The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace JKingWeb\Arsse;
use \org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
class TestLangErrors extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
use Test\Tools, Test\Lang\Setup;
static $vfs;
static $path;
static $files;
static $defaultPath;
function setUp() {
Lang::set("", true);
function testLoadEmptyFile() {
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Lang");
Lang::set("fr_ca", true);
function testLoadFileWhichDoesNotReturnAnArray() {
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Lang");
Lang::set("it", true);
function testLoadFileWhichIsNotPhp() {
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Lang");
Lang::set("ko", true);
function testLoadFileWhichIsCorrupt() {
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Lang");
Lang::set("zh", true);
function testLoadFileWithooutReadPermission() {
$this->assertException("fileUnreadable", "Lang");
Lang::set("ru", true);
function testLoadSubtagOfMissingLanguage() {
$this->assertException("fileMissing", "Lang");
Lang::set("pt_br", true);
function testFetchInvalidMessage() {
$this->assertException("stringInvalid", "Lang");
Lang::set("vi", true);
$txt = Lang::msg('Test.presentText');
function testFetchMissingMessage() {
$this->assertException("stringMissing", "Lang");
$txt = Lang::msg('Test.absentText');
function testLoadMissingDefaultLanguage() {
// this should be the last test of the series
$this->assertException("defaultFileMissing", "Lang");
Lang::set("fr", true);