Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
4.0 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 Dustin Wilson, J. King, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM;
use MensBeam\HTML\DOM\Inner\Reflection,
MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Serializer as ParserSerializer;
class Serializer extends ParserSerializer {
protected static function fragmentHasHost(\DOMDocumentFragment $fragment): bool {
/** @var InnerDocument */
$ownerDocument = $fragment->ownerDocument;
return (Reflection::getProtectedProperty($ownerDocument->getWrapperNode($fragment), 'host') !== null);
protected static function getTemplateContent(\DOMElement $node): \DOMNode {
/** @var InnerDocument */
$ownerDocument = $node->ownerDocument;
return $ownerDocument->getWrapperNode($node)->content->innerNode;
protected static function isPreformattedContent(\DOMNode $node): bool {
$n = $node;
do {
if ($n instanceof \DOMElement) {
if (($n->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE && in_array($n->tagName, self::PREFORMATTED_ELEMENTS)) {
return true;
} elseif ($n instanceof \DOMDocumentFragment) {
/** @var InnerDocument */
$ownerDocument = $node->ownerDocument;
$host = Reflection::getProtectedProperty($ownerDocument->getWrapperNode($n), 'host');
if ($host !== null) {
$n = $host->get()->innerNode;
} while ($n = $n->parentNode);
return false;
protected static function treatAsBlockWithTemplates(\DOMNode $node): bool {
/** @var InnerDocument */
$document = $node->ownerDocument;
$xpath = $document->xpath;
$templates = $xpath->query('.//template[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""][not(ancestor::iframe[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::listing[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::noembed[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::noframes[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::noscript[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::plaintext[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::pre[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::style[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::script[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::textarea[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::title[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""] or ancestor::xmp[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()=""])]', $node);
foreach ($templates as $t) {
$content = static::getTemplateContent($t);
$result = ($xpath->evaluate(self::BLOCK_QUERY, $content) > 0);
if ($result || static::treatAsBlockWithTemplates($content)) {
return true;
return false;
protected static function treatForeignRootAsBlock(\DOMNode $node): bool {
// NOTE: This method is used only when pretty printing. Implementors of userland
// PHP DOM solutions with template contents will need to extend this method to
// be able to moonwalk through document fragment hosts.
$n = $node;
do {
if ($n->parentNode !== null && ($n->parentNode->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) !== Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) {
if (self::treatAsBlock($n->parentNode)) {
return true;
} while ($n = $n->parentNode);
return false;