Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
15 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 , Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\HTML\TestCase;
use MensBeam\HTML\Document;
use MensBeam\HTML\TemplateElement;
class TestDOM extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
* @dataProvider provideNamespacedElements
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Document::createElementNS
public function testCreateNamespacedElements(?string $nsIn, string $nameIn, ?string $nsOut, string $local, string $prefix): void {
$d = new Document;
$e = $d->createElementNS($nsIn, $nameIn);
$this->assertSame($nsOut, $e->namespaceURI);
$this->assertSame($local, $e->localName);
$this->assertSame($prefix, $e->prefix);
public function provideNamespacedElements(): iterable {
return [
[null, "test", null, "test", ""],
[null, "test:test", null, "testU00003Atest", ""],
["", "svg", "", "svg", ""],
["", "svg:svg", "", "svg", "svg"],
["fake_ns", "test:test", "fake_ns", "test", "test"],
["fake_ns", "test:test:test", "fake_ns", "testU00003Atest", "test"],
["fake_ns", "te st:test", "fake_ns", "test", "teU000020st"],
[null, "9", null, "U000039", ""],
["", "test", null, "test", ""],
["", "TEST", null, "test", ""],
[null, "TEST", null, "test", ""],
["fake_ns", "TEST", "fake_ns", "TEST", ""],
["", "TEST", "", "TEST", ""],
["", "TEST", "", "TEST", ""],
* @dataProvider provideBareElements
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Document::createElement
public function testCreateBareElements(string $nameIn, $nameOut): void {
$d = new Document;
$e = $d->createElement($nameIn);
$this->assertSame("", $e->prefix);
$this->assertSame($nameOut, $e->localName);
public function provideBareElements(): iterable {
return [
["test", "test"],
["test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
["9", "U000039"],
["TEST", "test"],
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Document::createElementNS */
public function testCreateTemplateElements(): void {
$d = new Document;
$t = $d->createElement("template");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
$t = $d->createElement("TEMPLATE");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
$t = $d->createElementNS(null, "template");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
$t = $d->createElementNS(null, "TEMPLATE");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
$t = $d->createElementNS("", "template");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
$t = $d->createElementNS("", "TEMPLATE");
$this->assertInstanceOf(TemplateElement::class, $t);
* @dataProvider provideNamespacedAttributeCreations
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Document::createAttributeNS
public function testCreateNamespacedAttributes(?string $nsIn, string $nameIn, string $local, string $prefix): void {
$d = new Document;
$a = $d->createAttributeNS($nsIn, $nameIn);
$this->assertSame($local, $a->localName);
$this->assertSame($nsIn, $a->namespaceURI);
$this->assertSame($prefix, $a->prefix);
public function provideNamespacedAttributeCreations(): iterable {
return [
[null, "test", "test", ""],
[null, "test:test", "testU00003Atest", ""],
[null, "test", "test", ""],
[null, "TEST:TEST", "TESTU00003ATEST", ""],
["fake_ns", "test", "test", ""],
["fake_ns", "test:test", "test", "test"],
["fake_ns", "TEST:TEST", "TEST", "TEST"],
["fake_ns", "test:test:test", "testU00003Atest", "test"],
["fake_ns", "TEST:TEST:TEST", "TESTU00003ATEST", "TEST"],
* @dataProvider provideBareAttributeCreations
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Document::createAttribute
public function testCreateBareAttributes(string $nameIn, string $nameOut): void {
$d = new Document;
$a = $d->createAttribute($nameIn);
$this->assertSame($nameOut, $a->name);
public function provideBareAttributeCreations(): iterable {
return [
["test", "test"],
["test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
["TEST", "TEST"],
* @dataProvider provideNamespacedAttributeSettings
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Element::setAttributeNS
public function testSetNamespoacedAttributes(?string $elementNS, ?string $attrNS, string $nameIn, string $nameOut): void {
$d = new Document;
$e = $d->createElementNS($elementNS, "test");
$this->assertSame(0, $e->attributes->length);
$e->setAttributeNS($attrNS, $nameIn, "test");
$this->assertSame(1, $e->attributes->length);
$a = $e->attributes[0];
$this->assertSame($nameOut, $a->nodeName);
$this->assertSame($attrNS, $a->namespaceURI);
public function provideNamespacedAttributeSettings(): iterable {
return [
[null, null, "test", "test"],
[null, null, "TEST", "test"],
["", null, "test", "test"],
["", null, "TEST", "test"],
[null, null, "test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
[null, null, "TEST:TEST", "testU00003Atest"],
["", null, "test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
["", null, "TEST:TEST", "testU00003Atest"],
[null, "", "test:test", "test:test"],
[null, "", "TEST:TEST", "TEST:TEST"],
["", null, "test", "test"],
["", null, "TEST", "TEST"],
[null, "", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink"],
[null, "", "xmlns:XLINK", "xmlns:XLINK"],
[null, "fake_ns", "test:test:test", "test:testU00003Atest"],
[null, "fake_ns", "TEST:TEST:TEST", "TEST:TESTU00003ATEST"],
* @dataProvider provideBareAttributeSettings
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Element::setAttribute
public function testSetBareAttributes(?string $elementNS, string $nameIn, string $nameOut): void {
$d = new Document;
$e = $d->createElementNS($elementNS, "test");
$this->assertSame(0, $e->attributes->length);
$e->setAttribute($nameIn, "test");
$this->assertSame(1, $e->attributes->length);
$a = $e->attributes[0];
$this->assertSame($nameOut, $a->nodeName);
public function provideBareAttributeSettings(): iterable {
return [
[null, "test", "test"],
[null, "TEST", "test"],
["", "test", "test"],
["", "TEST", "test"],
[null, "test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
[null, "TEST:TEST", "testU00003Atest"],
["", "test:test", "testU00003Atest"],
["", "TEST:TEST", "testU00003Atest"],
["", "test", "test"],
["", "TEST", "TEST"],
* @dataProvider provideAttributeNodeSettings
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Element::setAttributeNode
* @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Element::setAttributeNodeNS
public function testSetAttributeNodes(bool $ns, ?string $elementNS, ?string $attrNS, string $name): void {
$d = new Document;
$e = $d->createElementNS($elementNS, "test");
$this->assertSame(0, $e->attributes->length);
$a = $d->createAttributeNS($attrNS, $name);
if ($ns) {
} else {
$this->assertSame(1, $e->attributes->length);
$a = $e->attributes[0];
$this->assertSame($name, $a->nodeName);
$this->assertSame($attrNS, $a->namespaceURI);
public function provideAttributeNodeSettings(): iterable {
return [
[true, null, null, "test"],
[true, null, null, "TEST"],
[true, "", null, "test"],
[true, "", null, "TEST"],
[true, null, null, "testU00003Atest"],
[true, null, null, "TESTU00003ATEST"],
[true, "", null, "testU00003Atest"],
[true, "", null, "TESTU00003ATEST"],
[true, null, "", "test:test"],
[true, null, "", "TEST:TEST"],
[true, "", null, "test"],
[true, "", null, "TEST"],
[true, null, "", "xmlns:xlink"],
[true, null, "", "xmlns:XLINK"],
[true, null, "fake_ns", "test:testU00003Atest"],
[true, null, "fake_ns", "TEST:TESTU00003ATEST"],
[false, null, null, "test"],
[false, null, null, "TEST"],
[false, "", null, "test"],
[false, "", null, "TEST"],
[false, null, null, "testU00003Atest"],
[false, null, null, "TESTU00003ATEST"],
[false, "", null, "testU00003Atest"],
[false, "", null, "TESTU00003ATEST"],
[false, null, "", "test:test"],
[false, null, "", "TEST:TEST"],
[false, "", null, "test"],
[false, "", null, "TEST"],
[false, null, "", "xmlns:xlink"],
[false, null, "", "xmlns:XLINK"],
[false, null, "fake_ns", "test:testU00003Atest"],
[false, null, "fake_ns", "TEST:TESTU00003ATEST"],