A Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP
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1 year ago
* @license MIT
* Copyright 2022 Dustin Wilson, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\Catcher\Test;
use MensBeam\Catcher\{
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface,
/** @covers \MensBeam\Catcher\PlainTextHandler */
class TestPlainTextHandler extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
protected ?Handler $handler = null;
public function setUp(): void {
$this->handler = new PlainTextHandler([
'outputBacktrace' => true,
'silent' => true
///** @dataProvider provideHandlingTests */
/*public function testHandling(\Throwable $throwable, int $expectedCode, array $options = []): void {
foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
$this->handler->setOption($k, $v);
$o = $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController($throwable));
$this->assertSame($throwable::class, $o['controller']->getThrowable()::class);
$this->assertEquals($expectedCode, $o['code']);
/** @dataProvider provideInvocationTests */
public function testInvocation(\Throwable $throwable, bool $silent, bool $log, ?string $logMethodName, int $line): void {
$this->handler->setOption('outputToStderr', false);
if (!$silent) {
$this->handler->setOption('silent', false);
if ($log) {
$l = Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class);
$this->handler->setOption('logger', $l);
$o = $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController($throwable));
$c = $o['class'] ?? null;
if ($c !== null && !empty($o['errorType'])) {
$c = $o['errorType'];
$h = $this->handler;
$u = ob_get_clean();
$u = substr($u, 0, strpos($u, \PHP_EOL) ?: 0);
if (!$silent) {
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression(sprintf('/^\[[\d:]+\] %s: Ook\! in file %s on line %s$/', preg_quote($c, '/'), preg_quote(__FILE__, '/'), $line), $u);
} else {
$this->assertSame('', $u);
if ($log) {
Phake::verify($l, Phake::times(1))->$logMethodName;
public static function provideHandlingTests(): iterable {
$options = [
[ new \Exception('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::EXIT, [ 'forceExit' => true ] ],
[ new \Error('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES ],
[ new Error('Ook!', \E_ERROR, '/dev/null', 42, new \Error('Eek!')), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::NOW, [ 'forceOutputNow' => true ] ],
[ new \Exception('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES, [ 'logger' => Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class), 'logWhenSilent' => false ] ],
[ new \Error('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::LOG, [ 'forceOutputNow' => true, 'logger' => Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class) ] ]
foreach ($options as $o) {
$o[1] |= Handler::NOW;
yield $o;
public static function provideInvocationTests(): iterable {
$options = [
[ new \Exception('Ook!'), false, true, 'critical' ],
[ new \Error('Ook!'), true, false, null ],
[ new Error('Ook!', \E_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__), false, true, 'error' ],
[ new \Exception(message: 'Ook!', previous: new \Error(message: 'Eek!', previous: new \ParseError('Ack!'))), true, true, 'critical' ]
$l = count($options);
foreach ($options as $k => $o) {
yield [ ...$o, __LINE__ - 4 - $l + $k ];