A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3259 lines
163 KiB

namespace dW\HTML5;
class Parser {
/* Non-static properties */
// Context element for fragments
public $fragmentContext;
// The DOMDocument that is assembled by the tree builder
public $DOM;
// If a fragment a fragment is assembled instead
public $DOMFragment;
// Input data that's being parsed, uses DataStream
public $data;
// The form element pointer points to the last form element that was opened and
// whose end tag has not yet been seen. It is used to make form controls associate
// with forms in the face of dramatically bad markup, for historical reasons. It is
// ignored inside template elements
public $formElement;
// Flag that shows whether the content that's being parsed is a fragment or not
public $fragmentCase = false;
// Once a head element has been parsed (whether implicitly or explicitly) the head
// element pointer gets set to point to this node
public $headElement;
// The stack of open elements, uses Stack
public $stack;
// Controls the primary operation of the tokenizer
public $tokenizerState;
// Treebuilder insertion mode
public $insertionMode;
// Current token that's being constructed
public $currentToken;
// Used to check if the document is in quirks mode
public $quirksMode;
/* Static properties */
// Property used as an instance for the non-static properties
public static $self;
// For debugging
public static $debug = false;
/* Constants */
// Constants used for the tokenizer state
const DATA_STATE = 0;
const RCDATA_STATE = 1;
const RAWTEXT_STATE = 2;
const TAG_OPEN_STATE = 5;
const TAG_NAME_STATE = 7;
const COMMENT_STATE = 44;
const DOCTYPE_STATE = 48;
// Constants used for insertion modes
const INITIAL_MODE = 0;
const IN_HEAD_MODE = 3;
const AFTER_HEAD_MODE = 5;
const IN_BODY_MODE = 6;
const TEXT_MODE = 7;
const IN_TABLE_MODE = 8;
const IN_CAPTION_MODE = 10;
const IN_TABLE_BODY_MODE = 12;
const IN_ROW_MODE = 13;
const IN_CELL_MODE = 14;
const IN_SELECT_MODE = 15;
const IN_TEMPLATE_MODE = 17;
const AFTER_BODY_MODE = 18;
const IN_FRAMESET_MODE = 19;
// Ctype constants
const CTYPE_ALPHA = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
// Namespace constants
const HTML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
const MATHML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML';
const SVG_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
const XLINK_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';
const XML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace';
const XMLNS_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/';
// Quirks mode constants
const QUIRKS_MODE_OFF = 0;
const QUIRKS_MODE_ON = 1;
// Protected construct used for creating an instance to access properties which must
// be reset on every parse
protected function __construct() {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$this->insertionMode = static::INITIAL_MODE;
$this->quirksMode = static::QUIRKS_MODE_OFF;
$this->stack = new Stack();
public static function parse(string $data, bool $file = false) {
// If parse() is called by parseFragment() then don't create an instance. It has
// already been created.
$c = __CLASS__;
if (!(static::$self instanceof $c && !static::$self->fragmentCase)) {
static::$self = new $c;
// Process the input stream.
static::$self->data = new DataStream(($file === true) ? '' : $data, ($file === true) ? $data : 'STDIN');
// Set the locale for CTYPE to en_US.UTF8 so ctype functions and strtolower only
// work on basic latin characters. Used extensively when tokenizing.
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF8');
//return static::$self->fixDOM();
return 'OOK!';
public static function parseFragment(string $data, \DOMDocument $dom = null, \DOMElement $context = null, bool $file = false): \DOMDocument {
// If a context is provided and either the DOM isn't provided or the DOM isn't
// the owner document of the provided context then the context is invalid and
// should be set to null.
if (!is_null($context) && (is_null($dom) || !$dom->isSameNode($context->ownerDocument))) {
$context = null;
// Create an instance of this class to use the non static properties.
$c = __CLASS__;
static::$self = new $c;
if (!is_null($dom)) {
static::$self->DOM = $dom;
} else {
$imp = new DOMImplementation;
static::$self->DOM = $imp->createDocument();
static::$self->DOMFragment = static::$self->DOM->createDocumentFragment();
// DEVIATION: The spec says to let the document be in quirks mode if the
// DOMDocument is in quirks mode. Cannot check whether the context element is in
// quirks mode, so going to assume it isn't.
// DEVIATION: The spec's version of parsing fragments isn't remotely useful in
// the context this library is intended for use in. This implementation uses a
// DOMDocumentFragment for inserting nodes into. There's no need to have a
// different process for when there isn't a context. There will always be one:
// the DOMDocumentFragment.
static::$self->fragmentContext = (!is_null($context)) ? $context : static::$self->DOMFragment;
$name = static::$self->fragmentContext->nodeName;
# Set the state of the HTML parser's tokenization stage as follows:
if ($name === 'title' || $name === 'textarea') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'style' || $name === 'xmp' || $name === 'iframe' || $name === 'noembed' || $name === 'noframes') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'script') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'noscript') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::NOSCRIPT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'plaintext') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::PLAINTEXT_STATE;
} else {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// DEVIATION: Since this implementation uses a DOMDocumentFragment for insertion
// there is no need to create an html element for inserting stuff into. If the
// context element is a template element, push "in template" onto the stack of
// template insertion modes so that it is the new current template insertion
// mode.
if ($name === 'template') {
static::$self->templateInsertionModeStack[] = static::IN_TEMPLATE_MODE;
# Reset the parser's insertion mode appropriately.
// DEVIATION: The insertion mode will be always 'in body', not 'before head' if
// there isn't a context. There isn't a need to reconstruct a valid HTML
// document when using a DOMDocumentFragment.
# Set the parser's form element pointer to the nearest node to the context element
# that is a form element (going straight up the ancestor chain, and including the
# element itself, if it is a form element), if any. (If there is no such form
# element, the form element pointer keeps its initial value, null.)
static::$self->formElement = ($name === 'form') ? $context : DOM::getAncestor('form', $context);
# Start the parser and let it run until it has consumed all the characters just inserted into the input stream.
static::$self->fragmentCase = true;
static::parse($data, $file);
# If there is a context element, return the child nodes of root, in tree order.
# Otherwise, return the children of the Document object, in tree order.
// DEVIATION: This method will always return a DOMDocumentFragment.
return static::$self->DOMFragment;
protected function fixDOM($dom = null) {
if (is_null($dom)) {
$dom = &$this->DOM;
// TODO: Take fragments, append them to a document, fix shit, and then poop out a
// fragment so selecting id attributes works on fragments.
// Fix id attributes so they may be selected by the DOM. Fix the PHP id attribute
// bug. Allows DOMDocument->getElementById() to work on id attributes.
if (!static::$self->fragmentCase) {
$dom->relaxNGValidateSource('<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
<ref name="anythingID"/>
<define name="anythingID">
<ref name="anythingID"/>
<attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
# Normalize the document before outputting.
return $dom;
protected function tokenize() {
# The tokenizer state machine consists of the states defined in the following
# subsections.
// DEVIATION: The tokenizer spec has it work around NULL characters.
// HTML5DataStream removes all NULL characters from the document instead. There
// isn't a need to work around them when there isn't any scripting in this
// implementation. the HTML5DataStream class removes them and triggers parse errors
// then instead. So, all mentions of "U+0000 NULL" in the spec are ignored.
while (true) {
if (static::$debug) {
echo "State: ";
switch ($this->tokenizerState) {
case static::DATA_STATE: echo "Data\n";
case static::RCDATA_STATE: echo "RCDATA\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE: echo "Script data\n";
case static::PLAINTEXT_STATE: echo "PLAINTEXT\n";
case static::TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Tag open\n";
case static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "End tag open\n";
case static::TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Tag name\n";
case static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "RCDATA less-than sign\n";
case static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "RCDATA end tag open\n";
case static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "RCDATA end tag name\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT less than sign\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT end tag open\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Script data end tag open\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Script data end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE: echo "Script data escape start\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escape start dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE: echo "Script data escaped\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escaped dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escaped dash dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data escaped less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Script data escaped end tag open\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Script data escaped end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START_STATE: echo "Script data double escape start\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped dash dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE: echo "Script data double escape end\n";
case static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "Before attribute\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "Attribute name\n";
case static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "After attribute name\n";
case static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE: echo "Before attribute value\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (double quoted)\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (single quoted)\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (unquoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "After attribute value (quoted)\n";
case static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE: echo "Self-closing start tag\n";
case static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE: echo "Bogus comment\n";
case static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE: echo "Markup declaration open\n";
case static::COMMENT_START_STATE: echo "Comment start\n";
case static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE: echo "Comment start dash\n";
case static::COMMENT_STATE: echo "Comment\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE: echo "Comment end dash\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_STATE: echo "Comment end\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE: echo "Comment end bang\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE public keyword\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE public identifier\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE public identifier (double quoted)\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE public identifier (single quoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE public identifier\n";
case static::BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS_STATE: echo "Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE system keyword\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE system identifier\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted)\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE system identifier\n";
case static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE: echo "Bogus comment\n";
case static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE: echo "CDATA section\n";
# Data state
if ($this->tokenizerState === static::DATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
if ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in data state.
# Character reference in data state:
# Switch to the data state.
# Attempt to consume a character reference, with no additional allowed character.
# If nothing is returned, emit a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) token.
# Otherwise, emit the character tokens that were returned.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($this->data->consumeCharacterReference()));
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the tag open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_OPEN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$token = new EOFToken();
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('&<')));
# Character reference in data state
// OPTIMIZATION: This is instead done in the block above.
# RCDATA state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
if ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in RCDATA state.
# Character reference in RCDATA state:
# Switch to the RCDATA state.
# Attempt to consume a character reference, with no additional allowed character.
# If nothing is returned, emit a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) token.
# Otherwise, emit the character tokens that were returned.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($this->data->consumeCharacterReference()));
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the RCDATA less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('&<')));
# Character reference in RCDATA state
// OPTIMIZATION: This is instead done in the block above.
# RAWTEXT state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('<')));
# Script data state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('<')));
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::PLAINTEXT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('')));
# Tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '!') {
# Switch to the markup declaration open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE;
# U+002F SOLIDUS (/)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the end tag open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point), then switch
# to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled
# in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the current input character,
# then switch to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new StartTagToken(strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA)));
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '?') {
# Parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token. Reconsume the current input character.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# End tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point), then switch
# to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled
# in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the current input character,
# then switch to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA)));
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the EOF character.
// Making errors more expressive.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are Uppercase ASCII characters to
// prevent having to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name = $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_UPPER));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name = $token->name.$char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c />".static::CTYPE_UPPER);
# RCDATA less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the RCDATA end tag open
# state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# RCDATA end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the RCDATA
# end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in
# before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the RCDATA end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# RCDATA end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# RAWTEXT less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the RAWTEXT end tag open
# state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# RAWTEXT end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the RAWTEXT
# end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in
# before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the RAWTEXT end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# RAWTEXT end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data end tag
# open state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# "!" (U+0021)
elseif ($char === '!') {
# Switch to the script data escape start state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN
# character token and a U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<!'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# Script data end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the script
# data end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be
# filled in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the script data end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token
# and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Script data end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data escape start state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escape start dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
# Script data escape start dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
# Script data escaped state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('-<')));
# Script data escaped dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit the current input character as a
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped dash dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character token.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character
# token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('>'));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit the current input character as a
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data escaped
# end tag open state.
$temporaryBuffer .= '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Append the lowercase version of
# the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point) to the
# temporary buffer. Switch to the script data double escape start state. Emit a
# U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and the current input character as a
# character token.
# Lowercase:
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Append the current input character
# to the temporary buffer. Switch to the script data double escape start state.
# Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and the current input character as
# a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$temporaryBuffer = strtolower($char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'.$char));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the script
# data escaped end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the script data escaped end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further
# details will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Script data escaped end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data double escaped state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data double escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D
# HYPHEN-MINUS character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data double escaped less-than sign state. Emit a U+003C
# LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character
# token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('>'));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Emit the current input character
# as a character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data double escaped less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data double
# escape end state. Emit a U+002F SOLIDUS character token.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('/'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
# Script data double escape end state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
# "/" (U+002F)
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ' || $char === '/' || $char === '>') {
# If the temporary buffer is the string "script", then switch to the script data
# escaped state. Otherwise, switch to the script data double escaped state. Emit
# the current input character as a character token.
if ($temporaryBuffer === 'script') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the temporary buffer. Emit the current input
# character as a character token.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Emit the current
# input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$char = $char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA);
$temporaryBuffer .= strtolower(strtolower($char));
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
# Before attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's
# code point), and its value to the empty string. Switch to the attribute name
# state.
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = strtolower($char);
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# current input character, and its value to the empty string. Switch to the
# attribute name state.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name');
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = $char;
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the after attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# "=" (U+003D)
elseif ($char === '=') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the before attribute value state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current attribute's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are uppercase ASCII letters to prevent
// having to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeName .= strtolower($char.$this->data-consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_UPPER));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's name.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name');
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeName .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c /=>\"'<".static::CTYPE_UPPER);
# When the user agent leaves the attribute name state (and before emitting the tag
# token, if appropriate), the complete attribute's name must be compared to the
# other attributes on the same token; if there is already an attribute on the
# token with the exact same name, then this is a parse error and the new attribute
# must be removed from the token.
// DEVIATION: Because this implementation uses a buffer to hold the attribute name
// it is only added if it is valid. The result is the same, though.
# After attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# "=" (U+003D)
elseif ($char === '=') {
# Switch to the before attribute value state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's
# code point), and its value to the empty string. Switch to the attribute name
# state.
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = strtolower($char);
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name, attribute value, or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# current input character, and its value to the empty string. Switch to the
# attribute name state.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name, attribute value, or tag end');
$attributeName = $char;
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Before attribute value state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the attribute value (double-quoted) state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the attribute value (unquoted) state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the attribute value (single-quoted) state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_TAG_END, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# "`" (U+0060)
# Anything else
else {
# less than sign, equals, tick:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value. Switch to
# the attribute value (unquoted) state.
if ($char === '<' || $char === '=' || $char === '`') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute value');
$attributeValue .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE;
# Attribute value (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (").
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference('"', true);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('"&');
# Attribute value (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being "'" (U+0027).
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
# DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
# function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference("'", true);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'&");
# Attribute value (unquoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being ">" (U+003E).
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being "'" (U+0027).
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference('>', true);
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
elseif ($char === '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# "`" (U+0060)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals, tick:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=' || $char === '`') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute value');
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c &>\"'<=`");
# After attribute value (quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before attribute name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Self-closing start tag state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Set the self-closing flag of the current tag token. Switch to the data state.
# Emit the current tag token.
$token->selfClosing = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before attribute name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Bogus comment state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE) {
# Consume every character up to and including the first ">" (U+003E) character or
# the end of the file (EOF), whichever comes first. Emit a comment token whose
# data is the concatenation of all the characters starting from and including the
# character that caused the state machine to switch into the bogus comment state,
# up to and including the character immediately before the last consumed character
# (i.e. up to the character just before the U+003E or EOF character), but with any
# U+0000 NULL characters replaced by U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER characters. (If
# the comment was started by the end of the file (EOF), the token is empty.
# Similarly, the token is empty if it was generated by the string "<!>".)
$char = $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('>');
$nextChar = $this->data->consume();
$this->emitToken(new CommentToken($char));
# Switch to the data state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
if ($nextChar === '') {
# Markup declaration open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE) {
# If the next two characters are both "-" (U+002D) characters, consume those two
# characters, create a comment token whose data is the empty string, and switch to
# the comment start state.
if ($this->data->peek(2) === '--') {
$token = new CommentToken();
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_START_STATE;
# Otherwise, if the next seven characters are an ASCII case-insensitive match for
# the word "DOCTYPE", then consume those characters and switch to the DOCTYPE
# state.
elseif (strtolower($this->data->peek(7)) === 'doctype') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Otherwise, if there is an adjusted current node and it is not an element in the
# HTML namespace and the next seven characters are a case-sensitive match for the
# string "[CDATA[" (the five uppercase letters "CDATA" with a U+005B LEFT SQUARE
# BRACKET character before and after), then consume those characters and switch to
# the CDATA section state.
else {
$adjustedCurrentNode = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNode;
if ($adjustedCurrentNode && $adjustedCurrentNode->namespace !== static::HTML_NAMESPACE && $this->data->peek(7) === '[CDATA[') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE;
# Otherwise, this is a parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state. The next
# character that is consumed, if any, is the first character that will be in the
# comment.
else {
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'markup declaration');
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'markup declaration');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment start state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_START_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment start dash state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the comment token's data. Switch to the
# comment state.
$token->data .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment start dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment start dash state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append a "-" (U+002D) character and the current input character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '-'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment end dash state
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the comment token's data.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->data .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('-');
# Comment end dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment end state
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append a "-" (U+002D) character and the current input character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '-'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment end state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "!" (U+0021)
elseif ($char === '!') {
# Parse error. Switch to the comment end bang state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '!', 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE;
# "-" (U+002D)
elseif ($char === '-') {
# Parse error. Append a "-" (U+002D) character to the comment token's data.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all '-' characters to prevent having to loop back through
// here every single time.
$char .= $this->data->consumeWhile('-');
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($char); $i++) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '-', 'comment end');
$token->data .= $char;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Append two "-" (U+002D) characters and the current input character
# to the comment token's data. Switch to the comment state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'comment end');
$token->data .= '--'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment end bang state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Append two "-" (U+002D) characters and a "!" (U+0021) character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment end dash state.
$token->data .= '--!';
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append two "-" (U+002D) characters, a "!" (U+0021) character, and the current
# input character to the comment token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '--!'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# DOCTYPE state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE name state.
// Spec doesn't say to create a token here, but if you don't it leads to a
// situation where a token doesn't exist.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its
# force-quirks flag to on. Emit the token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before DOCTYPE name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Switch to
# the DOCTYPE name state.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken($char);
$token->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its force-quirks flag to on. Switch
# to the data state. Emit the token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE');
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its
# force-quirks flag to on. Emit the token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name to the current input character.
# Switch to the DOCTYPE name state.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken($char);
$token->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current DOCTYPE token's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c >".static::CTYPE_ALPHA);
# After DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE name state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# If the six characters starting from the current input character are an ASCII
# case-insensitive match for the word "PUBLIC", then consume those characters and
# switch to the after DOCTYPE public keyword state.
// Simpler to just consume and then unconsume if they're not needed.
$char .= $this->data->consume(5);
if (strtolower($char) === 'public') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE;
# Otherwise, if the six characters starting from the current input character are
# an ASCII case-insensitive match for the word "SYSTEM", then consume those
# characters and switch to the after DOCTYPE system keyword state.
elseif (strtolower($char) === 'system') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE;
# Otherwise, this is a parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to
# on. Switch to the bogus DOCTYPE state.
else {
// Need to unconsume what was consumed earlier.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char[0], 'DOCTYPE name');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# After DOCTYPE public keyword state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '"', 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->public = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, "'", 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->public = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE public identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state.
$token->public = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state.
$token->public = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's public identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->public .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('">');
# DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's public identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->public .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'>");
# After DOCTYPE public identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# After DOCTYPE system keyword state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '"', 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, "'", 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->system = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE system identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$token->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$token->system = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's system identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->system .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('">');
# DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's system identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->system .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'>");
# After DOCTYPE system identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the between DOCTYPE system and system identifiers state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Bogus DOCTYPE state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Ignore the character.
# CDATA section state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE) {
# Switch to the data state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Consume every character up to the next occurrence of the three character
# GREATER-THAN SIGN (]]>), or the end of the file (EOF), whichever comes first.
# Emit a series of character tokens consisting of all the characters consumed
# except the matching three character sequence at the end (if one was found before
# the end of the file).
$char = '';
while (true) {
$char .= $this->data->consumeUntil(']');
$peek = $this->data->peek(3);
$peeklen = strlen($peek);
if ($peek === ']]>') {
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
} elseif ($peek === '') {
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
} elseif ($peeklen < 3) {
$char .= $this->data->consume($peeklen);
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
} else {
$char .= $this->data->consume();
protected function emitToken($token) {
$quirksMode = false;
echo "\n\n";
if ($token instanceof StartTagToken && !$token->selfClosing) {
$this->stack[] = $token;
} elseif ($token instanceof EndTagToken) {