Modern DOM library written in PHP for HTML documents
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

328 lines
14 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 Dustin Wilson, J. King, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM;
use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\CssSelectorConverter;
# 4.2.6. Mixin ParentNode
trait ParentNode {
use NodeTrait;
protected function __get_children(): \DOMNodeList {
# The children getter steps are to return an HTMLCollection collection rooted at
# this matching only element children.
// DEVIATION: HTMLCollection doesn't exist in PHP's DOM, and NodeList is
// almost identical; so, using that. PHP's DOM doesn't provide the end user any
// way to create a NodeList from scratch, so going to cheat and use XPath to
// make one for us.
$document = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this : $this->ownerDocument;
return $document->xpath->query('child::*', $this);
public function appendChild($node) {
$result = parent::appendChild($node);
if ($result !== false && $node instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
return $node;
public function insertBefore($node, $child = null) {
$this->preInsertionValidity($node, $child);
$result = parent::insertBefore($node, $child);
if ($result !== false && $node instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
return $node;
public function querySelector(string $selectors): ?Element {
# The querySelector(selectors) method steps are to return the first result of
# running scope-match a selectors string selectors against this, if the result
# is not an empty list; otherwise null.
$result = $this->scopeMatchSelector($selectors);
return ($result !== null) ? $result[0] : null;
public function querySelectorAll(string $selectors): NodeList {
# The querySelectorAll(selectors) method steps are to return the static result
# of running scope-match a selectors string selectors against this.
$nodeList = $this->scopeMatchSelector($selectors);
return new NodeList($nodeList);
public function removeChild($child) {
$result = parent::removeChild($child);
if ($result !== false && $child instanceof Element) {
return $child;
public function replaceChild($node, $child) {
$result = parent::replaceChild($node, $child);
if ($result !== false) {
if ($node instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
if ($child instanceof Element) {
return $node;
public function replaceChildren(Node|string ...$nodes) {
# The replaceChildren(nodes) method steps are:
# 1. Let node be the result of converting nodes into a node given nodes and
# this’s node document.
$node = $this->convertNodesToNode($nodes);
# 2. Ensure pre-insertion validity of node into this before null.
# 3. Replace all with node within this.
# To replace all with a node within a parent, run these steps:
# 1. Let removedNodes be parent’s children.
$removedNodes = $this->childNodes;
# 2. Let addedNodes be the empty set.
$addedNodes = [];
# 3. If node is a DocumentFragment node, then set addedNodes to node’s children.
if ($node instanceof DocumentFragment) {
$addedNodes = $node->childNodes;
# 4. Otherwise, if node is non-null, set addedNodes to « node ».
elseif ($node !== null) {
$addedNodes = $node;
# 5. Remove all parent’s children, in tree order, with the suppress observers
# flag set.
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting in this implementation, so cannnot set
// suppress observers flag.
while ($this->hasChildNodes()) {
# 6. If node is non-null, then insert node into parent before null with the
# suppress observers flag set.
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting in this implementation, so cannnot set
// suppress observers flag.
if ($node !== null) {
# 7. If either addedNodes or removedNodes is not empty, then queue a tree
# mutation record for parent with addedNodes, removedNodes, null, and null.
// DEVIATION: There is no scripting in this implementation
* Generator which walks down the DOM from the node the method is being run on.
* Nonstandard.
* @param ?\Closure $filter - An optional callback function used to filter; if not provided the generator will
* just yield every node.
* @param bool $includeReferenceNode - An optional boolean flag which if true includes the reference node ($this) in
* the iteration.
public function walk(?\Closure $filter = null, bool $includeReferenceNode = false): \Generator {
$node = ($includeReferenceNode && !$this instanceof DocumentFragment) ? $this : $this->firstChild;
if ($node !== null) {
do {
$next = $node->nextSibling;
$result = ($filter === null) ? true : $filter($node);
// Have to do type checking here because PHP is lacking in advanced typing
if ($result !== true && $result !== false && $result !== null) {
$type = gettype($result);
if ($type === 'object') {
$type = get_class($result);
throw new Exception(Exception::CLOSURE_RETURN_TYPE_ERROR, '?bool', $type);
if ($result === true) {
yield $node;
// If the filter returns true (accept) or false (skip) and the node wasn't
// removed in the filter iterate through the children
if ($result !== null && $node->parentNode !== null) {
if ($node instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
$node = $node->content;
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
yield from $node->walk($filter);
} while ($node = $next);
private function preInsertionValidity(\DOMDocumentType|Node $node, \DOMDocumentType|Node $child = null) {
// "parent" in the spec comments below is $this
# 1. If parent is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element node, then throw
# a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException.
// Not necessary because they've been disabled and return hierarchy request
// errors in Node trait.
# 2. If node is a host-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then throw a
# "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException.
# An object A is a host-including inclusive ancestor of an object B, if either
# A is an inclusive ancestor of B, or if B’s root has a non-null host and A is a
# host-including inclusive ancestor of B’s root’s host.
if ($node->parentNode !== null) {
if ($this->parentNode !== null && ($this === $node || $this->moonwalk(function($n) use($node) {
return ($n === $node);
})->current() !== null)) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
} else {
$parentRoot = $this->getRootNode();
if ($parentRoot instanceof DocumentFragment) {
$parentRootHost = $parentRoot->host;
if ($parentRootHost !== null && ($parentRootHost === $node || $parentRootHost->moonwalk(function($n) use ($node) {
return ($n === $node);
})->current() !== null)) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
# 3. If child is non-null and its parent is not parent, then throw a
# "NotFoundError" DOMException.
if ($child !== null && ($child->parentNode === null || $child->parentNode !== $this)) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND);
# 4. If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text,
# ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError"
# DOMException.
if (!$node instanceof DocumentFragment && !$node instanceof \DOMDocumentType && !$node instanceof Element && !$node instanceof Text && !$node instanceof ProcessingInstruction && !$node instanceof Comment) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
# 5. If either node is a Text node and parent is a document, or node is a
# doctype and parent is not a document, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError"
# DOMException.
if (($node instanceof Text && $this instanceof Document) || ($node instanceof \DOMDocumentType && !$this instanceof Document)) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
# 6. If parent is a document, and any of the statements below, switched on the
# interface node implements, are true, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError".
if ($this instanceof Document) {
# DocumentFragment node
# If node has more than one element child or has a Text node child.
# Otherwise, if node has one element child and either parent has an element
# child, child is a doctype, or child is non-null and a doctype is following
# child.
if ($node instanceof DocumentFragment) {
$nodeChildElementCount = $node->childElementCount;
if ($nodeChildElementCount > 1 || $node->firstChild->walkFollowing(function($n) {
return ($n instanceof Text);
}, true)->current() !== null) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
} elseif ($nodeChildElementCount === 1) {
if ($this->childElementCount > 0 || $child instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
if ($child !== null) {
$n = $child;
while ($n = $n->nextSibling) {
if ($n instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
# element
# parent has an element child, child is a doctype, or child is non-null and a
# doctype is following child.
elseif ($node instanceof Element) {
if ($child instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
if ($child !== null) {
$n = $child;
while ($n = $n->nextSibling) {
if ($n instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
foreach ($this->childNodes as $c) {
if ($c instanceof Element) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
# doctype
# parent has a doctype child, child is non-null and an element is preceding
# child, or child is null and parent has an element child.
elseif ($node instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
foreach ($this->childNodes as $c) {
if ($c instanceof \DOMDocumentType) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
if ($child !== null) {
$n = $child;
while ($n = $n->previousSibling) {
if ($n instanceof Element) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
} else {
foreach ($this->childNodes as $c) {
if ($c instanceof Element) {
throw new DOMException(DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR);
private function scopeMatchSelector(string $selectors): ?\DOMNodeList {
# To scope-match a selectors string selectors against a node, run these steps:
# 1. Let s be the result of parse a selector selectors. [SELECTORS4]
// This implementation will instead convert the CSS selector to an XPath query
// using Symfony's CSS selector converter library.
try {
$converter = new CssSelectorConverter();
$s = $converter->toXPath($selectors);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
# 2. If s is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
throw new DOMException(DOMException::SYNTAX_ERROR);
# 3. Return the result of match a selector against a tree with s and node’s root
# using scoping root node. [SELECTORS4].
$doc = ($this instanceof Document) ? $this : $this->ownerDocument;
$nodeList = $doc->xpath->query($s, $this);
if ($nodeList->length === 0) {
return null;
return $nodeList;