ownerDocument; $base = $doc->getElementsByNodeName('base'); foreach ($base as $b) { $href = $base->getAttribute('href'); # 2. Otherwise, return the frozen base URL of the first base element in the # Document that has an href attribute, in tree order. // URL of base element is always frozen if ($href !== null) { return $href; } } # 1. If there is no base element that has an href attribute in the Document, # then return the Document's fallback base URL. // This is going to be done last because I have to iterate over the base elements first. # The fallback base URL of a Document object document is the URL record obtained by running these steps: # # 1. If document is an iframe srcdoc document, then return the document base URL # of document's browsing context's container document. // DEVIATION: There can't be an iframe srcdoc document in this implementation. # 2. If document's URL is about:blank, and document's browsing context's creator # base URL is non-null, then return that creator base URL. // DEVIATION: Document's URL cannot be about:blank in this implementation. # 3. Return document's URL. return $document->URL; } protected function __get_childNodes(): NodeList { // NodeLists cannot be created from their constructors normally. // OPTIMIZATION: Going to optimize here and only create a truly live NodeList if // the node is even capable of having children, otherwise will just be an empty // NodeList. There is no sense in generating a live list that will never update. if ($this instanceof Document || $this instanceof DocumentFragment || $this instanceof Element) { $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\NodeList', function() use($doc) { $result = []; $innerChildNodes = $this->innerNode->childNodes; foreach ($innerChildNodes as $i) { $result[] = $doc->getWrapperNode($i); } return $result; }); } if ($this->_childNodes !== null) { return $this->_childNodes; } $this->_childNodes = Reflection::createFromProtectedConstructor(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Nodelist', []); return $this->_childNodes; } protected function __get_firstChild(): ?Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. if (!$value = $this->innerNode->firstChild) { return null; } $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return $doc->getWrapperNode($value); } protected function __get_isConnected(): bool { # The isConnected getter steps are to return true, if this is connected; # otherwise false. # An element is connected if its shadow-including root is a document. return ($this->getRootNode() instanceof Document); } protected function __get_lastChild(): ?Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. if (!$value = $this->innerNode->lastChild) { return null; } $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return $doc->getWrapperNode($value); } protected function __get_previousSibling(): ?Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. if (!$value = $this->innerNode->previousSibling) { return null; } $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return $doc->getWrapperNode($value); } protected function __get_nextSibling(): ?Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. if (!$value = $this->innerNode->nextSibling) { return null; } $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return $doc->getWrapperNode($value); } protected function __get_nodeName(): string { # The nodeName getter steps are to return the first matching statement, # switching on the interface this implements: $nodeName = $this->innerNode->nodeName; # ↪ Element # Its HTML-uppercased qualified name. if ($this instanceof Element) { // Uncoerce names if necessary return strtoupper(!str_contains(needle: 'U', haystack: $nodeName) ? $nodeName : $this->uncoerceName($nodeName)); } // Attribute nodes and processing instructions need the node name uncoerced if // necessary elseif ($this instanceof Attr || $this instanceof ProcessingInstruction) { return (!str_contains(needle: 'U', haystack: $nodeName)) ? $nodeName : $this->uncoerceName($nodeName); } // While the DOM itself cannot create a doctype with an empty string as the // name, the HTML parser can. PHP's DOM cannot handle an empty string as the // name, so a single space (an invalid value) is used instead and coerced to an // empty string. elseif ($this instanceof DocumentType) { return $this->name; } // PHP's DOM handles everything correctly on everything else. return $nodeName; } protected function __get_nodeType(): int { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. return $this->innerNode->nodeType; } protected function __get_nodeValue(): ?string { # The nodeValue getter steps are to return the following, switching on the # interface this implements: # ↪ Otherwise # Null. if ($this instanceof Element) { return null; } // PHP's DOM mostly does this correctly with the exception of Element, so let's // fall back to PHP's DOM on everything else. return $this->innerNode->nodeValue; } protected function __set_nodeValue(?string $value) { # The nodeValue setter steps are to, if the given value is null, act as if it # was the empty string instead, and then do as described below, switching on the # interface this implements: # ↪ Otherwise # Do nothing. if ($this instanceof Element) { return; } // PHP's DOM mostly does this correctly with the exception of Element, so let's // fall back to PHP's DOM on everything else. $this->innerNode->nodeValue = $value; } protected function __get_ownerDocument(): ?Document { # The ownerDocument getter steps are to return null, if this is a document; # otherwise this’s node document. // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. if ($this instanceof Document || !$ownerDocument = $this->innerNode->ownerDocument) { return null; } return $this->innerNode->ownerDocument->getWrapperNode($ownerDocument); } protected function __get_parentElement(): ?Element { # The parentElement getter steps are to return this’s parent element. # A node’s parent of type Element is known as its parent element. If the node # has a parent of a different type, its parent element is null. $parent = $this->parentNode; return ($parent instanceof Element) ? $parent : null; } protected function __get_parentNode(): ?Node { # The parentNode getter steps are to return this’s parent. # An object that participates in a tree has a parent, which is either null or an # object, and has children, which is an ordered set of objects. An object A # whose parent is object B is a child of B. if ($this instanceof Document) { return null; } $parent = $this->innerNode->parentNode; if ($parent === null) { return null; } $doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this->innerNode : $this->innerNode->ownerDocument; return $doc->getWrapperNode($parent); } protected function __get_textContent(): ?string { if ($this instanceof Document || $this instanceof DocumentType) { return null; } // PHP's DOM does this correctly already with the exception of Document and // DocumentType. return $this->innerNode->textContent; } protected function __set_textContent(string $value): void { # The textContent setter steps are to, if the given value is null, act as if it # was the empty string instead, and then do as described below, switching on the # interface this implements: // PHP's DOM has issues here, so let's go... # ↪ DocumentFragment # ↪ Element # The descendant text content of this. if ($this instanceof DocumentFragment || $this instanceof Element) { // This seems to be okay in PHP's DOM. $this->innerNode->textContent = $value; } # ↪ Attr # This's value elseif ($this instanceof Attr) { $this->innerNode->value = $value; } # ↪ CharacterData # Replace data with node this, offset 0, count this’s length, and data the given # value. elseif ($this instanceof CharacterData) { $this->innerNode->data = $value; } # ↪ Otherwise # Do nothing. } protected function __construct(\DOMNode $innerNode) { $this->innerNode = $innerNode; } public function appendChild(Node $node): Node { // Aside from pre-insertion validity PHP's DOM does this correctly already. $this->preInsertionValidity($node); $this->innerNode->appendChild($this->getInnerNode($node)); return $node; } public function cloneNode(?bool $deep = false): Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. $newInner = $this->innerNode->cloneNode($deep); return $newInner->ownerDocument->getWrapperNode($newInner); } public function compareDocumentPosition(Node $other): int { # The compareDocumentPosition(other) method steps are: # # 1. If this is other, then return zero. if ($this === $other) { return 0; } # 2. Let node1 be other and node2 be this. $node1 = $other; $node2 = $this; # 3. Let attr1 and attr2 be null. $attr1 = $attr2 = null; # 4. If node1 is an attribute, then set attr1 to node1 and node1 to attr1’s # element. if ($node1 instanceof Attr) { $attr1 = $node1; $node1 = $attr1->ownerElement; } # 5. If node2 is an attribute, then: if ($node2 instanceof Attr) { # 1. Set attr2 to node2 and node2 to attr2’s element. $attr2 = $node2; $node2 = $attr2->ownerElement; # 2. If attr1 and node1 are non-null, and node2 is node1, then: if ($attr1 !== null && $node1 !== null && $node2 === $node1) { # 1. For each attr in node2’s attribute list: foreach ($node2->attributes as $attr) { # 1. If attr equals attr1, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC and DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. if ($attr === $attr1) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC + Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } # 2. If attr equals attr2, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC and DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. if ($attr === $attr2) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC + Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } } } } # 6. If node1 or node2 is null, or node1’s root is not node2’s root, then return the # result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED, # DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC, and either # DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING or DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING, with the constraint # that this is to be consistent, together. # # NOTE: Whether to return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING or # DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING is typically implemented via pointer comparison. # In JavaScript implementations a cached Math.random() value can be used. if (self::$rand === null) { self::$rand = rand(0, 1); } if ($node1 === null || $node2 === null || $node1->getRootNode() !== $node2->getRootNode()) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED + Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC + ((self::$rand === 0) ? Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING : Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING); } # 7. If node1 is an ancestor of node2 and attr1 is null, or node1 is node2 and attr2 # is non-null, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS to # DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. if (($node1 === $node2 && $attr2 !== null) || ($attr1 === null && $node2->contains($node1))) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS + Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } # 8. If node1 is a descendant of node2 and attr2 is null, or node1 is node2 and attr1 # is non-null, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY to # DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. if (($node1 === $node2 && $attr1 !== null) || ($attr2 === null && $node2->contains($node1))) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY + Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } # 9. If node1 is preceding node2, then return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. if ($node2->walkPreceding(function($n) use($node1) { return ($n === $node1); })->current() !== null) { return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } # 10. Return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. return Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } public function contains(?Node $other): bool { # The contains(other) method steps are to return true if other is an inclusive # descendant of this; otherwise false (including when other is null). return ($other->moonWalk(function($n) use($other) { return ($n === $other); })->current() !== null); } public function getRootNode(array $options = []): ?Node { # The getRootNode(options) method steps are to return this’s shadow-including # root if options["composed"] is true; otherwise this’s root. // DEVIATION: This implementation does not have scripting, so there's no Shadow // DOM. Therefore, there isn't a need for the options parameter. # The root of an object is itself, if its parent is null, or else it is the root # of its parent. The root of a tree is any object participating in that tree # whose parent is null. if ($this->parentNode === null) { return $this; } return $this->moonwalk(function($n) { return ($n->parentNode === null); })->current(); } public function hasChildNodes(): bool { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. return $this->innerNode->hasChildNodes(); } public function insertBefore(Node $node, ?Node $child): Node { # The insertBefore(node, child) method steps are to return the result of # pre-inserting node into this before child. // Aside from pre-insertion validity PHP's DOM does this correctly already. $this->preInsertionValidity($node, $child); $this->innerNode->insertBefore($this->getInnerNode($node)); return $node; } public function isDefaultNamespace(?string $namespace = null): bool { # The isDefaultNamespace(namespace) method steps are: // PHP DOM's implementation of this is broken for HTML, so let's do this // manually. # 1. If namespace is the empty string, then set it to null. if ($namespace === '') { $namespace = null; } # 2. Let defaultNamespace be the result of running locate a namespace for this # using null. # 3. Return true if defaultNamespace is the same as namespace; otherwise false. return ($this->locateNamespace($this, null) === $namespace); } public function isEqualNode(?Node $otherNode) { # The isEqualNode(otherNode) method steps are to return true if otherNode is # non-null and this equals otherNode; otherwise false. # A node A equals a node B if all of the following conditions are true: # # • A and B implement the same interfaces. if ($this::class !== $otherNode::class) { return false; } # • The following are equal, switching on the interface A implements: # # ↪ DocumentType # Its name, public ID, and system ID. if ($this instanceof DocumentType) { if ($this->name !== $otherNode->name || $this->publicId !== $otherNode->publicId || $this->systemId !== $this->publicId) { return false; } } # ↪ Element # Its namespace, namespace prefix, local name, and its attribute list’s size. elseif ($this instanceof Element) { if ($this->namespaceURI !== $otherNode->namespaceURI || $this->prefix !== $otherNode->prefix || $this->localName !== $otherNode->localName || $this->attributes->length !== $otherNode->attributes->length) { return false; } # • If A is an element, each attribute in its attribute list has an attribute that # equals an attribute in B’s attribute list. foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $attr) { if (!$attr->isEqualNode($otherNode->attributes[$key])) { return false; } } } # ↪ Attr # Its namespace, local name, and value. elseif ($this instanceof Attr) { if ($this->namespaceURI !== $otherNode->namespaceURI || $this->localName !== $otherNode->localName || $this->value !== $otherNode->value) { return false; } } # ↪ Text # ↪ Comment # Its data. elseif ($this instanceof Text || $this instanceof Comment) { if ($this->data !== $otherNode->data) { return false; } } if ($this instanceof Document || $this instanceof DocumentFragment || $this instanceof Element) { # • A and B have the same number of children. if ($this->childNodes->length !== $otherNode->childNodes->length) { return false; } # • Each child of A equals the child of B at the identical index. foreach ($this->childNodes as $key => $child) { $other = $otherNode->childNodes[$key]; if ($child->name !== $other->name || $child->publicId !== $other->publicId || $child->systemId !== $other->systemId) { return false; } } } return true; } public function isSameNode(?Node $otherNode) { # The isSameNode(otherNode) method steps are to return true if otherNode is # this; otherwise false. return ($otherNode === $this); } public function lookupPrefix(?string $namespace = null): ?string { # The lookupPrefix(namespace) method steps are: // PHP DOM's implementation of this is broken for HTML, so let's do this // manually. # 1. If namespace is null or the empty string, then return null. if ($namespace === null || $namespace === '') { return null; } # 2. Switch on the interface this implements: # # ↪ Element if ($this instanceof Element) { # Return the result of locating a namespace prefix for it using namespace. return $this->locateNamespacePrefix($this, $namespace); } # ↪ Document elseif ($this instanceof Document) { # Return the result of locating a namespace prefix for its document element, if # its document element is non-null; otherwise null. return ($this->documentElement !== null) ? $this->locateNamespacePrefix($this->documentElement, $namespace) : null; } # ↪ DocumentType # ↪ DocumentFragment elseif ($this instanceof DocumentType || $this instanceof DocumentFragment) { return null; } # ↪ Attr elseif ($this instanceof Attr) { # Return the result of locating a namespace prefix for its element, if its # element is non-null; otherwise null. return $this->locateNamespacePrefix($this->ownerElement, $namespace); } # ↪ Otherwise # Return the result of locating a namespace prefix for its parent element, # if its parent element is non-null; otherwise null. $parentElement = $this->parentElement; return ($parentElement !== null) ? $this->locateNamespacePrefix($this->parentElement, $namespace) : null; } public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix = null): ?string { # The lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) method steps are: // PHP DOM's implementation of this is broken for HTML, so let's do this // manually. # 1. If prefix is the empty string, then set it to null. if ($prefix === '') { $prefix = null; } # 2. Return the result of running locate a namespace for this using prefix. return $this->locateNamespace($this, $prefix); } public function normalize(): void { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. $this->innerNode->normalize(); } public function removeChild(Node $child): Node { // PHP's DOM does this correctly already. $this->innerNode->removeChild($this->getInnerNode($child)); return $node; } public function replaceChild(Node $node, Node $child): Node { # The replaceChild(node, child) method steps are to return the result of # replacing child with node within this. // PHP's DOM has some issues due to not checking for some edge cases the DOM // spec outlines for Node::replaceChild, so let's follow those before using the // PHP DOM to replace. # To replace a child with node within a parent, run these steps: # # 1. If parent is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element node, then throw # a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException. if (!$this instanceof Document && !$this instanceof DocumentFragment && !$this instanceof Element) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 2. If node is a host-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then throw a # "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException. if ($node->contains($this)) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 3. If child’s parent is not parent, then throw a "NotFoundError" DOMException. if ($child->parentNode !== $this) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND); } # 4. If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, or CharacterData # node, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException. if (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment && !$node instanceof DocumentType && !$node instanceof Element && !$node instanceof CharacterData) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 5. If either node is a Text node and parent is a document, or node is a # doctype and parent is not a document, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" # DOMException. if (($node instanceof Text && $this instanceof Document) || ($node instanceof DocumentType && !$this instanceof Document)) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 6. If parent is a document, and any of the statements below, switched on the # interface node implements, are true, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError". if ($this instanceof Document) { # ↪ DocumentFragment # If node has more than one element child or has a Text node child. # # Otherwise, if node has one element child and either parent has an element # child that is not child or a doctype is following child. if ($node instanceof DocumentFragment) { $nodeChildElementCount = $node->childElementCount; if ($nodeChildElementCount > 1 || $node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) { return ($n instanceof Text); }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } elseif ($nodeChildElementCount === 1) { $beforeChild = true; if ($node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) use(&$beforeChild, $child) { if (!$beforeChild && $n instanceof DocumentType) { return true; } if ($n instanceof Element && $n !== $child) { return true; } elseif ($n === $child) { $beforeChild = false; } return false; }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } # ↪ Element # parent has an element child that is not child or a doctype is following # child. elseif ($node instanceof Element) { $beforeChild = true; if ($node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) use(&$beforeChild, $child) { if (!$beforeChild && $n instanceof DocumentType) { return true; } if ($n instanceof Element && $n !== $child) { return true; } elseif ($n === $child) { $beforeChild = false; } return false; }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } # ↪ DocumentType # parent has a doctype child that is not child, or an element is preceding # child. elseif ($node instanceof DocumentType) { $beforeChild = true; if ($node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) use(&$beforeChild, $child) { if ($beforeChild && $n instanceof Element) { return true; } if ($n instanceof DocumentType && $n !== $child) { return true; } elseif ($n === $child) { $beforeChild = false; } return false; }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } // PHP's DOM does fine with the rest of the steps. $this->innerNode->replaceChild($this->getInnerNode($node), $this->getInnerNode($child)); return $node; } protected function getInnerNode(?Node $node = null): \DOMNode { if ($node === null) { return $this->innerNode; } return Reflection::getProtectedProperty($node, 'innerNode'); } protected function locateNamespace(Node $node, ?string $prefix = null): ?string { # To locate a namespace for a node using prefix, switch on the interface node # implements: # # ↪ Element if ($node instanceof Element) { # 1. If its namespace is non-null and its namespace prefix is prefix, then return # namespace. if ($node->namespaceURI !== null && $node->prefix === $prefix) { return $node->namespaceURI; } # 2. If it has an attribute whose namespace is the XMLNS namespace, namespace prefix # is "xmlns", and local name is prefix, or if prefix is null and it has an # attribute whose namespace is the XMLNS namespace, namespace prefix is null, and # local name is "xmlns", then return its value if it is not the empty string, and # null otherwise. $attributes = $node->attributes; foreach ($attributes as $attr) { if (($attr->namespaceURI === Parser::XMLNS_NAMESPACE && $attr->prefix === 'xmlns' && $attr->localName === $prefix) || ($prefix === null && $attr->namespaceURI === Parser::XMLNS_NAMESPACE && $attr->prefix === null && $attr->localName === 'xmlns')) { return ($attr->value !== '') ? $attr->value : null; } } $parentElement = $node->parentElement; # 3. If its parent element is null, then return null. if ($parentElement === null) { return null; } # 4. Return the result of running locate a namespace on its parent element using # prefix. return $this->locateNamespace($parentElement, $prefix); } # ↪ Document elseif ($node instanceof Document) { # 1. If its document element is null, then return null. if ($node->documentElement === null) { return null; } # 2. Return the result of running locate a namespace on its document element # using prefix. return $this->locateNamespace($node->documentElement, $prefix); } # ↪ DocumentType # ↪ DocumentFragment elseif ($node instanceof DocumentType || $node instanceof DocumentFragment) { # Return null. return null; } # ↪ Attr elseif ($node instanceof Attr) { # 1. If its element is null, then return null. if ($node->ownerElement === null) { return null; } # 2. Return the result of running locate a namespace on its element using # prefix. return $this->locateNamespace($node->ownerElement, $prefix); } # ↪ Otherwise # 1. If its parent element is null, then return null. $parentElement = $node->parentElement; if ($parentElement === null) { return null; } # 2. Return the result of running locate a namespace on its parent element using # prefix. return $this->locateNamespace($parentElement, $prefix); } protected function locateNamespacePrefix(Element $element, ?string $namespace = null) { # To locate a namespace prefix for an element using namespace, run these steps: # # 1. If element’s namespace is namespace and its namespace prefix is non-null, # then return its namespace prefix. if ($element->namespaceURI === $namespace && $element->$prefix !== null) { return $element->prefix; } # 2. If element has an attribute whose namespace prefix is "xmlns" and value is # namespace, then return element’s first such attribute’s local name. $attributes = $element->attributes; foreach ($attributes as $attr) { if ($attr->prefix === 'xmlns' && $attr->value === $namespace) { return $attr->localName; } } # 3. If element’s parent element is not null, then return the result of running # locate a namespace prefix on that element using namespace. $parentElement = $element->parentElement; if ($parentElement !== null) { return $this->locateNamespacePrefix($parentElement, $namespace); } # Return null. return null; } protected function preInsertionValidity(Node $node, ?Node $child = null) { // "parent" in the spec comments below is $this # 1. If parent is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element node, then throw # a "HierarchyRequestError" Exception. if (!$this instanceof Document && !$this instanceof DocumentFragment && !$this instanceof Element) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 2. If node is a host-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then throw a # "HierarchyRequestError" Exception. # # An object A is a host-including inclusive ancestor of an object B, if either # A is an inclusive ancestor of B, or if B’s root has a non-null host and A is a # host-including inclusive ancestor of B’s root’s host. if ($node->parentNode !== null) { if ($this->parentNode !== null && ($this === $node || $node->contains($this))) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } else { $parentRoot = $this->getRootNode(); if ($parentRoot instanceof DocumentFragment) { $parentRootHost = Reflection::getProtectedProperty($parentRoot, 'host')->get(); if ($parentRootHost !== null && ($parentRootHost === $node || $node->contains($parentRootHost))) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } } # 3. If child is non-null and its parent is not parent, then throw a # "NotFoundError" Exception. if ($child !== null && ($child->parentNode === null || $child->parentNode !== $this)) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND); } # 4. If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text, # ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" # Exception. if (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment && !$node instanceof DocumentType && !$node instanceof Element && !$node instanceof Text && !$node instanceof ProcessingInstruction && !$node instanceof Comment) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 5. If either node is a Text node and parent is a document, or node is a # doctype and parent is not a document, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" # Exception. if (($node instanceof Text && $this instanceof Document) || ($node instanceof DocumentType && !$this instanceof Document)) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } # 6. If parent is a document, and any of the statements below, switched on the # interface node implements, are true, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError". if ($this instanceof Document) { # ↪ DocumentFragment # If node has more than one element child or has a Text node child. # # Otherwise, if node has one element child and either parent has an element # child, child is a doctype, or child is non-null and a doctype is following # child. if ($node instanceof DocumentFragment) { $nodeChildElementCount = $node->childElementCount; if ($nodeChildElementCount > 1 || $node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) { return ($n instanceof Text); }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } elseif ($nodeChildElementCount === 1) { if ($this->childElementCount > 0 || $child instanceof DocumentType) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } if ($child !== null) { $n = $child; while ($n = $n->nextSibling) { if ($n instanceof DocumentType) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } } } # ↪ Element # parent has an element child, child is a doctype, or child is non-null and a # doctype is following child. elseif ($node instanceof Element) { if ($child instanceof DocumentType) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } if ($child !== null) { $n = $child; while ($n = $n->nextSibling) { if ($n instanceof DocumentType) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } if ($this->firstChild !== null && $this->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) { return ($n instanceof Element); }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } # ↪ DocumentType # parent has a doctype child, child is non-null and an element is preceding # child, or child is null and parent has an element child. elseif ($node instanceof DocumentType) { if ($this->firstChild !== null && $this->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) { return ($n instanceof DocumentType); }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } if ($child !== null) { $n = $child; while ($n = $n->previousSibling) { if ($n instanceof Element) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } else { if ($this->firstChild !== null && $this->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) { return ($n instanceof Element); }, true)->current() !== null) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR); } } } } } }