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This section describes in brief some CLI commands. Please read the general notes on the command line interface before continuing.

Adding users

When first installed, The Arsse has no users configured. You may add users by executing the following command:

sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user add "" "example password"

The password argument is optional: if no password is provided, a random one is generated and printed out:

$ sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user add "jane.doe"

Setting and changing passwords

Setting's a user's password is practically identical to adding a password:

sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user set-pass "" "new password"

As when adding a user, the password argument is optional: if no password is provided, a random one is generated and printed out:

$ sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user set-pass "jane.doe"

Setting and changing passwords for Fever

Before a user can make use of the Fever protocol, a Fever-specific password for that user must be set. It is highly recommended that this not be the samer as the user's main password. The password can be set by adding the --fever option to the normal password-changing command:

sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user set-pass --fever "" "fever password"

As when setting a main password, the password argument is optional: if no password is provided, a random one is generated and printed out:

$ sudo -u www-data php arsse.php user set-pass --fever "jane.doe"