throwable = $throwable; } /** Gets the type name for an Error object */ public function getErrorType(): ?string { if ($this->errorType !== false) { return $this->errorType; } if (!$this->throwable instanceof \Error) { $this->errorType = null; return null; } switch ($this->throwable->getCode()) { case \E_ERROR: $this->errorType = 'PHP Fatal Error'; break; case \E_WARNING: $this->errorType = 'PHP Warning'; break; case \E_PARSE: $this->errorType = 'PHP Parsing Error'; break; case \E_NOTICE: $this->errorType = 'PHP Notice'; break; case \E_CORE_ERROR: $this->errorType = 'PHP Core Error'; break; case \E_CORE_WARNING: $this->errorType = 'PHP Core Warning'; break; case \E_COMPILE_ERROR: $this->errorType = 'Compile Error'; break; case \E_COMPILE_WARNING: $this->errorType = 'Compile Warning'; break; case \E_STRICT: $this->errorType = 'Runtime Notice'; break; case \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $this->errorType = 'Recoverable Error'; break; case \E_DEPRECATED: case \E_USER_DEPRECATED: $this->errorType = 'Deprecated'; break; case \E_USER_ERROR: $this->errorType = 'Fatal Error'; break; case \E_USER_WARNING: $this->errorType = 'Warning'; break; case \E_USER_NOTICE: $this->errorType = 'Notice'; break; default: $this->errorType = null; } return $this->errorType; } /** Gets backtrace frames */ public function getFrames(): array { if ($this->frames !== null) { return $this->frames; } if ( !$this->throwable instanceof \Error || !in_array($this->throwable->getCode(), [ E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING ]) || !extension_loaded('xdebug') || !function_exists('xdebug_info') || sizeof(xdebug_info('mode')) === 0 ) { $frames = $this->throwable->getTrace(); } else { $frames = array_diff_key(array_reverse(xdebug_get_function_stack()), debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); } // PHP for some stupid reason thinks it's okay not to provide line numbers and file // names when using call_user_func_array; this fixes that. // ( foreach ($frames as $key => $frame) { if (empty($frame['file'])) { $file = '[INTERNAL]'; $line = 0; $next = $frames[$key + 1] ?? []; if ( !empty($frame['file']) && !empty($frame['function']) && !empty($frame['line']) && str_contains($frame['function'], 'call_user_func') ) { $file = $next['file']; $line = $next['line']; } $frames[$key]['file'] = $file; $frames[$key]['line'] = $line; } $frames[$key]['line'] = (int)$frames[$key]['line']; } // Delete everything that has anything to do with userland error handling for ($frameCount = count($frames), $i = $frameCount - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $frame = $frames[$i]; if ($frame['file'] === $this->throwable->getFile() && $frame['line'] === $this->throwable->getLine()) { array_splice($frames, 0, $i); break; } } // Add a frame for the throwable to the beginning of the array $f = [ 'file' => $this->throwable->getFile(), 'line' => (int)$this->throwable->getLine(), 'class' => $this->throwable::class, 'args' => [ $this->throwable->getMessage() ] ]; // Add the error name if it is an Error. if ($this->throwable instanceof \Error) { $error = $this->getErrorType(); if ($error !== null) { $f['error'] = $error; } } array_unshift($frames, $f); // Go through previous throwables and merge in their frames if ($prev = $this->getPrevious()) { $a = $frames; $b = $prev->getFrames(); $prevThrowable = $prev->getThrowable(); $diff = $a; for ($i = count($a) - 1, $j = count($b) - 1; $i >= 0 && $j >= 0; $i--, $j--) { $af = $diff[$i]['file']; $bf = $b[$j]['file']; if ($af && $bf && $af === $bf && $diff[$i]['line'] === $b[$j]['line']) { unset($diff[$i]); } } $frames = [ ...$diff, ...$b ]; } $this->frames = $frames; return $frames; } public function getPrevious(): ?ThrowableController { if ($this->previousThrowableController !== false) { return $this->previousThrowableController; } if ($prev = $this->throwable->getPrevious()) { $prev = new ThrowableController($prev); } $this->previousThrowableController = $prev; return $prev; } public function getThrowable(): \Throwable { return $this->throwable; } }