth--));
} else {
$this->exec("COMMIT TRANSACTION");
$this->transDepth = 0;
return true;
public function rollback(bool $all = false): bool {
if($this->transDepth==0) return false;
if(!$all) {
$this->exec("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION TO SAVEPOINT arsse_".($this->transDepth));
// rollback to savepoint does not collpase the savepoint
$this->exec("RELEASE SAVEPOINT arsse_".($this->transDepth--));
} else {
$this->transDepth = 0;
return true;
public function lock(): bool {
if($this->schemaVersion() < 1) return true;
if($this->isLocked()) return false;
$uuid = UUID::mintStr();
try {
$this->prepare("INSERT INTO arsse_settings(key,value) values(?,?)", "str", "str")->run("lock", $uuid);
} catch(ExceptionInput $e) {
return false;
return ($this->query("SELECT value from arsse_settings where key is 'lock'")->getValue() == $uuid);
public function unlock(): bool {
if($this->schemaVersion() < 1) return true;
$this->exec("DELETE from arsse_settings where key is 'lock'");
return true;
public function isLocked(): bool {
if($this->schemaVersion() < 1) return false;
return ($this->query("SELECT count(*) from arsse_settings where key is 'lock'")->getValue() > 0);
public function prepare(string $query, string ...$paramType): Statement {
return $this->prepareArray($query, $paramType);