Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 Dustin Wilson, J. King, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM;
use MensBeam\HTML\DOM\Inner\{
Document as InnerDocument,
class DOMImplementation {
protected \WeakReference $document;
protected static array $documentsCache = [];
public function __construct(?Document $document = null) {
if ($document !== null) {
$this->document = \WeakReference::create($document);
} else {
// Under most uses of this class the document is a weak reference to a stored
// Document object. When creating an implementation without an existing Document
// this class will create a weak reference to a newly-instantiated Document
// class. This presents a problem because that new Document is immediately
// garbage collected because there's no longer a reference pointing to it,
// making the weak reference return null instead of the Document it should be
// returning. To circumvent this we're going to have a static documents cache
// that's used to keep a reference around.
$this->document = \WeakReference::create(self::$documentsCache[] = new Document());
public function createDocument(?string $namespace = null, string $qualifiedName, ?DocumentType $doctype = null): XMLDocument {
# The createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) method steps are:
# 1. Let document be a new XMLDocument.
$document = Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\XMLDocument');
# 2. Let element be null.
$element = null;
# 3. If qualifiedName is not the empty string, then set element to the result of
# running the internal createElementNS steps, given document, namespace,
# qualifiedName, and an empty dictionary.
if ($qualifiedName !== '') {
$element = $document->createElementNS($namespace, $qualifiedName);
# 4. If doctype is non-null, append doctype to document.
if ($doctype !== null) {
# 5. If element is non-null, append element to document.
if ($element !== null) {
# 6. document’s origin is this’s associated document’s origin.
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting in this implementation.
# 7. document’s content type is determined by namespace:
switch ($namespace) {
# ↪ HTML namespace
# application/xhtml+xml
$contentType = 'application/xhtml+xml';
# ↪ SVG namespace
# image/svg+xml
$contentType = 'image/svg+xml';
# ↪ Any other namespace
# application/xml
$contentType = 'application/xml';
Reflection::setProtectedProperties($document, ['_contentType' => $contentType ]);
# 8. Return document.
return $document;
public function createDocumentType(string $qualifiedName, string $publicId, string $systemId): DocumentType {
# The createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) method steps are:
# 1. Validate qualifiedName.
# To validate a qualifiedName, throw an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if
# qualifiedName does not match the QName production.
if (!preg_match(InnerDocument::QNAME_PRODUCTION_REGEX, $qualifiedName)) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER);
# 2. Return a new doctype, with qualifiedName as its name, publicId as its
# public ID, and systemId as its system ID, and with its node document set to
# the associated document of this.
$innerDocument = Reflection::getProtectedProperty($this->document->get(), 'innerNode');
// PHP's DOM won't accept an empty string as the qualifiedName, so use a space
// instead which won't be encountered elsewhere because it violates the QName
// production; this will be worked around in DocumentType.
return $innerDocument->getWrapperNode($innerDocument->implementation->createDocumentType(($qualifiedName !== '') ? $qualifiedName : ' ', $publicId, $systemId));
public function createHTMLDocument(string $title = ''): Document {
# The createHTMLDocument(title) method steps are:
# 1. Let doc be a new document that is an HTML document.
$doc = Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Document');
# 2. Set doc’s content type to "text/html".
// Already done because of how this library is to be used.
# 3. Append a new doctype, with "html" as its name and with its node document
# set to doc, to doc.
$doc->appendChild($doc->implementation->createDocumentType('html', '', ''));
# 4. Append the result of creating an element given doc, html, and the HTML
# namespace, to doc.
$documentElement = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('html'));
# 5. Append the result of creating an element given doc, head, and the HTML
# namespace, to the html element created earlier.
$head = $documentElement->appendChild($doc->createElement('head'));
# 6. If title is given:
if ($title !== '') {
# 1. Append the result of creating an element given doc, title, and the HTML
# namespace, to the head element created earlier.
$t = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('title'));
# 2. Append a new Text node, with its data set to title (which could be the empty
# string) and its node document set to doc, to the title element created earlier.
# 7. Append the result of creating an element given doc, body, and the HTML
# namespace, to the html element created earlier.
# 8. doc’s origin is this’s associated document’s origin.
// Not necessary. No scripting in this implementation.
# 9. Return doc.
return $doc;
public function hasFeature(): bool {
return true;