A Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP
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[a]: https://php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php
[b]: https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog
[c]: https://github.com/symfony/yaml
2 years ago
# Catcher
Catcher is a Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP. Error handling is accomplished using a stack-based approach.
Catcher uses classes called _handlers_ to handle throwables sent its way. PHP is currently in a state of flux when it comes to errors. There are traditional PHP errors which are triggered in userland by using `trigger_error()` which can't be caught using `try`/`catch` and are generally a pain to work with. PHP has begun to remedy this problem by introducing the `\Error` class and its various child classes. However, a lot of functions and core aspects of the language itself continue to use legacy errors. This class does away with this pain point in PHP by turning all errors into throwables. When Catcher converts legacy errors into throwables it will only exit if PHP would, so warnings, notices, etc. won't cause the program to exit unless you configure it to do so. Non user-level fatal errors are picked up by Catcher using its shutdown handler. This means that simply by invoking Catcher one may now... catch (almost) any error PHP then handles.
## Requirements
* PHP 8.1 or newer with the following _optional_ extensions:
* [dom][a] extension (for HTMLHandler)
## Installation
composer require mensbeam/catcher
## Usage
For most use cases this library requires no configuration and little effort to integrate into non-complex environments:
use MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
$catcher = new Catcher();
That's it. It will automatically register Catcher as an exception, error, and shutdown handler and use `PlainTextHandler` as its sole handler. Catcher can be configured to use one or multiple _handlers_. Imagine a situation where it is necessary to both output text for logging and JSON for an API endpoint. This is easily done using Catcher:
use MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher,
use MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\{
$catcher = new Catcher(
new PlainTextHandler([
'logger' => new Logger('log'),
'silent' => true
new JSONHandler()
The example above uses [Monolog][b] for its logger, but any PSR-3-compatible logger will work. The `PlainTextHandler` is configured to use a logger where then it will send any and all errors to the logger to do with as it pleases. It is also configured to be otherwise silent. `JSONHandler` is then configured using its default configuration. Handlers are placed within a stack and executed in the order by which they are fed to Catcher, so in this case `PlainTextHandler` will go first, logging the error. `JSONHandler` will follow afterwards and print the JSON.
Catcher comes built-in with the following handlers:
* `HTMLHandler` – Outputs errors in a clean HTML document; uses DOM to assemble the document.
* `JSONHandler` – Outputs errors in a JSON format mostly representative of how errors are stored internally by Catcher handlers; it is provided as an example. The decision to make it like this was made because errors often need to be represented according to particular requirements or even a specification, and we cannot possibly support them all. `JSONHandler`, however, can be easily extended to suit individual project needs.
* `PlainTextHandler` – Outputs errors cleanly in plain text meant mostly for command line use and also provides for logging
## Documentation
### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher
This is the main class in the library. Unless you have a need to configure a handler or use multiple handlers there usually isn't a need to interact with the rest of the library at all.
namespace MensBeam\Foundation;
use Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler;
class Catcher {
public bool $preventExit = false;
public bool $throwErrors = true;
public function __construct(Handler ...$handlers);
public function getHandlers(): array;
public function getLastThrowable(): ?\Throwable;
public function isRegistered(): bool;
public function popHandler(): Handler;
public function pushHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void;
public function register(): bool;
public function setHandlers(Handler ...$handlers): void;
public function shiftHandler(): Handler;
public function unregister(): bool;
public function unshiftHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void;
#### Properties
_preventExit_: When set to true Catcher won't exit at all even after fatal errors or exceptions
_throwErrors_: When set to true Catcher will convert errors to throwables
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::getHandlers
Returns an array of the handlers defined for use in the Catcher instance
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::getLastThrowable
Returns the last throwable that this instance of Catcher has handled
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::isRegistered
Returns whether the Catcher still is registered as a error, exception, and shutdown handler
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::popHandler
Pops the last handler off the stack and returns it
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::pushHandler
Pushes the specified handler(s) onto the stack
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::register
Registers the Catcher instance as an error, exception, and shutdown handler. By default the constructor does this automatically, but this method exists in case `unregister` has been called.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::setHandlers
Replaces the stack of handlers with those specified as parameters.
2 years ago
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::shiftHandler
Shifts the first handler off the stack of handlers and returns it.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::unregister
Unregisters the Catcher instance as an error, exception and shutdown handler.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher::unshiftHandler
Unshifts the specified handler(s) onto the beginning of the stack
### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler
All handlers inherit from this abstract class. Since it is an abstract class meant for constructing handlers protected methods and properties will be documented here as well.
2 years ago
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
abstract class Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = null;
// Control constants
public const CONTINUE = 1;
public const BREAK = 2;
public const EXIT = 4;
// Output constants
public const OUTPUT = 8;
public const SILENT = 16;
public const NOW = 32;
protected array $outputBuffer;
// Options
protected int $_backtraceArgFrameLimit = 5;
protected string $_charset = 'UTF-8';
protected bool $_forceBreak = false;
protected bool $_forceExit = false;
protected bool $_forceOutputNow = false;
protected int $_httpCode = 500;
protected bool $_outputBacktrace = false;
protected bool $_outputPrevious = true;
protected bool $_outputTime = true;
protected bool $_outputToStderr = true;
protected bool $_silent = false;
protected string $_timeFormat = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vO';
public function __construct(array $options = []);
public function dispatch(): void;
public function getOption(string $name): mixed;
public function handle(ThrowableController $controller): array;
public function setOption(string $name, mixed $value): void;
protected function buildOutputArray(ThrowableController $controller): array;
protected function cleanOutputThrowable(array $outputThrowable): array;
abstract protected function dispatchCallback(): void;
protected function handleCallback(array $output): array;
protected function print(string $string): void;
#### Constants
_CONTENT\_TYPE_: The mime type of the content that is output by the handler
_CONTINUE_: When returned within the control code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes the stack loop to continue onto the next handler after handling; this is the default behavior.
_BREAK_: When returned within the control code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes the stack loop to break after the handler finishes, causing any further down in the stack to not run.
_EXIT_: When returned within the control code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes Catcher to exit after running all handlers.
_OUTPUT_: When returned within the output code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes the handler to output the throwable when dispatching.
_SILENT_: When returned within the output code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes the handler to be silent.
_NOW_: When returned within the output code bitmask in the handler's output array, it causes Catcher to have the handler immediately dispatch.
#### Properties (Protected)
_outputBuffer_: This is where the output arrays representing the handled throwables are stored until they are dispatched.
#### Options
Properties which begin with an underscore all are options. They can be set either through the constructor or via `setHandler` by name, removing the underscore at the beginning. All handlers inherit these options. Options in inherited classes should also begin with an underscore (_\__). How to extend `Handler` will be explained further down in the document.
_backtraceArgFrameLimit_: The number of frames by which there can be arguments output with them. Defaults to _5_.
_charset_: The character set of the output; only used if headers weren't sent before an error occurred. No conversion is done. Defaults to _"UTF\_8"_.
_forceBreak_: When set this will force the stack loop to break after the handler has run. Defaults to _false_.
_forceExit_: When set this will force an exit after all handlers have been run. Defaults to _false_.
_forceOutputNow_: When set this will force output of the handler immediately. Defaults to _false_.
_httpCode_: The HTTP code to be sent; possible values are 200, 400-599. Defaults to _500_.
_outputBacktrace_: When true will output a stack trace. Defaults to _false_.
_outputPrevious_: When true will output previous throwables. Defaults to _true_.
_outputTime_: When true will output times to the output. Defaults to _true_.
_outputToStderr_: When the SAPI is cli output errors to stderr. Defaults to _true_.
_silent_: When true the handler won't output anything. Defaults to _false_.
_timeFormat_: The PHP-standard date format which to use for times in output. Defaults to _"Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.vO"_.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::dispatch
Outputs the stored throwable arrays in the output buffer.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::getOption
Returns the value of the provided option name
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::handle
Handles the provided `ThrowableController` and stores the output array in the output buffer to be dispatched later
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::setOption
Sets the provided option with the provided value
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::buildOutputArray (protected)
With a given `ThrowableController` will output an array to be stored in the output buffer
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::cleanOutputThrowable (protected)
"Cleans" an output throwable -- an individual item in the output array -- by removing information that's unnecessary in the output; useful for structured data output such as JSON.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::dispatchCallback (protected)
A callback method meant to be extended by inherited classes to control how the class outputs the throwable arrays
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::handleCallback (protected)
A callback method meant to be extended by inherited classes where the output array can be manipulated before storing in the output buffer
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler::print (protected)
1 year ago
Prints the provided string to stderr or stdout depending on how the handler is configured and which SAPI is being used.
### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\ThrowableController
We cannot require all throwables to be converted to our own classes, so this class exists as a controller to add new features to throwables for use with Catcher.
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
class ThrowableController {
public function __construct(\Throwable $throwable);
public function getErrorType(): ?string;
public function getFrames(int $argFrameLimit = \PHP_INT_MAX): array;
public function getPrevious(): ?ThrowableController;
public function getThrowable(): \Throwable;
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\ThrowableController::getErrorType
Returns the error type of a `MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\Error`, meaning a human-friendly representation of the error code (eg: _"Fatal Error"_, _"Warning"_, _"Notice"_) or null if the throwable isn't an `Error`.
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\ThrowableController::getFrames
Returns the frames for the throwable as an array with deduplication and fixes all taken care of
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\ThrowableController::getPrevious
Returns the previous `ThrowableController` if there is one
#### MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher\ThrowableController::getThrowable
Returns the throwable controlled by this class instance
### Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher\HTMLHandler
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
class HTMLHandler extends Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/html';
// Options
protected ?\DOMDocument $_document = null;
protected string $_errorPath = '/html/body';
protected string $_timeFormat = 'H:i:s';
#### Options
_document_: The `\DOMDocument` errors should be inserted into. If one isn't provided a document will be created for this purpose.
_errorPath_: An XPath path to the element where the errors should be inserted. Defaults to _"/html/body"_.
_timeFormat_: Same as in `Handler`, but the default changes to _"H:i:s"_.
### Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher\JSONHandler
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
class JSONHandler extends Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json';
### Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher\PlainTextHandler
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
class PlainTextHandler extends Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/plain';
// Options
protected ?LoggerInterface $_logger = null;
protected string $_timeFormat = '[H:i:s]';
#### Options
_logger_: The PSR-3 compatible logger in which to log to. Defaults to _null_ (no logging).
_timeFormat_: Same as in `Handler`, but the default changes to _"[H:i:s]"_.
## Creating Handlers
The default handlers, especially `PlainTextHandler`, are set up to handle most tasks, but obviously more is possible with a bit of work. Thankfully, creating handlers is as simple as extending the `Handler` class. Here is an example of a theoretical `YamlHandler` (which is very similar to `JSONHandler`):
namespace Your\Namespace\Goes\Here;
use Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher\Handler,
class YamlHandler extends Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/yaml';
// Options
protected bool _outputObjectAsMap = true;
protected bool _outputMultiLineLiteralBlock = true;
protected bool _outputEmptyArrayAsSequence = true;
protected bool _outputNullAsTilde = false;
protected function dispatchCallback(): void {
foreach ($this->outputBuffer as $key => $value) {
if ($value['outputCode'] & self::SILENT) {
$this->outputBuffer[$key] = $this->cleanOutputThrowable($this->outputBuffer[$key]);
if (count($this->outputBuffer) > 0) {
$flags = 0;
$flags |= ($this->_outputObjectAsMap) ? Yaml::DUMP_OBJECT_AS_MAP : 0;
$flags |= ($this->_outputMultiLineLiteralBlock) ? Yaml::DUMP_MULTI_LINE_LITERAL_BLOCK : 0;
$flags |= ($this->_outputEmptyArrayAsSequence) ? Yaml::DUMP_EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_SEQUENCE : 0;
$flags |= ($this->_outputNullAsTilde) ? Yaml::DUMP_NULL_AS_TILDE : 0;
'errors' => $this->outputBuffer
], $flags));
This theoretical class uses the [`symfony/yaml`][c] package in Composer and exposes a few of its options as options for the Handler. Using this class would be very similar to the examples provided at the beginning of this document:
use Mensbeam\Foundation\Catcher,
$catcher = new Catcher(new YamlHandler([
'outputNullAsTilde' => true
More complex handlers are possible by extending the various methods documented above. Examples can be seen by looking at the code for both `HTMLHandler` and `PlainTextHandler`.