A Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @license MIT
* Copyright 2022 Dustin Wilson, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace Mensbeam\Framework\Catcher;
abstract class Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = null;
public const CONTINUE = 1;
public const BREAK = 2;
public const EXIT = 4;
public const OUTPUT = 16;
public const OUTPUT_NOW = 32;
public const SILENT = 64;
protected ThrowableController $controller;
protected array $data;
/** The handler's result (bitmask) */
protected int $outputCode;
* If true the handler will break the handler stack and won't continue onto the
* next handler regardless
protected static bool $_forceBreak = false;
/** If true the handler will continue onto the next handler regardless */
protected static bool $_forceContinue = false;
/** If true the handler will force an exit */
protected static bool $_forceExit = false;
* If true the handler will output as soon as possible; however, if silent
* is true the handler will output nothing
protected static bool $_forceOutputNow = false;
/** If true the handler will be silent and won't output */
protected static bool $_silent = false;
protected function __construct(ThrowableController $controller, array $data = []) {
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->data = $data;
if (!self::$_silent) {
$this->outputCode = (!self::$_forceOutputNow) ? self::OUTPUT : self::OUTPUT_NOW;
} else {
$this->outputCode = self::SILENT;
if ($forceContinue) {
$this->outputCode |= self::CONTINUE;
} elseif ($forceExit) {
$this->outputCode |= self::EXIT;
if ($this->outputCode !== self::SILENT) {
$throwable = $controller->getThrowable();
if ($throwable instanceof \Exception || in_array($throwable->getCode(), [ \E_ERROR, \E_PARSE, \E_CORE_ERROR, \E_COMPILE_ERROR, \E_USER_ERROR ])) {
$this->outputCode |= self::EXIT;
$this->outputCode |= ($this->outputCode === self::SILENT) ? self::CONTINUE : self::BREAK;
public static function config(array $config = []) {
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
$key = "_$key";
self::$$key = $value;
return __CLASS__;
abstract public static function create(ThrowableController $controller): self;
public function getOutputCode(): int {
return $this->outputCode;
public function getThrowable(): \Throwable {
return $this->throwable;
abstract public function output(): void;