A Throwable catcher and error handling library for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
7.3 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2022 Dustin Wilson, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\Foundation\Catcher;
class HTMLHandler extends Handler {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/html';
protected ?\DOMDocument $_document = null;
/** If true the handler will output times to the output; defaults to true */
protected bool $_outputTime = true;
/** The PHP-standard date format which to use for times printed to output */
protected string $_timeFormat = 'H:i:s';
public function __construct(array $options = []) {
if ($this->_document === null) {
$this->_document = new \DOMDocument();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>HTTP {$this->_httpCode}</title></head>
protected function buildThrowable(ThrowableController $controller): \DOMElement {
$throwable = $controller->getThrowable();
$p = $this->_document->createElement('p');
$class = $throwable::class;
if ($throwable instanceof \Error) {
$type = $controller->getErrorType();
if ($type !== null) {
$b = $this->_document->createElement('b');
$p->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(' ('));
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
} else {
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
$p->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(': '));
$i = $this->_document->createElement('i');
$p->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(' in file '));
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
$p->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(' on line ' . $throwable->getLine()));
return $p;
protected function dispatchCallback(): void {
$body = $this->_document->getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
$allSilent = true;
foreach ($this->outputBuffer as $o) {
if ($o->outputCode & self::SILENT) {
$allSilent = false;
if (!$allSilent) {
protected function handleCallback(ThrowableController $controller): HandlerOutput {
$frag = $this->_document->createDocumentFragment();
if ($this->_outputTime && $this->_timeFormat !== '') {
$p = $this->_document->createElement('p');
$time = $this->_document->createElement('time');
$time->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode((new \DateTime())->format($this->_timeFormat)));
if ($this->_outputPrevious) {
$prevController = $controller->getPrevious();
while ($prevController) {
$p = $this->_document->createElement('p');
$small = $this->_document->createElement('small');
$small->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode('Caused by ↴'));
$prevController = $prevController->getPrevious();
if ($this->_outputBacktrace) {
$frames = $controller->getFrames();
$p = $this->_document->createElement('p');
$p->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode('Stack trace:'));
if (count($frames) > 0) {
$ol = $this->_document->createElement('ol');
$num = 1;
foreach ($frames as $frame) {
$li = $this->_document->createElement('li');
$args = (!empty($frame['args']) && $this->_backtraceArgFrameLimit >= $num);
$t = ($args) ? $this->_document->createElement('p') : $li;
if (!empty($frame['error'])) {
$b = $this->_document->createElement('b');
$t->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(' ('));
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
} elseif (!empty($frame['class'])) {
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
$class = $frame['class'] ?? '';
$function = $frame['function'] ?? '';
if ($function) {
if ($class) {
$code->firstChild->textContent .= "::{$function}()";
} else {
$code = $this->_document->createElement('code');
$t->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(' '));
$i = $this->_document->createElement('i');
if ($args) {
$pre = $this->_document->createElement('pre');
$pre->appendChild($this->_document->createTextNode(var_export($frame['args'], true)));
return new HandlerOutput($this->getControlCode(), $this->getOutputCode(), $frag);