Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017, Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM;
// Extensions to PHP's DOM cannot inherit from an extended Node parent, so a
// trait is the next best thing...
trait Node {
// Disable C14N
public function C14N($exclusive = null, $with_comments = null, ?array $xpath = null, ?array $ns_prefixes = null): bool {
return false;
// Disable C14NFile
public function C14NFile($uri, $exclusive = null, $with_comments = null, ?array $xpath = null, ?array $ns_prefixes = null): bool {
return false;
public function getRootNode(): ?\DOMNode {
# The getRootNode(options) method steps are to return this’s shadow-including
# root if options["composed"] is true; otherwise this’s root.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does not have scripting, so there's no Shadow
// DOM. Therefore, there isn't a need for the options parameter.
# The root of an object is itself, if its parent is null, or else it is the root
# of its parent. The root of a tree is any object participating in that tree
# whose parent is null.
if ($this->parentNode === null) {
return $this;
return $this->moonwalk(function($n) {
if ($n->parentNode === null) {
return true;
private function convertNodesToNode(array $nodes): \DOMNode {
# To convert nodes into a node, given nodes and document, run these steps:
# 1. Let node be null.
# 2. Replace each string in nodes with a new Text node whose data is the string
# and node document is document.
# 3. If nodes contains one node, then set node to nodes[0].
# 4. Otherwise, set node to a new DocumentFragment node whose node document is
# document, and then append each node in nodes, if any, to it.
// The spec would have us iterate through the provided nodes and then iterate
// through them again to append. Let's optimize this a wee bit, shall we?
$document = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this : $this->ownerDocument;
$node = ($node->length > 1) ? $document->createDocumentFragment() : null;
foreach ($nodes as $k => &$n) {
// Can't do union types until PHP 8... OTL
if (!$n instanceof \DOMNode && !is_string($n)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR, $k, 'nodes', '\DOMNode|string', gettype($n));
if (is_string($n)) {
$n = $this->ownerDocument->createTextNode($n);
if ($node !== null) {
} else {
$node = $n;
return $node;