Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 , Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\HTML;
class Element extends \DOMElement {
use C14N, EscapeString, Moonwalk, Serialize, Walk;
protected $_classList;
public function appendChild($node) {
# If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text,
# ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node then throw a "HierarchyRequestError"
# DOMException.
if (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment && !$node instanceof \DOMDocumentType && !$node instanceof Element &&!$node instanceof Text && !$node instanceof ProcessingInstruction && !$node instanceof Comment) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
$result = parent::appendChild($node);
if ($result !== false && $result instanceof TemplateElement) {
return $result;
public function getAttribute($name) {
// Newer versions of the DOM spec have getAttribute return an empty string only
// when the attribute exists and is empty, otherwise null. This fixes that.
$value = parent::getAttribute($name);
if ($value === '' && !$this->hasAttribute($name)) {
return null;
return $value;
public function getAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName) {
// Newer versions of the DOM spec have getAttributeNS return an empty string
// only when the attribute exists and is empty, otherwise null. This fixes that.
$value = parent::getAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName);
if ($value === '' && !$this->hasAttribute($qualifiedName)) {
return null;
return $value;
public function insertBefore($node, $child = null) {
# If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text,
# ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node then throw a "HierarchyRequestError"
# DOMException.
if (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment && !$node instanceof \DOMDocumentType && !$node instanceof Element &&!$node instanceof Text && !$node instanceof ProcessingInstruction && !$node instanceof Comment) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
$result = parent::insertBefore($node, $child);
if ($result !== false) {
if ($result instanceof TemplateElement) {
if ($child instanceof TemplateElement) {
return $result;
public function removeChild($child) {
$result = parent::removeChild($child);
if ($result !== false && $result instanceof TemplateElement) {
return $result;
public function replaceChild($node, $child) {
$result = parent::replaceChild($node, $child);
if ($result !== false) {
if ($result instanceof TemplateElement) {
if ($child instanceof TemplateElement) {
return $result;
public function setAttribute($name, $value) {
$this->setAttributeNS(null, $name, $value);
public function setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value) {
// Normalize the attribute name and namespace URI per modern DOM specifications.
if ($namespaceURI !== null) {
$namespaceURI = trim($namespaceURI);
$qualifiedName = trim($qualifiedName);
if ($namespaceURI === null && ($this->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE && !$this->hasAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName)) {
$qualifiedName = trim(strtolower($qualifiedName));
// If setting a class attribute and classList has been invoked use classList to
// set it.
if ($qualifiedName === 'class' && $namespaceURI === null && $this->_classList !== null) {
$this->_classList->value = $value;
} elseif ($namespaceURI === Parser::XMLNS_NAMESPACE) {
// NOTE: We create attribute nodes so that xmlns attributes
// don't get lost; otherwise they cannot be serialized
$a = @$this->ownerDocument->createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName);
if ($a === false) {
// The document element does not exist yet, so we need
// to insert this element into the document
$a = $this->ownerDocument->createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName);
$a->value = $this->escapeString($value, true);
} else {
try {
parent::setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value);
} catch (\DOMException $e) {
// The attribute name is invalid for XML
// Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the
// uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point
$this->ownerDocument->mangledAttributes = true;
$qualifiedName = $this->coerceName($qualifiedName);
parent::setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value);
if ($qualifiedName === "id" && $namespaceURI === null) {
$this->setIdAttribute($qualifiedName, true);
public function setAttributeNode(\DOMAttr $attribute) {
return setAttributeNodeNS($attribute, null);
public function setAttributeNodeNS(\DOMAttr $attribute) {
$fixId = false;
if ($attribute->namespaceURI === null) {
if ($attribute->name === 'id') {
$fixId = true;
// If appending a class attribute node, and classList has been invoked set
// the class using classList instead of appending the attribute node. Will
// return the created node instead. TokenList appends an attribute node
// internally to set the class attribute, so to prevent an infinite call loop
// from occurring, a check between the normalized value and classList's
// serialized value is performed. The spec is vague on how this is supposed to
// be handled.
elseif ($this->_classList !== null && $node->name === 'class' && preg_replace(Data::WHITESPACE_REGEX, ' ', $node->value) !== $this->_classList->value) {
$this->_classList->value = $node->value;
return $this->getAttributeNode('class');
$result = parent::setAttributeNodeNS($attribute);
if ($fixId) {
$this->setIdAttribute($attribute->name, true);
return $result;
public function __get(string $prop) {
switch ($prop) {
case 'classList':
// MensBeam\HTML\TokenList uses WeakReference to prevent a circular reference,
// so it requires PHP 7.4 to work.
if (version_compare(\PHP_VERSION, '7.4.0', '>=')) {
// Only create the class list if it is actually used.
if ($this->_classList === null) {
$this->_classList = new TokenList($this, 'class');
return $this->_classList;
return null;
### DOM Parsing Specification ###
# 2.3 The InnerHTML mixin
# On getting, return the result of invoking the fragment serializing algorithm
# on the context object providing true for the require well-formed flag (this
# might throw an exception instead of returning a string).
// DEVIATION: Parsing of XML documents will not be handled by this
// implementation, so there's no need for the well-formed flag.
case 'innerHTML': return $this->serialize($this);
### DOM Parsing Specification ###
# 2.4 Extensions to the Element interface
# outerHTML
# On getting, return the result of invoking the fragment serializing algorithm
# on a fictional node whose only child is the context object providing true for
# the require well-formed flag (this might throw an exception instead of
# returning a string).
// DEVIATION: Parsing of XML documents will not be handled by this
// implementation, so there's no need for the well-formed flag.
// OPTIMIZATION: When following the instructions above the fragment serializing
// algorithm (Element::serialize) would invoke Element::__toString, so just
// doing that instead of multiple function calls.
case 'outerHTML': return $this->__toString();
public function __set(string $prop, $value) {
switch ($prop) {
case 'innerHTML':
### DOM Parsing Specification ###
# 2.3 The InnerHTML mixin
# On setting, these steps must be run:
# 1. Let context element be the context object's host if the context object is a
# ShadowRoot object, or the context object otherwise.
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting in this implementation.
# 2. Let fragment be the result of invoking the fragment parsing algorithm with
# the new value as markup, and with context element.
$fragment = Parser::parseFragment($value, $this->ownerDocument, 'UTF-8', $this);
# 3. If the context object is a template element, then let context object be the
# template's template contents (a DocumentFragment).
if ($this->nodeName === 'template') {
$this->content = $fragment;
# 4. Replace all with fragment within the context object.
else {
# To replace all with a node within a parent, run these steps:
# 1. Let removedNodes be parent’s children.
// DEVIATION: removedNodes is used below for scripting. There is no scripting in
// this implementation.
# 2. Let addedNodes be parent’s children.
// DEVIATION: addedNodes is used below for scripting. There is no scripting in
// this implementation.
# 3. If node is a DocumentFragment node, then set addedNodes to node’s
# children.
// DEVIATION: Again, there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 4. Otherwise, if node is non-null, set addedNodes to « node ».
// DEVIATION: Yet again, there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 5. Remove all parent’s children, in tree order, with the suppress observers
# flag set.
// DEVIATION: There are no observers to suppress as there is no scripting in
// this implementation.
while ($this->hasChildNodes()) {
# 6. Otherwise, if node is non-null, set addedNodes to « node ».
# If node is non-null, then insert node into parent before null with the
# suppress observers flag set.
// DEVIATION: Yet again, there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 7. If either addedNodes or removedNodes is not empty, then queue a tree
# mutation record for parent with addedNodes, removedNodes, null, and null.
// DEVIATION: Normally the tree mutation record would do the actual replacement,
// but there is no scripting in this implementation. Going to simply append the
// fragment instead.
case 'outerHTML':
### DOM Parsing Specification ###
# 2.4 Extensions to the Element interface
# outerHTML
# On setting, the following steps must be run:
# 1. Let parent be the context object's parent.
$parent = $this->parentNode;
# 2. If parent is null, terminate these steps. There would be no way to obtain a
# reference to the nodes created even if the remaining steps were run.
// The spec is unclear here as to what to do. What do you return? Most browsers
// throw an exception here, so that's what we're going to do.
if ($parent === null) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::OUTER_HTML_FAILED_NOPARENT);
# 3. If parent is a Document, throw a "NoModificationAllowedError" DOMException.
elseif ($parent instanceof Document) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED);
# 4. parent is a DocumentFragment, let parent be a new Element with:
# • body as its local name,
# • The HTML namespace as its namespace, and
# • The context object's node document as its node document.
elseif ($parent instanceof DocumentFragment) {
$parent = $this->ownerDocument->createElement('body');
# 5. Let fragment be the result of invoking the fragment parsing algorithm with
# the new value as markup, and parent as the context element.
$fragment = Parser::parseFragment($value, $this->ownerDocument, 'UTF-8', $parent);
# 6. Replace the context object with fragment within the context object's
# parent.
$this->parentNode->replaceChild($fragment, $this);
public function __toString(): string {
# If current node is an element in the HTML namespace, the MathML namespace,
# or the SVG namespace, then let tagname be current node’s local name.
# Otherwise, let tagname be current node’s qualified name.
if ($this->namespaceURI === null || $this->namespaceURI === Parser::MATHML_NAMESPACE || $this->namespaceURI === Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE) {
$tagName = $this->localName;
} else {
$tagName = $this->nodeName;
// Since tag names can contain characters that are invalid in PHP's XML DOM
// uncoerce the name when printing if necessary.
if (strpos($tagName, 'U') !== false) {
$tagName = $this->uncoerceName($tagName);
# Append a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), followed by tagname.
$s = "<$tagName";
# If current node's is value is not null, and the element does not have an is
# attribute in its attribute list, then append the string " is="", followed by
# current node's is value escaped as described below in attribute mode, followed
# by a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (").
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting support in this implementation.
# For each attribute that the element has, append a U+0020 SPACE character,
# the attribute’s serialized name as described below, a U+003D EQUALS SIGN
# character (=), a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character ("), the attribute’s value,
# escaped as described below in attribute mode, and a second U+0022 QUOTATION
# MARK character (").
for ($j = 0; $j < $this->attributes->length; $j++) {
$attr = $this->attributes->item($j);
# An attribute’s serialized name for the purposes of the previous paragraph
# must be determined as follows:
switch ($attr->namespaceURI) {
# If the attribute has no namespace
case null:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s local name.
$name = $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XML namespace
case Parser::XML_NAMESPACE:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xml:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xml:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XMLNS namespace...
# ...and the attribute’s local name is xmlns
if ($attr->localName === 'xmlns') {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns".
$name = 'xmlns';
# ... and the attribute’s local name is not xmlns
else {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xmlns:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XLink namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xlink:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xlink:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in some other namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s qualified name.
$name = $attr->nodeName;
// undo any name mangling
if (strpos($name, 'U') !== false) {
$name = $this->uncoerceName($name);
$value = $this->escapeString($attr->value, true);
$s .= " $name=\"$value\"";
# While the exact order of attributes is UA-defined, and may depend on factors
# such as the order that the attributes were given in the original markup, the
# sort order must be stable, such that consecutive invocations of this
# algorithm serialize an element’s attributes in the same order.
// Okay.
# Append a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>).
$s .= '>';
# If current node serializes as void, then continue on to the next child node at
# this point.
if ($this->serializesAsVoid()) {
return $s;
# Append the value of running the HTML fragment serialization algorithm on the
# current node element (thus recursing into this algorithm for that element),
# followed by a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), a U+002F SOLIDUS character (/),
# tagname again, and finally a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>).
$s .= $this->serialize($this);
$s .= "</$tagName>";
return $s;