Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
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* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 Dustin Wilson, J. King, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM\InnerNode;
* Class which uses reflection to gain access to protected constructors and
* properties. We are well aware of the negative conotations around using
* Reflection. The specification itself is written in a manner that expects
* C++-style friend classes which PHP lacks, so it first comes out of necessity.
* Any other use of it comes down to speed optimizations (such as gaining access
* to Node::innerNode).
class Reflection {
public static function createFromProtectedConstructor(string $className, ...$arguments): mixed {
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass($className);
$result = $reflector->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$constructor = new \ReflectionMethod($result, '__construct');
$constructor->invoke($result, ...$arguments);
return $result;
public static function getProtectedProperty(mixed $instance, string $propertyName): mixed {
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass($instance::class);
$property = new \ReflectionProperty($instance, $propertyName);
return $property->getValue($instance);
public static function setProtectedProperties(mixed $instance, array $properties): void {
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass($instance::class);
foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $value) {
$property = new \ReflectionProperty($instance, $propertyName);
$property->setValue($instance, $value);