The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
3.5 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\REST\NextcloudNews;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Transaction;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Miniflux\V1;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Miniflux\V1<extended> */
class TestV1 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
protected $h;
protected $transaction;
protected function req(string $method, string $target, $data = "", array $headers = [], bool $authenticated = true, bool $body = true): ResponseInterface {
$prefix = "/v1";
$url = $prefix.$target;
if ($body) {
$params = [];
} else {
$params = $data;
$data = [];
$req = $this->serverRequest($method, $url, $prefix, $headers, [], $data, "application/json", $params, $authenticated ? "" : "");
return $this->h->dispatch($req);
public function setUp(): void {
// create a mock user manager
Arsse::$user = \Phake::mock(User::class);
Arsse::$user->id = "";
// create a mock database interface
Arsse::$db = \Phake::mock(Database::class);
$this->transaction = \Phake::mock(Transaction::class);
//initialize a handler
$this->h = new V1();
public function tearDown(): void {
protected function v($value) {
return $value;
/** @dataProvider provideAuthResponses */
public function testAuthenticateAUser(): void {
$exp = new EmptyResponse(401);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req("GET", "/", "", [], false));
/** @dataProvider provideInvalidPaths */
public function testRespondToInvalidPaths($path, $method, $code, $allow = null): void {
$exp = new EmptyResponse($code, $allow ? ['Allow' => $allow] : []);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($method, $path));
public function provideInvalidPaths(): array {
return [
["/", "GET", 404],
["/version", "POST", 405, "GET"],
public function testRespondToInvalidInputTypes(): void {
$exp = new EmptyResponse(415, ['Accept' => "application/json"]);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req("PUT", "/folders/1", '<data/>', ['Content-Type' => "application/xml"]));
$exp = new EmptyResponse(400);
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req("PUT", "/folders/1", '<data/>'));
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req("PUT", "/folders/1", '<data/>', ['Content-Type' => null]));
/** @dataProvider provideOptionsRequests */
public function testRespondToOptionsRequests(string $url, string $allow, string $accept): void {
$exp = new EmptyResponse(204, [
'Allow' => $allow,
'Accept' => $accept,
$this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req("OPTIONS", $url));
public function provideOptionsRequests(): array {
return [
["/feeds", "HEAD,GET,POST", "application/json"],
["/feeds/2112", "DELETE", "application/json"],
["/user", "HEAD,GET", "application/json"],