pushHandler(...$handlers); $this->register(); } public function getHandlers(): array { return $this->handlers; } public function getLastThrowable(): ?\Throwable { return $this->lastThrowable; } public function isRegistered(): bool { return $this->registered; } public function popHandler(): Handler { if (count($this->handlers) === 1) { throw new \Exception("Popping the last handler will cause the Catcher to have zero handlers; there must be at least one\n"); } return array_pop($this->handlers); } public function pushHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void { if (count($handlers) === 0) { throw new \ArgumentCountError(__METHOD__ . "expects at least 1 argument, 0 given\n"); } $prev = []; foreach ($handlers as $h) { if (in_array($h, $this->handlers, true) || in_array($h, $prev, true)) { trigger_error("Handlers must be unique; skipping\n", \E_USER_WARNING); continue; } $prev[] = $h; $this->handlers[] = $h; } } public function register(): bool { if ($this->registered) { return false; } error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~\E_ERROR); set_error_handler([ $this, 'handleError' ]); set_exception_handler([ $this, 'handleThrowable' ]); register_shutdown_function([ $this, 'handleShutdown' ]); $this->registered = true; return true; } public function setHandlers(Handler ...$handlers): void { $this->handlers = []; $this->pushHandler(...$handlers); } public function shiftHandler(): Handler { if (count($this->handlers) === 1) { throw new \Exception("Shifting the last handler will cause the Catcher to have zero handlers; there must be at least one\n"); } return array_shift($this->handlers); } public function unregister(): bool { if (!$this->registered) { return false; } restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); error_reporting($this->errorReporting); error_reporting(error_reporting() | \E_ERROR); $this->registered = false; return true; } public function unshiftHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void { if (count($handlers) === 0) { throw new \ArgumentCountError(__METHOD__ . "expects at least 1 argument, 0 given\n"); } $modified = false; $prev = []; foreach ($handlers as $v => $h) { if (in_array($h, $this->handlers, true) || in_array($h, $prev, true)) { trigger_error("Handlers must be unique; skipping\n", \E_USER_WARNING); unset($handlers[$v]); $modified = true; continue; } $prev[] = $h; } if ($modified) { $handlers = array_values($handlers); } if (count($handlers) > 0) { $this->handlers = [ ...$handlers, ...$this->handlers ]; } } /** * Converts regular errors into throwable Errors for easier handling; meant to be * used with set_error_handler. * * @internal */ public function handleError(int $code, string $message, ?string $file = null, ?int $line = null): bool { if ($code !== 0 && error_reporting()) { $error = new Error($message, $code, $file, $line); if ($this->throwErrors) { // The point of this library is to allow treating of errors as if they were // exceptions but instead have things like warnings, notices, etc. not stop // execution. You normally can't have it both ways. So, what's going on here is // that if the error wouldn't normally stop execution the newly-created Error // throwable is thrown in a fork instead, allowing execution to resume in the // parent process. if ($this->isErrorFatal($code)) { throw $error; } elseif ($this->forking && \PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && function_exists('pcntl_fork')) { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid === -1) { // This can't be covered unless it is possible to fake a misconfigured system throw new \Exception(message: 'Could not create fork to throw Error', previous: $error); // @codeCoverageIgnore } elseif (!$pid) { // This can't be covered because it happens in the fork throw $error; // @codeCoverageIgnore } pcntl_wait($status); return true; } } $this->handleThrowable($error); return true; } // If preventing exit we don't want a false here to halt processing return ($this->preventExit); } /** * Handles both Exceptions and Errors; meant to be used with set_exception_handler. * * @internal */ public function handleThrowable(\Throwable $throwable): void { $controller = new ThrowableController($throwable); foreach ($this->handlers as $h) { $output = $h->handle($controller); if ($output['outputCode'] & Handler::NOW) { $h->dispatch(); } $controlCode = $output['controlCode']; if ($controlCode & Handler::BREAK) { break; } } if ( $this->isShuttingDown || $controlCode & Handler::EXIT || $throwable instanceof \Exception || ($throwable instanceof Error && $this->isErrorFatal($throwable->getCode())) || (!$throwable instanceof Error && $throwable instanceof \Error) ) { foreach ($this->handlers as $h) { if ($this->isShuttingDown) { $h->setOption('outputBacktrace', false); } $h->dispatch(); } $this->lastThrowable = $throwable; // Don't want to exit here when shutting down so any shutdown functions further // down the stack still run. if (!$this->preventExit && !$this->isShuttingDown) { $this->exit(max($throwable->getCode(), 1)); } } $this->lastThrowable = $throwable; } /** * Handles shutdowns, passes all possible built-in error codes to the error handler. * * @internal */ public function handleShutdown(): void { if (!$this->registered) { return; } $this->throwErrors = false; $this->isShuttingDown = true; if ($error = $this->getLastError()) { if ($this->isErrorFatal($error['type'])) { $this->handleError($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']); } } else { foreach ($this->handlers as $h) { $h->dispatch(); } } } /** Exists so exits can be tracked in mocks in testing */ protected function exit(int $status): void { // This won't be shown as executed in code coverage exit($status); // @codeCoverageIgnore } /** Checks if the error code is fatal */ protected function isErrorFatal(int $code): bool { return in_array($code, [ \E_ERROR, \E_PARSE, \E_CORE_ERROR, \E_COMPILE_ERROR, \E_USER_ERROR, \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR ]); } /** Exists so the method may be replaced when mocking in tests */ protected function getLastError(): ?array { return error_get_last(); } }