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Downloading The Arsse

Since version 0.9.2 The Arsse is available from the Arch User Repository as packages arsse, arsse-latest, arsse-git and arsse-latest-git. The latter two should normally only be used to test bug fixes. The base arsse package uses the php-legacy package rather than the php package, to avoid disruptions when new PHP feature versions are released.

Generic release tarballs may also be downloaded from our Web site, and the PKGBUILD file (found under arsse/dist/arch/) can then be extracted alongside the tarball and used to build the arsse package. Installing directly from the generic release tarball without producing an Arch package is not recommended as the package-building process performs various adjustments to handle Arch peculiarities.


For illustrative purposes, this document assumes the yay AUR helper will be used to download, build, and install The Arsse. This section summarises the steps necessary to configure and use The Arsse after installtion:

# Install the package
yay -S arsse
# Enable the necessary PHP extensions; curl is optional but recommended; pdo_sqlite may be used instead of sqlite3, but this is not recommended
sudo sed -i -e 's/^;\(extension=\(curl\|iconv\|intl\|sqlite3\)\)$/\1/' /etc/php-legacy/php.ini
# Enable and start the necessary systemd units
sudo systemctl enable php-legacy-fpm arsse
sudo systemctl restart php-legacy-fpm arsse

Note that the above is the most concise process, not necessarily the recommended one. In particular it is recommended to use /etc/php-legacy/conf.d/ to enable PHP extensions rather than editing php.ini as done above.

Web server configuration

Sample configuration for both Nginx and Apache HTTP Server can be found in /etc/webapps/arsse/nginx/ and /etc/webapps/arsse/apache/, respectively. The example.conf files are basic virtual host examples; the other files they include should normally be usable without modification, but may be modified if desired.

If using Apache HTTP Server the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_fcgi modules must be enabled. This can be achieved by adding the following lines to your virtual host or global configuration:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/

No additional set-up is required for Nginx.

Next steps

If using a database other than SQLite, you will likely want to set it up before doing anything else.

In order for The Arsse to serve users, those users must be created.

You may also want to review the config.defaults.php file included in /etc/webapps/arsse/ or consult the documentation for the configuration file, though The Arsse should function with the default configuration.


Upgrading The Arsse is done like any other package. By default The Arsse will perform any required database schema upgrades when the new version is executed, so the service does need to be restarted:

sudo systemctl restart arsse

Occasionally changes to Web server configuration have been required, such as when new protocols become supported; these changes are always explicit in the UPGRADING file.