handler = new TestingHandler([ 'outputBacktrace' => true ]); } /** @dataProvider provideArgumentSerializationTests */ public function testArgumentSerialization(mixed $arg): void { // This looks silly because the argument is never used, but the handler will // pick it up and print it anyway which is what we're testing here $this->handler->setOption('print', true); $this->handler->setOption('printJSON', false); $this->handler->setOption('outputToStderr', false); $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $h = $this->handler; ob_start(); $h(); $o = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNotEmpty($o); } /** @dataProvider provideHandlingTests */ public function testHandling(\Throwable $throwable, int $expectedCode, array $options = []): void { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $this->handler->setOption($k, $v); } $o = $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController($throwable)); $this->assertSame($throwable::class, $o['controller']->getThrowable()::class); $this->assertEquals($expectedCode, $o['code']); } public function testInvocation(): void { $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $r = new \ReflectionProperty($this->handler::class, 'outputBuffer'); $r->setAccessible(true); $this->assertEquals(1, count($r->getValue($this->handler))); $h = $this->handler; $h(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($r->getValue($this->handler))); $h(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($r->getValue($this->handler))); } /** @dataProvider provideLogTests */ public function testLog(\Throwable $throwable, string $methodName): void { $l = Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class); $this->handler->setOption('logger', $l); $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController($throwable)); $h = $this->handler; $h(); Phake::verify($l, Phake::times(1))->$methodName; } /** @dataProvider provideOptionsTests */ public function testOptions(string $option, mixed $value): void { $this->handler->setOption($option, $value); $this->assertSame($value, $this->handler->getOption($option)); } public function testPrinting(): void { $this->handler->setOption('print', true); $this->handler->setOption('outputToStderr', false); $this->handler->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $h = $this->handler; ob_start(); $h(); $o = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNotEmpty($o); $o = json_decode($o, true); $this->assertSame(\Exception::class, $o['class']); $this->assertSame(__FILE__, $o['file']); $this->assertSame(__LINE__ - 9, $o['line']); $this->assertSame('Ook!', $o['message']); } /** @dataProvider provideSupplementalErrorHandlingTests */ public function testSupplementalErrorHandling(\Closure $closure, bool $useCatcher, bool $silent): void { if (!$silent) { $this->handler->setOption('print', true); $this->handler->setOption('printJSON', false); $this->handler->setOption('outputToStderr', false); } else { $this->handler->setOption('silent', true); } if ($useCatcher) { $c = new Catcher($this->handler); } ob_start(); $closure($this->handler); $o = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNotEmpty($o); if ($useCatcher) { $c->unregister(); unset($c); } } /** @dataProvider provideFatalErrorTests */ public function testFatalErrors(string $throwableClassName, \Closure $closure): void { $this->expectException($throwableClassName); $closure($this->handler); } /** @dataProvider provideNonFatalErrorTests */ public function testNonFatalErrors(int $code, string $message, \Closure $closure): void { $closure($this->handler); $this->assertEquals($code, $this->lastError?->getCode()); $this->assertSame($message, $this->lastError?->getMessage()); } public static function provideFatalErrorTests(): iterable { $iterable = [ [ RangeException::class, function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('httpCode', 42); } ], [ CatcherError::class, function (Handler $h): void { $c = new Catcher(); $l = new FailLogger(); $l->error('Ook!'); } ] ]; foreach ($iterable as $i) { yield $i; } } public static function provideArgumentSerializationTests(): iterable { $options = [ [ fn() => true ], [ new \stdClass() ], [ new class{} ], [ (object)[] ], [ 'ook' ], [ 42 ], [ \M_PI ] ]; foreach ($options as $o) { yield $o; } } public static function provideHandlingTests(): iterable { $options = [ [ new \Exception('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::OUTPUT | Handler::EXIT, [ 'forceExit' => true ] ], [ new \Error('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::OUTPUT ], [ new \Exception('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES, [ 'silent' => true ] ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_ERROR, '/dev/null', 42, new \Error('Eek!')), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::OUTPUT | Handler::NOW, [ 'forceOutputNow' => true ] ], [ new \Exception('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES, [ 'silent' => true, 'logger' => Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class), 'logWhenSilent' => false ] ], [ new \Error('Ook!'), Handler::BUBBLES | Handler::OUTPUT | Handler::LOG, [ 'forceOutputNow' => true, 'logger' => Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class) ] ] ]; foreach ($options as $o) { // TestingHandler adds Handler::NOW to the output code to make // testing with it in TestCatcher less of a pain, so it needs to be // added here $o[1] |= Handler::NOW; yield $o; } } public static function provideLogTests(): iterable { $options = [ [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_NOTICE, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'notice' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_USER_NOTICE, '/dev/null', 0), 'notice' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_STRICT, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'notice' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_WARNING, '/dev/null', 0), 'warning' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_COMPILE_WARNING, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'warning' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_USER_WARNING, '/dev/null', 0), 'warning' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_DEPRECATED, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'warning' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_USER_DEPRECATED, '/dev/null', 0), 'warning' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_PARSE, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'critical' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_CORE_ERROR, '/dev/null', 0), 'critical' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_COMPILE_ERROR, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'critical' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_ERROR, '/dev/null', 0), 'error' ], [ new CatcherError('Ook!', \E_USER_ERROR, '/dev/null', 0, new \Error('Eek!')), 'error' ], [ new \PharException('Ook!'), 'alert' ], [ new \Exception('Ook!'), 'critical' ], ]; foreach ($options as $o) { yield $o; } } public static function provideNonFatalErrorTests(): iterable { $iterable = [ [ \E_USER_WARNING, 'Undefined option in ' . TestingHandler::class . ': ook', function (Handler $h): void { $h->getOption('ook'); } ], [ \E_USER_WARNING, 'Undefined option in ' . TestingHandler::class . ': ook', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('ook', 'eek'); } ] ]; foreach ($iterable as $i) { yield $i; } } public static function provideOptionsTests(): iterable { $options = [ [ 'backtraceArgFrameLimit', 42 ], [ 'bubbles', false ], [ 'charset', 'UTF-16' ], [ 'forceExit', true ], [ 'forceOutputNow', true ], [ 'httpCode', 200 ], [ 'httpCode', 400 ], [ 'httpCode', 502 ], [ 'logger', Phake::mock(LoggerInterface::class) ], [ 'logWhenSilent', false ], [ 'outputBacktrace', true ], [ 'outputPrevious', false ], [ 'outputTime', false ], [ 'outputToStderr', false ], [ 'silent', true ], [ 'timeFormat', 'Y-m-d' ] ]; foreach ($options as $o) { yield $o; } } public static function provideSupplementalErrorHandlingTests(): iterable { $iterable = [ // Test with a logger that errors without a Catcher [ function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('logger', new FailLogger()); $h->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $h(); }, false, false ], // Test with a logger that errors with a Catcher [ function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('logger', new FailLogger()); $h->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $h(); }, true, false ], // Test with a logger that errors with a Catcher but silent [ function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('logger', new FailLogger()); $h->handle(new ThrowableController(new \Exception('Ook!'))); $h(); }, true, true ] ]; foreach ($iterable as $i) { yield $i; } } }