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Added DocumentOrElement::getElementsByClassName

Dustin Wilson 3 years ago
  1. 45
  2. 2


@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use MensBeam\HTML\DOM\InnerNode\{
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Data;
@ -20,6 +21,50 @@ use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
* both the Document and Element interfaces.
trait DocumentOrElement {
public function getElementsByClassName(string $classNames): HTMLCollection {
$innerNode = $this->innerNode;
# The list of elements with class names classNames for a node root is the
# HTMLCollection returned by the following algorithm:
// DEVIATION: There's no HTMLCollection. The result will be a DOMNodeList
// instead. It is, fortunately, almost exactly the same thing anyway.
# 1. Let classes be the result of running the ordered set parser on classNames.
## The ordered set parser takes a string input and then runs these steps:
## 1. Let inputTokens be the result of splitting input on ASCII whitespace.
// There isn't a Set object in php, so make sure all the tokens are unique.
$inputTokens = ($classNames !== '') ? array_unique(preg_split(Data::WHITESPACE_REGEX, $classNames)) : [];
$doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $innerNode : $innerNode->ownerDocument;
## 2. Let tokens be a new ordered set.
## 3. For each token in inputTokens, append token to tokens.
## 4. Return tokens.
// There isn't a Set object in php, so just use the uniqued input tokens.
# 2. If classes is the empty set, return an empty HTMLCollection.
if ($inputTokens === []) {
return Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\HTMLCollection', $doc, new \DOMNodeList());
# 3. Return a HTMLCollection rooted at root, whose filter matches descendant
# elements that have all their classes in classes.
# The comparisons for the classes must be done in an ASCII case-insensitive manner
# if root’s node document’s mode is "quirks"; otherwise in an identical to manner.
// It's just faster to use XPath to create the a nodelist that will then be
// wrapped instead of polling a closure containing a DOM walker that has to then
// explode each and every class string by whitespace and then iterate through
// them... yeah not gonna do that.
$query = '//*';
foreach ($inputTokens as $token) {
$query .= "[@class=\"$token\"]";
return Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\HTMLCollection', $doc, new \DOMXPath($doc)->query($query, $this));
public function getElementsByTagName(string $qualifiedName): HTMLCollection {
// HTMLCollections cannot be created from their constructors normally.
return Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\HTMLCollection', (!$this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode->ownerDocument : $this->innerNode, $this->innerNode->getElementsByTagNameNS(null, $qualifiedName));


@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ trait ParentNode {
* the iteration.
public function walk(?\Closure $filter = null, bool $includeReferenceNode = false): \Generator {
$node = (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment) ? $this->getInnerNode($node) : null;
$node = (!$this instanceof DocumentFragment) ? $this->getInnerNode($node) : null;
if (!$includeReferenceNode) {
$node = $node->firstChild;
