Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.4 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 Dustin Wilson, J. King, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM;
use MensBeam\GettersAndSetters,
MensBeam\HTML\DOM\Inner\Document as InnerDocument;
# A collection is an object that represents a list of nodes. A collection can be
# either live or static. Unless otherwise stated, a collection must be live.
# If a collection is live, then the attributes and methods on that object must
# operate on the actual underlying data, not a snapshot of the data.
# When a collection is created, a filter and a root are associated with it.
# The collection then represents a view of the subtree rooted at the
# collection’s root, containing only nodes that match the given filter. The view
# is linear. In the absence of specific requirements to the contrary, the nodes
# within the collection must be sorted in tree order.
* Not in standard except as an abstract description of HTMLCollection and
* NodeList. Exists to eliminate code duplication between HTMLCollection and
* NodeList.
abstract class Collection implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \Iterator {
use GettersAndSetters;
protected InnerDocument $innerDocument;
protected \DOMNodeList|\DOMNamedNodeMap $innerCollection;
protected ?\Closure $filter = null;
protected int $_length = 0;
protected ?array $nodeArray = null;
protected int $position = 0;
protected function __get_length(): int {
# The length attribute must return the number of nodes represented by the
# collection.
return $this->count();
protected function __construct(InnerDocument $innerDocument, \DOMNodeList $nodeList) {
$this->innerDocument = $innerDocument;
$this->innerCollection = $nodeList;
public function count(): int {
return $this->innerCollection->length;
public function current(): ?Node {
return $this->item($this->position);
public function item(int $index): ?Node {
# The item(index) method must return the indexth node in the collection. If
# there is no indexth node in the collection, then the method must return null.
// PHP's DOM does this okay already
$node = $this->innerCollection->item($index);
if ($node === null) {
return null;
return $this->innerDocument->getWrapperNode($node);
public function key(): int {
return $this->position;
public function next(): void {
public function rewind(): void {
$this->position = 0;
public function offsetExists($offset): bool {
return ($this->innerCollection->item($offset) !== null);
public function offsetGet($offset): ?Node {
return $this->item($offset);
public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void {
// Collections are immutable; the spec is ambiguous as to what to do here.
// Browsers silently fail here, so that's what we're going to do.
public function offsetUnset($offset): void {
// Collections are immutable; the spec is ambiguous as to what to do here.
// Browsers silently fail here, so that's what we're going to do.
public function valid(): bool {
return $this->offsetExists($this->position);