Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
7.5 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017, Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM\TestCase;
use MensBeam\HTML\DOM\{
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode */
class TestParentNode extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode::insertBefore */
public function testInsertBefore(): void {
$d = new Document();
$div = $d->body->appendChild($d->createElement('div'));
$ook = $d->body->insertBefore($d->createTextNode('ook'), $div);
$this->assertSame('<body>ook<div></div></body>', (string)$d->body);
$t = $d->body->insertBefore($d->createElement('template'), $ook);
$this->assertSame('<body><template></template>ook<div></div></body>', (string)$d->body);
public function providePreInsertionValidationFailures(): iterable {
return [
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$b = $d->documentElement->appendChild($d->createElement('body'));
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$b = $d->documentElement->appendChild($d->createElement('body'));
$t = $b->appendChild($d->createElement('template'));
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$b = $d->documentElement->appendChild($d->createElement('body'));
$d->insertBefore($d->createElement('fail'), $b);
}, DOMException::NOT_FOUND ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$df = $d->createDocumentFragment();
$df->appendChild($d->createTextNode(' '));
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$c = $d->appendChild($d->createComment('ook'));
$d->insertBefore($d->implementation->createDocumentType('html'), $c);
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$dt = $d->appendChild($d->implementation->createDocumentType('html'));
$df = $d->createDocumentFragment();
$d->insertBefore($df, $dt);
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$c = $d->appendChild($d->createComment('OOK'));
$df = $d->createDocumentFragment();
$d->insertBefore($df, $c);
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$dt = $d->appendChild($d->implementation->createDocumentType('html'));
$d->insertBefore($d->createElement('html'), $dt);
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
$c = $d->appendChild($d->createComment('OOK'));
$d->insertBefore($d->createElement('html'), $c);
} ],
[ function() {
$d = new Document();
} ]
* @dataProvider providePreInsertionValidationFailures
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\DOMException::__construct
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\BaseNode::getRootNode
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode::preInsertionValidity
public function testPreInsertionValidationFailures(\Closure $closure, int $errorCode = DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR): void {
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode::__get_children */
public function testPropertyGetChildren(): void {
$d = new Document();
$this->assertSame(1, $d->documentElement->children->length);
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode::replaceChild */
public function testReplaceChild(): void {
$d = new Document();
$div = $d->body->appendChild($d->createElement('div'));
$ook = $d->body->replaceChild($d->createTextNode('ook'), $div);
$this->assertSame('<body>ook</body>', (string)$d->body);
$t = $d->body->replaceChild($d->createElement('template'), $ook);
$this->assertSame('<body><template></template></body>', (string)$d->body);
$d->body->replaceChild($d->createElement('br'), $t);
$this->assertSame('<body><br></body>', (string)$d->body);
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\DOM\ParentNode::replaceChildren */
public function testReplaceChildren(): void {
$d = new Document();
$div = $d->body->appendChild($d->createElement('div'));
$ook = $d->body->appendChild($d->createTextNode('ook'), $d->body->appendChild($d->createElement('div')));
$d->body->replaceChildren($d->createElement('br'), 'ook', $d->createElement('span'), 'eek');
$this->assertSame('<body><br>ook<span></span>eek</body>', (string)$d->body);
$this->assertSame('<body>ook</body>', (string)$d->body);