registerNodeClass('DOMComment', '\MensBeam\HTML\Comment'); $this->registerNodeClass('DOMDocumentFragment', '\MensBeam\HTML\DocumentFragment'); $this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', '\MensBeam\HTML\Element'); $this->registerNodeClass('DOMProcessingInstruction', '\MensBeam\HTML\ProcessingInstruction'); $this->registerNodeClass('DOMText', '\MensBeam\HTML\Text'); } public function createAttribute($name) { // Normalize the attribute name per modern DOM specifications. $name = strtolower(trim($name)); try { return parent::createAttribute($name); } catch (\DOMException $e) { // The element name is invalid for XML // Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the // uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point $this->mangledAttributes = true; $name = $this->coerceName($name); return parent::createAttribute($name); } } public function createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName) { // Normalize the attribute name and namespace URI per modern DOM specifications. if ($namespaceURI !== null) { $namespaceURI = trim($namespaceURI); } $qualifiedName = trim($qualifiedName); try { return parent::createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName); } catch (\DOMException $e) { // The element name is invalid for XML // Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the // uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point $this->mangledAttributes = true; $qualifiedName = $this->coerceName($qualifiedName); return parent::createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName); } } public function createElement($name, $value = "") { // Normalize the element name per modern DOM specifications. $name = strtolower(trim($name)); try { if ($name !== 'template') { $e = parent::createElement($name, $value); } else { $e = new TemplateElement($this, $name, $value); $this->templateElements[] = $e; $e->content = $this->createDocumentFragment(); } return $e; } catch (\DOMException $e) { // The element name is invalid for XML // Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H is the // uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point $this->mangledElements = true; $name = $this->coerceName($name); return parent::createElement($name, $value); } } public function createElementNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value = "") { // Normalize the element name and namespace URI per modern DOM specifications. if ($namespaceURI !== null) { $namespaceURI = trim($namespaceURI); $namespaceURI = ($namespaceURI === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) ? null : $namespaceURI; } $qualifiedName = trim($qualifiedName); try { if ($qualifiedName !== 'template' || $namespaceURI !== null) { $e = parent::createElementNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value); } else { $e = new TemplateElement($this, $qualifiedName, $value); $this->templateElements[] = $e; $e->content = $this->createDocumentFragment(); } return $e; } catch (\DOMException $e) { // The element name is invalid for XML // Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the // uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point $this->mangledElements = true; if ($namespaceURI !== null) { $qualifiedName = implode(":", array_map([$this, "coerceName"], explode(":", $qualifiedName, 2))); } else { $qualifiedName = $this->coerceName($qualifiedName); } return parent::createElementNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value); } } public function load($filename, $options = null, ?string $encodingOrContentType = null): bool { $data = Parser::fetchFile($filename, $encodingOrContentType); if (!$data) { return false; } [$data, $encodingOrContentType] = $data; Parser::parse($data, $this, $encodingOrContentType, null, (string)$filename); return true; } public function loadHTML($source, $options = null, ?string $encodingOrContentType = null): bool { assert(is_string($source), new DOMException(DOMException::STRING_EXPECTED, 'source', gettype($source))); Parser::parse($source, $this, $encodingOrContentType); return true; } public function loadHTMLFile($filename, $options = null, ?string $encodingOrContentType = null): bool { return $this->load($filename, $options, $encodingOrContentType); } public function loadXML($source, $options = null): bool { return false; } public function save($filename, $options = null) { return file_put_contents($filename, $this->serialize()); } public function saveHTML(\DOMNode $node = null): string { if ($node === null) { $node = $this; } elseif ($node->ownerDocument !== $this) { throw new DOMException(DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT); } return $node->serialize(); } public function saveHTMLFile($filename): int { return $this->save($filename); } public function saveXML(?\DOMNode $node = null, $options = null): bool { return false; } public function validate(): bool { return true; } public function xinclude($options = null): bool { return false; } public function __toString() { return $this->serialize(); } }