A Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
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* @license MIT
* Copyright 2022 Dustin Wilson, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\Framework;
use MensBeam\Framework\Catcher\{
class Catcher {
* Array of handlers the exceptions are passed to
* @var Handler[]
protected array $handlers = [];
/** Flag set when the shutdown handler is run */
protected bool $isShuttingDown = false;
public function __construct(Handler ...$handlers) {
if (count($handlers) === 0) {
$handlers = [ new PlainTextHandler() ];
set_error_handler([ $this, 'handleError' ]);
set_exception_handler([ $this, 'handleThrowable' ]);
register_shutdown_function([ $this, 'handleShutdown' ]);
public function getHandlers(): array {
return $this->handlers;
public function pushHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void {
foreach ($handlers as $h) {
if (in_array($h, $this->handlers, true)) {
trigger_error("Handlers must be unique; skipping\n", \E_USER_WARNING);
$this->handlers[] = $h;
public function removeHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void {
foreach ($handlers as $h) {
foreach ($this->handlers as $k => $hh) {
if ($h === $hh) {
if (count($this->handlers) === 1) {
throw new \Exception("Removing handler will cause the Catcher to have zero handlers; there must be at least one\n");
$this->handlers = array_values($this->handlers);
continue 2;
public function setHandlers(Handler ...$handlers): void {
$this->handlers = [];
public function unshiftHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void {
$modified = false;
foreach ($handlers as $v => $h) {
if (in_array($h, $this->handlers, true)) {
trigger_error("Handlers must be unique; skipping\n", \E_USER_WARNING);
$modified = true;
if ($modified) {
$handlers = array_values($handlers);
$this->handlers = [ ...$handlers, ...$this->handlers ];
* Converts regular errors into throwable Errors for easier handling; meant to be
* used with set_error_handler.
* @internal
public function handleError(int $code, string $message, ?string $file = null, ?int $line = null): bool {
if ($code !== 0 && error_reporting()) {
$error = new Error($message, $code, $file, $line);
if ($this->isShuttingDown) {
throw $error;
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Handles both Exceptions and Errors; meant to be used with set_exception_handler.
* @internal
public function handleThrowable(\Throwable $throwable): void {
$controller = new ThrowableController($throwable);
foreach ($this->handlers as $h) {
$output = $h->handle($controller);
if ($output->outputCode & Handler::OUTPUT_NOW) {
$controlCode = $output->controlCode;
if ($controlCode !== Handler::CONTINUE) {
if (
$throwable instanceof \Exception ||
($throwable instanceof Error && in_array($throwable->getCode(), [ \E_ERROR, \E_PARSE, \E_CORE_ERROR, \E_COMPILE_ERROR, \E_USER_ERROR ])) ||
$throwable instanceof \Error
) {
foreach ($this->handlers as $h) {
} elseif ($controlCode === Handler::EXIT) {
* Handles shutdowns, passes all possible built-in error codes to the error handler.
* @internal
public function handleShutdown() {
$this->isShuttingDown = true;
if ($error = error_get_last()) {
if (in_array($error['type'], [ \E_ERROR, \E_PARSE, \E_CORE_ERROR, \E_CORE_WARNING, \E_COMPILE_ERROR, \E_COMPILE_WARNING ])) {
$this->handleError($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
public function __destruct() {
register_shutdown_function(fn() => false);