The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\User;
use Eloquent\Phony\Phpunit\Phony;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Transaction;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionConflict;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionInput;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Driver;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\User */
class TestUser extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
public function setUp(): void {
// create a mock database interface
$this->dbMock = $this->mock(Database::class);
// create a mock user driver
$this->drv = $this->mock(Driver::class);
protected function prepTest(?\Closure $partialMockDef = null): User {
Arsse::$db = $this->dbMock->get();
if ($partialMockDef) {
$this->userMock = $this->partialMock(User::class, $this->drv->get());
return $this->userMock->get();
} else {
return new User($this->drv->get());
public function testConstruct(): void {
$this->assertInstanceOf(User::class, new User($this->drv->get()));
$this->assertInstanceOf(User::class, new User);
public function testConversionToString(): void {
$u = new User;
$u->id = "";
$this->assertSame("", (string) $u);
$u->id = null;
$this->assertSame("", (string) $u);
public function testStartATransaction(): void {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertInstanceOf(Transaction::class, $u->begin());
public function testGeneratePasswords(): void {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$pass1 = $u->generatePassword();
$pass2 = $u->generatePassword();
$this->assertNotEquals($pass1, $pass2);
/** @dataProvider provideAuthentication */
public function testAuthenticateAUser(bool $preAuth, string $user, string $password, bool $exp): void {
Arsse::$conf->userPreAuth = $preAuth;
$this->drv->auth->with("", "secret")->returns(true);
$this->drv->auth->with("", "superman")->returns(true);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($exp, $u->auth($user, $password));
$this->drv->auth->times((int) !$preAuth)->called();
$this->dbMock->userExists->times($exp ? 1 : 0)->calledWith($user);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->times($exp && $user === "" ? 1 : 0)->calledWith($user, $password);
public function provideAuthentication(): iterable {
$john = "";
$jane = "";
return [
[false, $john, "secret", true],
[false, $john, "superman", false],
[false, $jane, "secret", false],
[false, $jane, "superman", true],
[true, $john, "secret", true],
[true, $john, "superman", true],
[true, $jane, "secret", true],
[true, $jane, "superman", true],
public function testListUsers(): void {
$exp = ["", ""];
$this->drv->userList->returns(["", ""]);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($exp, $u->list());
public function testLookUpAUserByNumber(): void {
$exp = "";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($exp, $u->lookup(2112));
public function testAddAUser(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->add($user, $pass));
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testAddAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->add($user, $pass));
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testAddADuplicateUser(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$this->drv->userAdd->throws(new ExceptionConflict("alreadyExists"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("alreadyExists", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
$u->add($user, $pass);
} finally {
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testAddADuplicateUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$this->drv->userAdd->throws(new ExceptionConflict("alreadyExists"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("alreadyExists", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
$u->add($user, $pass);
} finally {
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, null);
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
/** @dataProvider provideInvalidUserNames */
public function testAddAnInvalidUser(string $user): void {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("invalidUsername", "User", "ExceptionInput");
$u->add($user, "secret");
public function provideInvalidUserNames(): iterable {
// output names with control characters
foreach (array_merge(range(0x00, 0x1F), [0x7F]) as $ord) {
yield [chr($ord)];
yield ["john".chr($ord).""];
// also handle colons
yield [":"];
yield [""];
public function testAddAUserWithARandomPassword(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "random password";
$u = $this->prepTest(function($u) use ($pass) {
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->add($user));
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, null);
$this->drv->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testRenameAUser(): void {
$tr = $this->mock(Transaction::class);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$old = "";
$new = "";
$this->assertTrue($u->rename($old, $new));
$this->drv->userRename->calledWith($old, $new),
$this->dbMock->userRename->calledWith($old, $new),
$this->dbMock->tokenRevoke->calledWith($new, "fever.login"),
public function testRenameAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$tr = $this->mock(Transaction::class);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$old = "";
$new = "";
$this->assertTrue($u->rename($old, $new));
$this->drv->userRename->calledWith($old, $new),
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($new, null),
public function testRenameAUserWithoutEffect(): void {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$old = "";
$this->assertFalse($u->rename($old, $old));
$this->drv->userRename->calledWith($old, $old);
/** @dataProvider provideInvalidUserNames */
public function testRenameAUserToAnInvalidName(string $new): void {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("invalidUsername", "User", "ExceptionInput");
$u->rename("", $new);
public function testRemoveAUser(): void {
$user = "";
$u = $this->prepTest();
public function testRemoveAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$u = $this->prepTest();
public function testRemoveAMissingUser(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$this->drv->userRemove->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
} finally {
public function testRemoveAMissingUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$this->drv->userRemove->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
} finally {
public function testSetAPassword(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->passwordSet($user, $pass));
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass, null);
$this->dbMock->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testSetARandomPassword(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "random password";
$u = $this->prepTest(function($u) use ($pass) {
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->passwordSet($user, null));
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, null, null);
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass, null);
$this->dbMock->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testSetAPasswordForAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "secret";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->passwordSet($user, $pass));
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass, null);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testSetARandomPasswordForAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "random password";
$u = $this->prepTest(function($u) use ($pass) {
$this->assertSame($pass, $u->passwordSet($user, null));
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, null, null);
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, $pass, null);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, $pass);
public function testSetARandomPasswordForAMissingUser(): void {
$user = "";
$pass = "random password";
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest(function($u) use ($pass) {
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
$u->passwordSet($user, null);
} finally {
$this->drv->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, null, null);
public function testUnsetAPassword(): void {
$user = "";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->drv->userPasswordUnset->calledWith($user, null);
$this->dbMock->userPasswordSet->calledWith($user, null);
public function testUnsetAPasswordForAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->drv->userPasswordUnset->calledWith($user, null);
public function testUnsetAPasswordForAMissingUser(): void {
$user = "";
$this->drv->userPasswordUnset->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
} finally {
$this->drv->userPasswordUnset->calledWith($user, null);
/** @dataProvider provideProperties */
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAUser(array $exp, array $base, array $extra): void {
$user = "";
$exp = array_merge(['num' => null], array_combine(array_keys(User::PROPERTIES), array_fill(0, sizeof(User::PROPERTIES), null)), $exp);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($exp, $u->propertiesGet($user));
$this->drv->userPropertiesGet->calledWith($user, true);
$this->dbMock->userPropertiesGet->calledWith($user, true);
public function provideProperties(): iterable {
$defaults = ['num' => 1, 'admin' => false, 'lang' => null, 'tz' => "Etc/UTC", 'sort_asc' => false];
return [
[$defaults, $defaults, []],
[$defaults, $defaults, ['num' => 2112, 'blah' => "bloo"]],
[['num' => 1, 'admin' => true, 'lang' => "fr", 'tz' => "America/Toronto", 'sort_asc' => true], $defaults, ['admin' => true, 'lang' => "fr", 'tz' => "America/Toronto", 'sort_asc' => true]],
[['num' => 1, 'admin' => true, 'lang' => null, 'tz' => "America/Toronto", 'sort_asc' => true], ['num' => 1, 'admin' => true, 'lang' => "fr", 'tz' => "America/Toronto", 'sort_asc' => true], ['lang' => null]],
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAUserWeDoNotKnow(): void {
$user = "";
$extra = ['tz' => "Europe/Istanbul"];
$base = ['num' => 47, 'admin' => false, 'lang' => null, 'tz' => "Etc/UTC", 'sort_asc' => false];
$exp = ['num' => 47, 'admin' => false, 'lang' => null, 'tz' => "Europe/Istanbul", 'sort_asc' => false];
$exp = array_merge(['num' => null], array_combine(array_keys(User::PROPERTIES), array_fill(0, sizeof(User::PROPERTIES), null)), $exp);
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($exp, $u->propertiesGet($user));
$this->drv->userPropertiesGet->calledWith($user, true);
$this->dbMock->userPropertiesGet->calledWith($user, true);
$this->dbMock->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $extra);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, null);
public function testGetThePropertiesOfAMissingUser(): void {
$user = "";
$this->drv->userPropertiesGet->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
} finally {
$this->drv->userPropertiesGet->calledWith($user, true);
/** @dataProvider providePropertyChanges */
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAUser(array $in, $out): void {
$user = "";
if ($out instanceof \Exception) {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$u->propertiesSet($user, $in);
} else {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($out, $u->propertiesSet($user, $in));
$this->drv->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $in);
$this->dbMock->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $out);
/** @dataProvider providePropertyChanges */
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAUserWeDoNotKnow(array $in, $out): void {
$user = "";
if ($out instanceof \Exception) {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$u->propertiesSet($user, $in);
} else {
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertSame($out, $u->propertiesSet($user, $in));
$this->drv->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $in);
$this->dbMock->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $out);
$this->dbMock->userAdd->calledWith($user, null);
public function providePropertyChanges(): iterable {
return [
[['admin' => true], ['admin' => true]],
[['admin' => 2], new ExceptionInput("invalidValue")],
[['sort_asc' => 2], new ExceptionInput("invalidValue")],
[['tz' => "Etc/UTC"], ['tz' => "Etc/UTC"]],
[['tz' => "Etc/blah"], new ExceptionInput("invalidTimezone")],
[['tz' => false], new ExceptionInput("invalidValue")],
[['lang' => "en-ca"], ['lang' => "en-CA"]],
[['lang' => null], ['lang' => null]],
[['page_size' => 0], new ExceptionInput("invalidNonZeroInteger")],
public function testSetThePropertiesOfAMissingUser(): void {
$user = "";
$in = ['admin' => true];
$this->drv->userPropertiesSet->throws(new ExceptionConflict("doesNotExist"));
$u = $this->prepTest();
$this->assertException("doesNotExist", "User", "ExceptionConflict");
try {
$u->propertiesSet($user, $in);
} finally {
$this->drv->userPropertiesSet->calledWith($user, $in);