A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

424 lines
16 KiB

* @license MIT
* Copyright 2017, Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\HTML\DOM\TestCase;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Exception;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\AttributeSetter;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Config;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\NameCoercion;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Serializer;
/** @covers \MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Serializer */
class TestSerializer extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
use NameCoercion, AttributeSetter;
/** @dataProvider provideStandardTreeTests */
public function testStandardTreeTests(array $data, bool $fragment, string $exp): void {
$node = $this->buildTree($data, $fragment);
$this->assertSame($exp, Serializer::serialize($node));
public function provideStandardTreeTests(): iterable {
$blacklist = [];
$files = new \AppendIterator();
$files->append(new \GlobIterator(\MensBeam\HTML\Parser\BASE."tests/cases/serializer/*.dat", \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME));
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!in_array(basename($file), $blacklist)) {
yield from $this->parseTreeTestFile($file);
/** @dataProvider provideTemplateTests */
public function testSerializeADecoratedTemplate(?string $ns, string $exp): void {
$d = new \DOMDocument;
$t = $d->createElementNS($ns, "template");
$exp1 = $exp;
$exp2 = "<template>$exp</template>";
$this->assertSame($exp1, Serializer::serializeInner($t));
$this->assertSame($exp2, Serializer::serialize($t));
public function provideTemplateTests(): iterable {
return [
[null, "EEK"],
/** @dataProvider provideEmptyElementTests */
public function testInnerSerializeEmptyElement(string $tagName, ?string $ns, string $exp): void {
$d = new \DOMDocument;
$e = $d->createElementNS($ns, $tagName);
$this->assertSame($exp, Serializer::serializeInner($e));
public function provideEmptyElementTests(): iterable {
return [
["basefont", null, ""],
["bgsound", null, ""],
["frame", null, ""],
["keygen", null, ""],
["area", null, ""],
["base", null, ""],
["br", null, ""],
["col", null, ""],
["embed", null, ""],
["hr", null, ""],
["img", null, ""],
["input", null, ""],
["link", null, ""],
["meta", null, ""],
["param", null, ""],
["source", null, ""],
["track", null, ""],
["wbr", null, ""],
["basefont", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["bgsound", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["frame", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["keygen", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["area", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["base", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["br", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["col", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["embed", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["hr", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["img", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["input", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["link", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["meta", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["param", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["source", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["track", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["wbr", Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, ""],
["basefont", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["bgsound", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["frame", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["keygen", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["area", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["base", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["br", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["col", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["embed", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["hr", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["img", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["input", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["link", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["meta", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["param", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["source", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["track", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
["wbr", Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, "EEK"],
/** @dataProvider provideCustomSerializations */
public function testSerializeWithOptions(int $indentStep, bool $indentWithSpaces, bool $processingInstructions, bool $reformatWhitespace, bool $boolAttr, bool $foreignVoid, string $in, string $exp): void {
$config = new Config;
$config->indentStep = $indentStep;
$config->indentWithSpaces = $indentWithSpaces;
$config->processingInstructions = $processingInstructions;
$config->reformatWhitespace = $reformatWhitespace;
$config->serializeBooleanAttributeValues = $boolAttr;
$config->serializeForeignVoidEndTags = $foreignVoid;
$d = Parser::parse($in, "UTF-8")->document;
$act = Parser::serialize($d, $config);
$this->assertSame($exp, $act);
public function provideCustomSerializations(): iterable {
return [
// Boolean attribute values serialized
[0, false, false, false, true, true,
<a hidden="hidden"></a><b hidden=""></b><c hidden="HIDDEN"></c><d hidden="true"></d>
<html><head></head><body><a hidden="hidden"></a><b hidden=""></b><c hidden="HIDDEN"></c><d hidden="true"></d></body></html>
// Boolean attribute values not serialized
[0, false, false, false, false, true,
<a hidden="hidden"></a><b hidden=""></b><c hidden="HIDDEN"></c><d hidden="true"></d>
<html><head></head><body><a hidden></a><b hidden></b><c hidden></c><d hidden="true"></d></body></html>
// Boolean attribute values serialized, foreign void end tags serialized
[0, false, false, false, true, true,
// Boolean attribute values serialized, foreign void end tags not serialized
[0, false, false, false, true, false,
// Neither attribute values nor foreign void end tags serialized
[0, false, false, false, false, false,
<audio loop hidden></audio><svg/>
<html><head></head><body><audio loop hidden></audio><svg/></body></html>
// Reformat whitespace, empty document
[1, true, false, true, false, false,
// Reformat whitespace, comment before doctype
[1, true, false, true, false, false,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
// Reformat whitespace, preformatted element
[1, true, false, true, false, false,
// Reformat whitespace, element grouping, foreign "block" content, & foreign
// void end tags not serialized
[1, true, false, true, false, false,
<div></div><svg><g id="ook"></g></svg>
<g id="ook"/>
// Reformat whitespace, whitespace collapsing, custom indentions
[4, true, false, true, false, false,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
public function testOuterSerializeAnInvalidNode(): void {
$d = new \DOMDocument;
$a = $d->createAttribute("oops");
$this->expectExceptionObject(new Exception(Exception::UNSUPPORTED_NODE_TYPE, [\DOMAttr::class]));
public function testInnerSerializeAnInvalidNode(): void {
$d = new \DOMDocument;
$t = $d->createTextNode("OOPS");
$this->expectExceptionObject(new Exception(Exception::UNSUPPORTED_NODE_TYPE, [\DOMText::class]));
protected function buildTree(array $data, bool $fragment, bool $formatOutput = false): \DOMNode {
$document = new \DOMDocument;
$document->formatOutput = $formatOutput;
if ($fragment) {
$out = $document->createDocumentFragment();
} else {
$out = $document;
$cur = $out;
$pad = 2;
// process each line in turn
for ($l = 0; $l < sizeof($data); $l++) {
preg_match('/^(\|\s+)(.+)/', $data[$l], $m);
// pop any parents as long as the padding of the line is less than the expected padding
$p = strlen((string) $m[1]);
assert($p >= 2 && $p <= $pad && !($p % 2), new \Exception("Input data is invalid on line ".($l + 1)));
while ($p < $pad) {
$pad -= 2;
$cur = $cur->parentNode;
// act based upon what the rest of the line looks like
$d = $m[2];
if (preg_match('/^<!-- (.*?) -->$/', $d, $m)) {
// comment
} elseif (preg_match('/^<!DOCTYPE(?: ([^ >]*)(?: "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)")?)?>$/', $d, $m)) {
// doctype
$name = strlen((string) ($m[1] ?? "")) ? $m[1] : " ";
$public = strlen((string) ($m[2] ?? "")) ? $m[2] : "";
$system = strlen((string) ($m[3] ?? "")) ? $m[3] : "";
$cur->appendChild($document->implementation->createDocumentType($name, $public, $system));
} elseif (preg_match('/^<\?([^ ]+) ([^>]*)>$/', $d, $m)) {
// processing instruction
$cur->appendChild($document->createProcessingInstruction($m[1], $m[2]));
} elseif (preg_match('/^<(?:([^ ]+) )?([^>]+)>$/', $d, $m)) {
// element
$ns = strlen((string) $m[1]) ? (array_flip(Parser::NAMESPACE_MAP)[$m[1]] ?? $m[1]) : null;
$cur = $cur->appendChild($document->createElementNS($ns, self::coerceName($m[2])));
$pad += 2;
} elseif (preg_match('/^(?:([^" ]+) )?([^"=]+)="((?:[^"]|"(?!$))*)"$/', $d, $m)) {
// attribute
$ns = strlen((string) $m[1]) ? (array_flip(Parser::NAMESPACE_MAP)[$m[1]] ?? $m[1]) : null;
$this->elementSetAttribute($cur, $ns, $m[2], $m[3]);
} elseif (preg_match('/^"((?:[^"]|"(?!$))*)("?)$/', $d, $m)) {
// text
$t = $m[1];
while (!strlen((string) $m[2])) {
preg_match('/^((?:[^"]|"(?!$))*)("?)$/', $data[++$l], $m);
$t .= "\n".$m[1];
} else {
throw new \Exception("Input data is invalid on line ".($l + 1));
return $out;
protected function parseTreeTestFile(string $file): \Generator {
$index = 0;
$l = 0;
$lines = array_map(function($v) {
return rtrim($v, "\n");
}, file($file));
while ($l < sizeof($lines)) {
$pos = $l + 1;
assert(in_array($lines[$l], ["#document", "#fragment"]), new \Exception("Test $file #$index does not start with #document or #fragment tag at line ".($l + 1)));
$fragment = $lines[$l] === "#fragment";
// collect the test input
$data = [];
for (++$l; $l < sizeof($lines); $l++) {
if (preg_match('/^#(script-(on|off)|output)$/', $lines[$l])) {
$data[] = $lines[$l];
// set the script mode, if present
assert(preg_match('/^#(script-(on|off)|output)$/', $lines[$l]) === 1, new \Exception("Test $file #$index follows data with something other than script flag or output at line ".($l + 1)));
$script = null;
if ($lines[$l] === "#script-off") {
$script = false;
} elseif ($lines[$l] === "#script-on") {
$script = true;
// collect the output string
$exp = [];
assert($lines[$l] === "#output", new \Exception("Test $file #$index follows input with something other than output at line ".($l + 1)));
for (++$l; $l < sizeof($lines); $l++) {
if ($lines[$l] === "" && in_array(($lines[$l + 1] ?? ""), ["#document", "#fragment"])) {
assert(preg_match('/^([^#]|$)/', $lines[$l]) === 1, new \Exception("Test $file #$index contains unrecognized data after output at line ".($l + 1)));
$exp[] = $lines[$l];
$exp = implode("\n", $exp);
if (!$script) {
yield basename($file)." #$index (line $pos)" => [$data, $fragment, $exp];